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Created March 23, 2011 04:01
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(ns pallet.core
"Core functionality is provided in `lift` and `converge`.
- node :: A node in the compute service
- node-spec :: A specification for a node. The node-spec provides an image
hardware, location and network template for starting new
- server-spec :: A specification for a server. This is a map of phases and
a default node-spec. A server-spec has the following keys
:phase, :packager and node-spec keys.
- group-spec :: A group of identically configured nodes, represented as a
map with :group-name, :count and server-spec keys.
The group-name is used to link running nodes to their
configuration (via pallet.compute.Node/group-name)
- group :: A group of identically configured nodes, represented as a
group-spec, together with the servers that are running
for that group-spec.
- group name :: The name used to identify a group.
- server :: A map used to descibe the node, image, etc of a single
node running as part of a group. A server has the
following keys :group-name, :node, :node-id and server-spec
- phase list :: A list of phases to be used
- action plan :: A list of resources that should be run."
{:author "Hugo Duncan"}
[pallet.action :as action]
[pallet.action-plan :as action-plan]
[pallet.blobstore :as blobstore]
[pallet.compute :as compute]
[pallet.environment :as environment]
[pallet.execute :as execute]
[pallet.futures :as futures]
[pallet.parameter :as parameter]
[pallet.phase :as phase]
[pallet.script :as script]
[ :as target]
[pallet.thread-expr :as thread-expr]
[pallet.utils :as utils]
[clojure.contrib.condition :as condition]
[clojure.contrib.logging :as logging]
[ :as map-utils]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as string])
[clojure.contrib.core :only [-?>]]))
(defn version
"Returns the pallet version."
(System/getProperty "pallet.version")
(if-let [version (utils/slurp-resource "pallet-version")]
(string/trim version))))
;; Set the agent string for http requests.
(. System setProperty "http.agent"
(str "Pallet " (version)))
(defmacro with-admin-user
"Specify the admin user for running remote commands. The user is specified
either as pallet.utils.User record (see the pallet.utils/make-user
convenience fn) or as an argument list that will be passed to make-user.
This is mainly for use at the repl, since the admin user can be specified
functionally using the :user key in a lift or converge call, or in the
'([user & body]
[[username & {:keys [public-key-path private-key-path passphrase password
sudo-password no-sudo] :as options}] & body])}
[user & exprs]
`(let [user# ~user]
(binding [utils/*admin-user* (if (utils/user? user#)
(apply utils/make-user user#))]
(defn admin-user
"Set the root binding for the admin user.
The user arg is a map as returned by make-user, or a username. When passing
a username the options can be specified as in `pallet.utils/make-user`.
This is mainly for use at the repl, since the admin user can be specified
functionally using the :user key in a lift or converge call, or in the
[username & {:keys [public-key-path private-key-path passphrase
password sudo-password no-sudo] :as options}])}
[user & options]
#(identity %2)
(if (string? user)
(apply utils/make-user user options)
(def ^{:doc "Vector of keywords recognised by node-spec"
:private true}
node-spec-keys [:image :hardware :location :network])
(defn node-spec
"Create a node-spec.
Defines the compute image and hardware selector template.
This is used to filter a cloud provider's image and hardware list to select
an image and hardware for nodes created for this node-spec.
:image a map descirbing a predicate for matching an image:
os-family os-name-matches os-version-matches
os-description-matches os-64-bit
image-version-matches image-name-matches
image-description-matches image-id
:location a map describing a predicate for matching location:
:hardware a map describing a predicate for matching harware:
min-cores min-ram smallest fastest biggest architecture
:network a map for network connectivity options:
:qos a map for quality of service options:
spot-price enable-monitoring"
[& {:keys [image hardware location network qos] :as options}]
{:pre [(or (nil? image) (map? image))]}
(defn- merge-specs
"Merge specs, using comp for :phases"
[a b]
(let [phases (merge-with #(comp %2 %1) (:phases a) (:phases b))]
(merge a b)
(empty? phases)
(assoc :phases phases)))))
(defn- extend-specs
"Merge in the inherited specs"
[spec inherits]
(if inherits
(if (map? inherits) inherits (reduce merge-specs inherits))
(defn server-spec
"Create a server-spec.
- :phases a hash-map used to define phases. Standard phases are:
- :bootstrap run on first boot of a new node
- :configure defines the configuration of the node
- :packager override the choice of packager to use
- :node-spec default node-spec for this server-spec
- :extends takes a server-spec, or sequence thereof, and is used to
inherit phases, etc."
[& {:keys [phases packager node-spec extends image hardware location network]
:as options}]
(merge options)
(extend-specs extends)
(dissoc :extends :node-spec)))
(defn group-spec
"Create a group-spec.
`name` is used for the group name, which is set on each node and links a node
to it's node-spec
- :extends specify a server-spec, a group-spec, or sequence thereof,
and is used to inherit phases, etc.
- :phases used to define phases. Standard phases are:
- :bootstrap run on first boot of a new node
- :configure defines the configuration of the node.
- :count specify the target number of nodes for this node-spec
- :packager override the choice of packager to use
- :node-spec default node-spec for this server-spec"
& {:keys [extends count image phases packager node-spec] :as options}]
{:pre [(or (nil? image) (map? image))]}
(merge options)
(extend-specs extends)
(dissoc :extends :node-spec)
(assoc :group-name (keyword name))))
(defn make-node
"Create a node definition. See defnode."
[name image & {:as phase-map}]
{:pre [(or (nil? image) (map? image))]}
{:group-name (keyword name)
:image image}
(empty? phase-map)
(assoc :phases phase-map))))
(defn name-with-attributes
"Modified version, of that found in contrib, to handle the image map."
[name macro-args]
(let [[docstring macro-args] (if (string? (first macro-args))
[(first macro-args) (next macro-args)]
[nil macro-args])
[attr macro-args] (if (and (map? (first macro-args))
(map? (first (next macro-args))))
[(first macro-args) (next macro-args)]
[{} macro-args])
attr (if docstring
(assoc attr :doc docstring)
attr (if (meta name)
(conj (meta name) attr)
[(with-meta name attr) macro-args]))
(defmacro defnode
"Define a node type. The name is used for the group name.
image defines the image selector template. This is a vector of keyword or
keyword value pairs that are used to filter the image list to select
an image.
Options are used to define phases. Standard phases are:
:bootstrap run on first boot
:configure defines the configuration of the node."
{:arglists ['(tag doc-str? attr-map? image & phasekw-phasefn-pairs)]
:deprecated "0.4.6"}
[group-name & options]
(let [[group-name options] (name-with-attributes group-name options)]
`(def ~group-name (make-node '~(name group-name) ~@options))))
(defn- add-request-keys-for-0-4-5-compatibility
"Add target keys for compatibility.
This function adds back deprecated keys"
(-> request
(assoc :node-type (:group request))
(assoc :target-packager (-> request :server :packager))
(assoc :target-id (-> request :server :node-id))
(assoc :target-node (-> request :server :node))))
(defn show-target-keys
"Middleware that is useful in debugging."
(fn [request]
"TARGET KEYS :phase %s :node-id %s :group-name %s :packager %s"
(:phase request)
(-> request :server :node-id)
(-> request :server :group-name)
(-> request :server :packager)))
(handler request)))
;;; executor
(defn- executor [request f action-type location]
(let [exec-fn (get-in request [:executor action-type location])]
(when-not exec-fn
:type :missing-executor-fn
:fn-for [action-type location]
:message (format
"Missing executor function for %s %s"
action-type location)))
(exec-fn request f)))
(let [raise (fn [message]
(fn [_ _]
(condition/raise :type :executor-error :message message)))]
(def ^{:doc "Default executor map"}
{:origin execute/bash-on-origin
:target (raise
(str ":script/bash on :target not implemented.\n"
"Add middleware to enable remote execution."))}
{:origin execute/clojure-on-origin
:target (raise ":fn/clojure on :target not supported")}
{:origin (raise
(str ":transfer/to-local on :origin not implemented.\n"
"Add middleware to enable transfers."))
:target (raise ":transfer/to-local on :target not supported")}
{:origin (raise
(str ":transfer/to-local on :origin not implemented.\n"
"Add middleware to enable transfers."))
:target (raise ":transfer/from-local on :target not supported")}}))
;;; bootstrap functions
(defn- bootstrap-script
{:pre [(get-in request [:group :image :os-family])
(get-in request [:group :packager])]}
(let [error-fn (fn [message]
(fn [_ _]
:type :booststrap-contains-non-remote-actions
:message message)))
[result request] (->
:phase :bootstrap
:server (assoc (:group request) :node-id :bootstrap-id))
[:executor :script/bash :target]
[:executor :transfer/to-local :origin]
(error-fn "Bootstrap can not contain transfers"))
[:executor :transfer/from-local :origin]
(error-fn "Bootstrap can not contain transfers"))
[:executor :fn/clojure :origin]
(error-fn "Bootstrap can not contain local actions"))
(action-plan/execute-for-target executor))]
(string/join \newline result)))
(defn- create-nodes
"Create count nodes based on the template for the group. The boostrap argument
expects a map with :authorize-public-key and :bootstrap-script keys. The
bootstrap-script value is expected tobe a function that produces a script that
is run with root privileges immediatly after first boot."
[group count request]
{:pre [(map? group)]}
(str "Starting " count " nodes for " (:group-name group)
" os-family " (-> group :image :os-family)))
(let [compute (:compute request)
request (update-in request [:group]
#(compute/ensure-os-family compute %))
request (assoc-in request [:group :packager]
(compute/packager (-> request :group :image)))
init-script (bootstrap-script request)]
(format "Bootstrap script:\n%s" init-script))
(map :node (:servers group))
(compute/run-nodes compute group count (:user request) init-script))))
(defn- destroy-nodes
"Destroys the specified number of nodes with the given group. Nodes are
selected at random."
[group destroy-count request]
(str "destroying " destroy-count " nodes for " (:group-name group)))
(let [compute (:compute request)
servers (:servers group)]
(if (= destroy-count (count servers))
(compute/destroy-nodes-in-group compute (name (:group-name group)))
(let [nodes (map :node servers)]
(doseq [node (take destroy-count nodes)]
(compute/destroy-node compute node))
(drop destroy-count nodes)))))
(defn- node-count-difference
"Find the difference between the required and actual node counts by group."
(fn [group]
(vector (:group-name group) (- (:count group) (count (:servers group))))))
(into {})))
(defn- adjust-node-count
"Adjust the node by delta nodes"
[{:keys [group-name environment servers] :as group} delta request]
(let [request (environment/request-with-environment
(assoc request :group group)
(:environment request) environment))]
(logging/info (format "adjust-node-count %s %d" group-name delta))
(pos? delta) (create-nodes group delta request)
(neg? delta) (destroy-nodes group (- delta) request)
:else (map :node servers))))
(defn serial-adjust-node-counts
"Start or stop the specified number of nodes."
[delta-map request]
(logging/trace (str "serial-adjust-node-counts" delta-map))
(fn [group]
(adjust-node-count group ((:group-name group) delta-map 0) request))
(:groups request)))))
(defn parallel-adjust-node-counts
"Start or stop the specified number of nodes."
[delta-map request]
(logging/trace (str "parallel-adjust-node-counts" delta-map))
(:groups request)
(fn [group]
(adjust-node-count group ((:group-name group) delta-map 0) request))))
doall ;; force generation of all futures
(mapcat #(futures/deref-with-logging % "Adjust node count"))))
(defn- converge-node-counts
"Converge the nodes counts, given a compute facility and a reference number of
(logging/info "converging nodes")
(assoc request
:all-nodes ((environment/get-for request [:algorithms :converge-fn])
(node-count-difference (:groups request))
;;; middleware
(defn log-request
"Log the request state"
(fn [request]
(logging/info (format "%s Request is %s" msg request))
(defn log-message
"Log the message"
(fn [request]
(logging/info (format "%s" msg))
(defn- apply-environment
"Apply the effective environment"
(:environment request)
(-> request :server :environment))))
(defn translate-action-plan
(fn [request]
(handler (action-plan/translate-for-target request))))
(defn middleware-handler
"Build a middleware processing pipeline from the specified middleware.
The result is a middleware."
(fn [request]
((reduce #(%2 %1) handler (:middleware request)) request)))
(defn- execute
"Execute the action plan"
(action-plan/execute-for-target request executor))
(defn- apply-phase-to-node
"Apply a phase to a node request"
{:pre [(:server request) (:phase request)]}
((middleware-handler execute)
(def *middleware*
(defmacro with-middleware
"Wrap node execution in the given middleware. A middleware is a function of
one argument (a handler function, that is the next middleware to call) and
returns a dunction of one argument (the request map). Middleware can be
composed with the pipe macro."
[f & body]
`(binding [*middleware* ~f]
(defn- reduce-node-results
"Combine the node execution results."
[request results]
(fn reduce-node-results-fn [request [result req :as arg]]
(let [target-id (-> req :server :node-id)
param-keys [:parameters]]
(assoc-in [:results target-id (:phase req)] result)
(fn merge-params [p]
(fn merge-params-fn [x y] (or y x)) p (get-in req param-keys)))))))
(defn- plan-for-server
"Build an action plan for the specified server."
[request server]
{:pre [(:node server) (:node-id server)]}
(assoc :server server)
(:environment request)
(-> request :server :environment))))))
(defn- plan-for-servers
"Build an action plan for the specified servers."
[request servers]
(reduce plan-for-server request servers))
(defn- plan-for-groups
"Build an invocation map for specified node-type map."
[request groups]
(fn [request group]
(plan-for-servers (assoc request :group group) (:servers group)))
request groups))
(defn- plan-for-phases
"Build an invocation map for specified phases and nodes.
This allows configuration to be accumulated in the request parameters."
(fn [request phase]
(plan-for-groups (assoc request :phase phase) (:groups request)))
request (:phase-list request)))
(defn sequential-apply-phase
"Apply a phase to a sequence of nodes"
[request servers]
"apply-phase %s for %s with %d nodes"
(:phase request) (-> request :server :group-name) (count servers)))
(for [server servers]
(apply-phase-to-node (assoc request :server server))))
(defn parallel-apply-phase
"Apply a phase to a sequence of nodes"
[request servers]
"apply-phase %s for %s with %d nodes"
(:phase request) (-> request :server :group-name) (count servers)))
(map (fn [server]
(future (apply-phase-to-node (assoc request :server server)))))
(defn- add-prefix-to-node-type
[prefix node-type]
(update-in node-type [:tag]
(fn [tag] (keyword (str prefix (name tag))))))
(defn- add-prefix-to-node-map [prefix node-map]
(map (partial add-prefix-to-node-type prefix) (keys node-map))
(vals node-map)))
(defn- ensure-configure-phase [phases]
(if (some #{:configure} phases)
(concat [:configure] phases)))
(defn- identify-anonymous-phases
[request phases]
(reduce #(if (keyword? %2)
[(first %1)
(conj (second %1) %2)]
(let [phase (keyword (name (gensym "phase")))]
[(assoc-in (first %1) [:phases phase] %2)
(conj (second %1) phase)])) [request []] phases))
(defn sequential-lift
"Sequential apply the phases."
(for [group (:groups request)]
(sequential-apply-phase (assoc request :group group) (:servers group)))))
(defn parallel-lift
"Apply the phases in sequence, to nodes in parallel."
#(map deref %) ; make sure all nodes complete before next phase
(for [group (:groups request)]
(parallel-apply-phase (assoc request :group group) (:servers group)))))
(defn lift-nodes
"Lift nodes in target-node-map for the specified phases."
(logging/trace (format "lift-nodes phases %s" (vec (:phase-list request))))
(let [lift-fn (environment/get-for request [:algorithms :lift-fn])
lift-phase (fn [request]
request (lift-fn request)))]
(fn [request phase]
(assoc :phase phase)
(plan-for-groups (:groups request))
(phase/phase-list-with-implicit-phases (:phase-list request)))))
"Flag to control output of warnings about undefined phases in calls to lift
and converge."}
*warn-on-undefined-phase* true)
(defn- warn-on-undefined-phase
"Generate a warning for the elements of the request's :phase-list that are not
defined in the request's :groups."
(when *warn-on-undefined-phase*
(when-let [undefined (seq
(set (filter keyword? (:phase-list request)))
(:groups request)
(map (comp keys :phases))
(reduce concat))
(keys (:inline-phases request))))))]
"Undefined phases: %s"
(string/join ", " (map name undefined))))))
(defn- group-with-prefix
[prefix node-spec]
(update-in node-spec [:group-name]
(fn [group-name] (keyword (str prefix (name group-name))))))
(defn- node-map-with-prefix [prefix node-map]
(map #(group-with-prefix prefix %) (keys node-map))
(vals node-map)))
(defn- phase-list-with-configure
"Ensure that the `phase-list` contains the :configure phase, prepending it if
(if (some #{:configure} phase-list)
(concat [:configure] phase-list)))
(defn- phase-list-with-default
"Add the default configure phase if the `phase-list` is empty"
(if (seq phase-list) phase-list [:configure]))
(defn- request-with-configure-phase
"Add the configure phase to the request's :phase-list if not present."
(update-in request [:phase-list] phase-list-with-configure))
(defn- request-with-default-phase
"Add the default phase to the request's :phase-list if none supplied."
(update-in request [:phase-list] phase-list-with-default))
(defn- node-in-types?
"Predicate for matching a node belonging to a set of node types"
[node-types node]
(some #(= (compute/group-name node) (name (% :group-name))) node-types))
(defn- nodes-for-group
"Return the nodes that have a group-name that matches one of the node types"
[nodes group]
(let [group-name (name (:group-name group))]
(filter #(compute/node-in-group? group-name %) nodes)))
(defn- group-spec?
"Predicate for testing if argument is a node-spec.
This is not exhaustive, and not intended for general use."
(and (map? x) (:group-name x) (keyword? (:group-name x))))
(defn nodes-in-set
"Build a map of node-spec to nodes for the given `node-set`.
A node set can be a node spec, a map from node-spec to a sequence of nodes,
or a sequence of these.
The prefix is applied to the group-name of each node-spec in the result.
This allows you to build seperate clusters based on the same node-spec's.
The return value is a map of node-spec to node sequence.
Example node sets:
[node-spec1 node-spec-2]
{node-spec #{node1 node2}}
[node-spec1 node-spec-2 {node-spec #{node1 node2}}]"
[node-set prefix nodes]
(letfn [(ensure-set [x] (if (set? x) x #{x}))
(zipmap (keys m) (map ensure-set (vals m))))]
(and (map? node-set) (not (group-spec? node-set)))
(ensure-set-values (node-map-with-prefix prefix node-set))
(group-spec? node-set)
(let [group (group-with-prefix prefix node-set)]
{group (set (nodes-for-group nodes group))})
:else (reduce
#(merge-with concat %1 %2) {}
(map #(nodes-in-set % prefix nodes) node-set)))))
(defn- server-with-packager
"Add the target packager to the request"
(update-in server [:packager]
(fn [p] (or p
(-> server :image :packager)
(compute/packager (:image server))))))
(defn server
"Take a `group` and a `node`, an `options` map and combine them to produce
a server.
The group os-family, os-version, are replaced with the details form the
node. The :node key is set to `node`, and the :node-id and :packager keys
are set.
`options` allows adding extra keys on the server."
[group node options]
(update-in [:image :os-family] (fn [f] (or (compute/os-family node) f)))
(update-in [:image :os-version] (fn [f] (or (compute/os-version node) f)))
(update-in [:node-id] (fn [id] (or (keyword (compute/id node)) id)))
(assoc :node node)
(merge options)))
(defn groups-with-servers
"Takes a map from node-spec to sequence of nodes, and converts it to a
sequence of group definitions, containing a server for each node in then
:servers key of each group. The server will contain the node-spec,
updated with any information that was available from the node.
(groups-with-servers {(node-spec \"spec\" {}) [a b c]})
=> [{:group-name \"spec\"
:servers [{:group-name \"spec\" :node a}
{:group-name \"spec\" :node b}
{:group-name \"spec\" :node c}]}]
`options` allows adding extra keys to the servers."
[node-map & {:as options}]
(for [[group nodes] node-map]
(assoc group
:servers (map #(server group % options)
(filter compute/running? nodes)))))
(defn request-with-groups
"Takes the :all-nodes, :node-set and :prefix keys and compute the groups
for the request, updating the :all-nodes and :groups keys of the request.
If the :all-nodes key is not set, then the nodes are retrieved from the
compute service if possible, or are inferred from the :node-set value.
The :groups key is set to a sequence of groups, each containing its
list of servers on the :servers key."
(let [all-nodes (filter
(or (seq (:all-nodes request))
(when-let [compute (environment/get-for
request [:compute] nil)]
(logging/info "retrieving nodes")
(compute/nodes compute))))
targets (nodes-in-set (:node-set request) (:prefix request) all-nodes)
plan-targets (if-let [all-node-set (:all-node-set request)]
(-> (nodes-in-set all-node-set nil all-nodes)
(utils/dissoc-keys (keys targets))))]
(assoc :all-nodes (or (seq all-nodes)
(concat (vals targets) (vals plan-targets))))))
(assoc :groups (concat
(groups-with-servers targets)
(groups-with-servers plan-targets :invoke-only true))))))
(defn lift*
"Lift the nodes specified in the request :node-set key.
- :node-set - a specification of nodes to lift
- :all-nodes - a sequence of all known nodes
- :all-node-set - a specification of nodes to invoke (but not lift)"
(logging/debug (format "pallet version: %s" (version)))
(logging/trace (format "lift* phases %s" (vec (:phase-list request))))
(defn converge*
"Converge the node counts of each node-spec in `:node-set`, executing each of
the configuration phases on all the group-names in `:node-set`. The
phase-functions are also executed, but not applied, for any other nodes in
{:pre [(:node-set request)]}
(logging/debug (format "pallet version: %s" (version)))
(format "converge* %s %s" (:node-set request) (:phase-list request)))
(defmacro or-fn [& args]
`(fn or-args [current#]
(or current# ~@args)))
(defn- compute-from-options
[current-value {:keys [compute compute-service]}]
(or current-value
(and compute-service
(:provider compute-service)
:identity (:identity compute-service)
:credential (:credential compute-service)
:extensions (:extensions compute-service)
:node-list (:node-list compute-service)))))
(defn- blobstore-from-options
[current-value {:keys [blobstore blobstore-service]}]
(or current-value
(and blobstore-service
(:provider blobstore-service)
:identity (:identity blobstore-service)
:credential (:credential blobstore-service)
:extensions (:extensions blobstore-service)))))
(defn default-environment
"Specify the built-in default environment"
{:blobstore nil
:compute nil
:user utils/*admin-user*
:middleware *middleware*
:algorithms {:lift-fn parallel-lift
:converge-fn parallel-adjust-node-counts}})
(defn- effective-environment
"Build the effective environment for the request map.
This merges the explicitly passed :environment, with that
defined on the :compute service."
(default-environment) ; global default
(utils/find-var-with-require 'pallet.config 'environment) ; project default
(-?> request :environment :compute environment/environment) ;service default
(:environment request)))) ; request default
(def ^{:doc "args that are really part of the environment"}
environment-args [:compute :blobstore :user :middleware])
(defn- request-with-environment
"Build a request map from the given options, combining the service specific
options with those given in the converge or lift invocation."
[{:as options}]
(update-in ; ensure backwards compatable
merge (select-keys options environment-args))
(assoc :executor default-executors)
(utils/dissoc-keys environment-args)
(def ^{:doc "A set of recognised argument keywords, used for input checking."
:private true}
#{:compute :blobstore :phase :user :prefix :middleware :all-node-set
:all-nodes :parameters :environment :node-set :phase-list})
(defn- check-arguments-map
"Check an arguments map for errors."
[{:as options}]
(let [unknown (remove argument-keywords (keys options))]
(when (and (:phases options) (not (:phase options)))
:type :invalid-argument
:message (str
"Please pass :phase and not :phases. :phase takes a single "
"phase or a sequence of phases.")
:invalid-keys unknown))
(when (seq unknown)
:type :invalid-argument
:message (format "Invalid argument keywords %s" (vec unknown))
:invalid-keys unknown)))
(defn- identify-anonymous-phases
"For all inline phase defintions in the request's :phase-list,
generate a keyword for the phase, adding an entry to the request's
:inline-phases map containing the phase definition, and replacing the
phase defintion in the :phase-list with the keyword."
(fn [request phase]
(if (keyword? phase)
(update-in request [:phase-list] #(conj (or % []) phase))
(let [phase-kw (keyword (name (gensym "phase")))]
(assoc-in [:inline-phases phase-kw] phase)
(update-in [:phase-list] conj phase-kw)))))
(dissoc request :phase-list)
(:phase-list request)))
(defn- group-spec-with-count
"Take the given group-spec, and set the :count key to the value specified
by `count`"
[[group-spec count]]
(assoc group-spec :count count))
(defn- node-set-for-converge
"Takes the input, and translates it into a sequence of group-spec's.
The input can be a single group-spec, a map from group-spec to node count,
or a sequence of group-spec's"
;; a single group-spec
(map? group-spec->count)
(:group-name group-spec->count)) [group-spec->count]
;; a map from group-spec to count
(map? group-spec->count) (map group-spec-with-count group-spec->count)
:else group-spec->count))
(defn converge
"Converge the existing compute resources with the counts specified in
`group-spec->count`. New nodes are started, or nodes are destroyed,
to obtain the specified node counts.
`group-spec->count` can be a map from group-spec to node count, or can be a
sequence of group-specs containing a :count key.
The compute service may be supplied as an option, otherwise the bound
compute-service is used.
This applies the bootstrap phase to all new nodes and the configure phase to
all running nodes whose group-name matches a key in the node map. Additional
phases can also be specified in the options, and will be applied to all
matching nodes. The :configure phase is always applied, by default as the
first (post bootstrap) phase. You can change the order in which
the :configure phase is applied by explicitly listing it.
An optional group-name prefix may be specified. This will be used to modify
the group-name for each group-spec, allowing you to build multiple discrete
clusters from a single set of group-specs."
[group-spec->count & {:keys [compute blobstore user phase prefix middleware
all-nodes all-node-set environment]
:as options}]
(assoc :node-set (node-set-for-converge group-spec->count)
:phase-list (if (sequential? phase)
(if phase [phase] [:configure])))
(defn lift
"Lift the running nodes in the specified node-set by applying the specified
phases. The compute service may be supplied as an option, otherwise the
bound compute-service is used. The configure phase is applied by default
unless other phases are specified.
node-set can be a node type, a sequence of node types, or a map
of node type to nodes. Examples:
[node-type1 node-type2 {node-type #{node1 node2}}]
{node-type #{node1 node2}}
options can also be keywords specifying the phases to apply, or an immediate
phase specified with the phase macro, or a function that will be called with
each matching node.
:compute a jclouds compute service
:compute-service a map of :provider, :identity, :credential, and
optionally :extensions for constructing a jclouds compute
:phase a phase keyword, phase function, or sequence of these
:middleware the middleware to apply to the configuration pipeline
:prefix a prefix for the group-name names
:user the admin-user on the nodes"
[node-set & {:keys [compute phase prefix middleware all-node-set environment]
:as options}]
(assoc :node-set node-set
:phase-list (if (sequential? phase)
(if phase [phase] [:configure])))
(dissoc :all-node-set :phase)
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