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Created March 23, 2011 04:00
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(ns pallet.execute
"Exectute commands. At the moment the only available transport is ssh."
[pallet.action-plan :as action-plan]
[pallet.compute :as compute]
[pallet.environment :as environment]
[pallet.script :as script]
[pallet.stevedore :as stevedore]
[pallet.stevedore.script :as script-impl]
[pallet.utils :as utils]
[pallet.resource.file :as file]
[pallet.compute.jvm :as jvm]
[clj-ssh.ssh :as ssh]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.contrib.condition :as condition]
[ :as io]
[ :as shell]
[clojure.contrib.logging :as logging]))
(def prolog
(str "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n"
(defn- normalise-eol
"Convert eol into platform specific value"
[#^String s]
(string/replace s #"[\r\n]+" (str \newline)))
(defn- strip-sudo-password
"Elides the user's password or sudo-password from the given ssh output."
[#^String s user]
s (format "\"%s\"" (or (:password user) (:sudo-password user))) "XXXXXXX"))
(script/defscript sudo-no-password [])
(script-impl/defimpl sudo-no-password :default []
("/usr/bin/sudo" -n))
(script-impl/defimpl sudo-no-password [#{:centos-5.3 :os-x :darwin :debian}] []
(defn sudo-cmd-for
"Construct a sudo command prefix for the specified user."
(if (or (= (:username user) "root") (:no-sudo user))
(if-let [pw (:sudo-password user)]
(str "echo \"" (or (:password user) pw) "\" | /usr/bin/sudo -S")
(stevedore/script (sudo-no-password)))))
;;; local script execution
(defn system
"Launch a system process, return a map containing the exit code, standard
output and standard error of the process."
(let [result (apply shell/sh :return-map true (.split cmd " "))]
(when (pos? (result :exit))
(logging/error (str "Command failed: " cmd "\n" (result :err))))
(logging/info (result :out))
(defn bash [cmds]
(utils/with-temp-file [file cmds]
(system (str "/usr/bin/env bash " (.getPath file)))))
(defn local-cmds
"Run local cmds on a target."
[#^String commands]
(let [execute (fn [cmd] ((second cmd)))
rv (doall (map execute (filter #(= :origin (first %)) commands)))]
(defn sh-script
"Run a script on local machine."
(format "sh-script %s" command))
(let [tmp ( "pallet" "script")]
(io/copy (str prolog command) tmp)
(shell/sh "chmod" "+x" (.getPath tmp))
(let [result (shell/sh "bash" (.getPath tmp) :return-map true)]
(when-not (zero? (:exit result))
(format "Command failed: %s\n%s" command (:err result))))
(logging/info (:out result))
(finally (.delete tmp)))))
(defmacro local-script
"Run a script on the local machine, setting up stevedore to produce the
correct target specific code"
[& body]
(defn verify-sh-return
"Verify the return code of a sh execution"
[msg cmd result]
(when-not (zero? (:exit result))
:message (format
"Error executing script %s\n :cmd %s :out %s\n :err %s"
msg cmd (:out result) (:err result))
:type :pallet-script-excution-error
:script-exit (:exit result)
:script-out (:out result)
:script-err (:err result)
:server "localhost"))
(defmacro local-checked-script
"Run a script on the local machine, setting up stevedore to produce the
correct target specific code. The return code is checked."
[msg & body]
(let [cmd# (stevedore/checked-script ~msg ~@body)]
(verify-sh-return ~msg cmd# (sh-script cmd#)))))
(defn local-sh-cmds
"Execute cmds for the request.
Runs locally as the current user, so useful for testing."
[{:keys [root-path] :or {root-path "/tmp/"} :as request}]
(if (seq (action-plan/get-for-target request))
(letfn [(execute-bash
(logging/info (format "Cmd %s" cmdstring))
(sh-script cmdstring))
(logging/info (format "Local transfer"))
(doseq [[from to] transfers]
(logging/info (format "Copying %s to %s" from to))
(io/copy (io/file from) (io/file to))))]
{:script/bash execute-bash
:fn/clojure (fn [& _])
:transfer/to-local transfer
:transfer/from-local transfer}))
[nil request]))
;;; ssh
(defonce default-agent-atom (atom nil))
(defn default-agent
(or @default-agent-atom
(swap! default-agent-atom
(fn [agent]
(if agent
(ssh/create-ssh-agent false))))))
(defn possibly-add-identity
[agent private-key-path passphrase]
(if passphrase
(ssh/add-identity agent private-key-path passphrase)
(ssh/add-identity-with-keychain agent private-key-path)))
(defn- ssh-mktemp
"Create a temporary remote file using the ssh `session` and the filename
[session prefix]
(let [result (ssh/ssh
(stevedore/script (println (file/make-temp-file ~prefix)))
:return-map true)]
(if (zero? (:exit result))
(string/trim (result :out))
:type :remote-execution-failure
:message (format
"Failed to generate remote temporary file %s" (:err result))
:exit (:exit result)
:err (:err result)
:out (:out result)))))
(defn remote-sudo-cmd
"Execute remote command.
Copies `command` to `tmpfile` on the remote node using the `sftp-channel`
and executes the `tmpfile` as the specified `user`."
[server session sftp-channel user tmpfile command]
(let [response (ssh/sftp sftp-channel
:put (
(.getBytes (str prolog command))) tmpfile
:return-map true)]
(logging/info (format "Transfering commands %s" response)))
(let [chmod-result (ssh/ssh
session (str "chmod 755 " tmpfile) :return-map true)]
(if (pos? (chmod-result :exit))
(logging/error (str "Couldn't chmod script : " (chmod-result :err)))))
(let [script-result (ssh/ssh
;; using :in forces a shell session, rather than
;; exec; some services check for a shell session
;; before detaching (couchdb being one prime
;; example)
:in (str (sudo-cmd-for user)
" ~" (:username user) "/" tmpfile)
:return-map true
:pty true)]
(let [stdout (normalise-eol
(strip-sudo-password (script-result :out) user))
stderr (normalise-eol
(strip-sudo-password (get script-result :err "") user))]
(if (zero? (script-result :exit))
(logging/info stdout)
(logging/error (str "Exit status : " (script-result :exit)))
(logging/error (str "Output : " stdout))
(logging/error (str "Error output : " stderr))
:message (format
"Error executing script :\n :cmd %s\n :out %s\n :err %s"
command stdout stderr)
:type :pallet-script-excution-error
:script-exit (script-result :exit)
:script-out stdout
:script-err stderr
:server server)))
(ssh/ssh session (str "rm " tmpfile))
{:out stdout :err stderr :exit (:exit script-result)})))
(defn remote-sudo
"Run a sudo command on a server."
[#^String server #^String command user]
(ssh/with-ssh-agent [(default-agent)]
ssh/*ssh-agent* (:private-key-path user) (:passphrase user))
(let [session (ssh/session server
:username (:username user)
:password (:password user)
:strict-host-key-checking :no)]
(ssh/with-connection session
(let [tmpfile (ssh-mktemp session "remotesudo")
sftp-channel (ssh/ssh-sftp session)]
(logging/info (format "Cmd %s" command))
(ssh/with-connection sftp-channel
server session sftp-channel user tmpfile command)))))))
(defn- ensure-ssh-connection
"Try ensuring an ssh connection to the server specified in the request."
(let [{:keys [server port user session sftp-channel tmpfile tmpcpy]
:as ssh} (:ssh request)]
(when-not (and server user)
:type :request-missing-middleware
:message (str
"The request is missing server ssh connection details.\n"
"Add middleware to enable ssh.")))
(let [session (or session
:username (:username user)
:strict-host-key-checking :no
:port port
:password (:password user)))
_ (when-not (ssh/connected? session) (ssh/connect session))
tmpfile (or tmpfile (ssh-mktemp session "sudocmd"))
tmpcpy (or tmpcpy (ssh-mktemp session "tfer"))
sftp-channel (or sftp-channel (ssh/ssh-sftp session))
_ (when-not (ssh/connected? sftp-channel) (ssh/connect sftp-channel))]
(update-in request [:ssh] merge
{:session session
:tmpfile tmpfile
:tmpcpy tmpcpy
:sftp-channel sftp-channel}))))
(defn- close-ssh-connection
"Close any ssh connection to the server specified in the request."
(let [{:keys [session sftp-channel tmpfile tmpcpy] :as ssh} (:ssh request)]
(if ssh
(when (and sftp-channel (ssh/connected? sftp-channel))
;; remove tmpfile, tmpcpy
(ssh/disconnect sftp-channel))
(when (and session (ssh/connected? session))
(ssh/disconnect session))
(dissoc request :ssh))
;;; executor functions
(defn bash-on-origin
"Execute a bash action on the origin"
[request f]
(let [{:keys [value request]} (f request)
result (sh-script value)]
(logging/info (format "Origin cmd\n%s" value))
(verify-sh-return "for origin cmd" value result)
[result request]))
(defn transfer-on-origin
"Transfer files on origin by copying"
[request f]
(let [{:keys [value request]} (f request)]
(logging/info "Local transfer")
(doseq [[from to] value]
(logging/info (format "Copying %s to %s" from to))
(io/copy (io/file from) (io/file to)))
[value request]))
(defn clojure-on-origin
"Execute a clojure function on the origin"
[request f]
(let [{:keys [value request]} (f request)]
[value request]))
(defn ssh-bash-on-target
"Execute a bash action on the target via ssh."
[request f]
(let [{:keys [ssh] :as request} (ensure-ssh-connection request)
{:keys [server session sftp-channel tmpfile tmpcpy user]} ssh
{:keys [value request]} (f request)]
(logging/info (format "Target cmd\n%s" value))
[(remote-sudo-cmd server session sftp-channel user tmpfile value)
(defn ssh-from-local
"Transfer a file from the origin machine to the target via ssh."
[request f]
(let [{:keys [ssh] :as request} (ensure-ssh-connection request)
{:keys [server session sftp-channel tmpfile tmpcpy user]} ssh
{:keys [value request]} (f request)]
(doseq [[file remote-name] value]
"Transferring file %s to node @ %s via %s" file remote-name tmpcpy))
:put (-> file
server session sftp-channel user tmpfile
(chmod "0600" ~tmpcpy)
(mv -f ~tmpcpy ~remote-name))))
[value request]))
(defn ssh-to-local
"Transfer a file from the origin machine to the target via ssh."
[request f]
(let [{:keys [ssh] :as request} (ensure-ssh-connection request)
{:keys [server session sftp-channel tmpfile tmpcpy user]} ssh
{:keys [value request]} (f request)]
(doseq [[remote-file local-file] value]
"Transferring file %s from node to %s" remote-file local-file))
server session sftp-channel user tmpfile
(cp -f ~remote-file ~tmpcpy)))
(ssh/sftp sftp-channel
:get tmpcpy
(-> local-file
[value request]))
(defn echo-bash
"Echo a bash action. Do not execute."
[request f]
[(:value (f request)) request])
(defn echo-transfer
"echo transfer of files"
[request f]
(let [{:keys [value request]} (f request)]
(logging/info "Local transfer")
(doseq [[from to] value]
(logging/info (format "Copying %s to %s" from to)))
[value request]))
;;; executor middleware
(defn execute-with-ssh
"Execute cmds for the request. Also accepts an IP or hostname as address."
(fn execute-with-ssh-fn [{:keys [target-node user] :as request}]
(ssh/with-ssh-agent [(default-agent)]
(assoc :ssh {:port (compute/ssh-port target-node)
:server (compute/node-address target-node)
:user user})
(assoc-in [:executor :script/bash :target] ssh-bash-on-target)
(assoc-in [:executor :transfer/to-local :origin] ssh-to-local)
(assoc-in [:executor :transfer/from-local :origin] ssh-from-local)
(catch Exception e
(close-ssh-connection request)
(throw e))))))
(defn execute-target-on-localhost
"Execute cmds for target on the local machine"
(fn execute-target-on-localhost-fn [{:keys [target-node user] :as request}]
(assoc-in [:executor :script/bash :target] bash-on-origin)
(assoc-in [:executor :transfer/from-local :origin] transfer-on-origin)
(assoc-in [:executor :transfer/to-local :origin] transfer-on-origin)
(defn execute-echo
"Execute cmds for target on the local machine"
(fn execute-target-on-localhost-fn [{:keys [target-node user] :as request}]
(assoc-in [:executor :script/bash :target] echo-bash)
(assoc-in [:executor :script/bash :origin] echo-bash)
(assoc-in [:executor :transfer/from-local :origin] echo-transfer)
(assoc-in [:executor :transfer/to-local :origin] echo-transfer)
;; other middleware
(defn ssh-user-credentials
"Middleware to user the request :user credentials for SSH authentication."
(fn [request]
(let [user (:user request)]
(logging/info (format "Using identity at %s" (:private-key-path user)))
(default-agent) (:private-key-path user) (:passphrase user)))
(handler request)))
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