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Created March 23, 2011 17:16
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(ns pallet.stevedore.script
"Uses pallet.script to provide script functions in stevedore.
Script functions (defined with `pallet.script/defscript`) can be implemented
using `defimpl`."
[pallet.script :as script]
[pallet.stevedore :as stevedore])
[clojure.contrib.core :only [-?>]]))
(defmacro defimpl
"Define a script function implementation for the given `specialisers`.
`specialisers` should be the :default keyword, or a vector. The
`specialisers` vector may contain keywords, a set of keywords that provide an
inclusive `or` match, or functions that return a truth value indication
whether the implementation is a match for the script template passed as the
function's first argument.
`body` is wrapped in an implicit `script` form.
(pallet.script/defscript ls [& args])
(defimpl ls :default [& args] (ls ~@args))
(defimpl ls [:windows] [& args] (dir ~@args))"
[script specialisers [& args] & body]
{:pre [(or (= :default specialisers) (vector? specialisers))]}
~script ~specialisers
(fn [~@args] (stevedore/script ~@body))))
(defn- as-script
(defn- resolve-script-fn
[ns name]
(-?> (ns-resolve ns name) var-get))
(defn script-fn-optional-dispatch
"Optional dispatching of script functions"
[name args ns file line]
(when-let [script-fn (resolve-script-fn ns name)]
(script/invoke script-fn args file line)))
(defn script-fn-mandatory-dispatch
"Mandatory dispatching of script functions"
[name args ns file line]
(when-let [script-fn (resolve-script-fn ns name)]
(script/dispatch script-fn args file line)))
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