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Last active April 11, 2016 23:47
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Unix utilities in Scala
import{BufferedOutputStream, FileOutputStream, FileInputStream, BufferedInputStream}
import{GZIPOutputStream, GZIPInputStream}
import{Source, Codec}
import scala.language.{reflectiveCalls, implicitConversions}
object main extends App {
import utils._
val inFile = "/Users/bytter/Documents/Development/shiftforward/spitz/coopeventsfiltered.log.gz"
gzcat(inFile) | cols("\t", 0) | uniq | print
gzcat(inFile) | cols("\t", 1) | sort | uniq | print
gzcat(inFile) | lc | print
gzcat(inFile) | wc | lc | print
gzcat(inFile) | egrep(".*") | lc | print
gzcat(inFile) | grep("Purchase") | gzip("/tmp/purchases.log.gz")
gzcat(inFile) | cut(0, 15) | head(5) | print
object utils {
def lift[A, B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): (Iterator[A] => Iterator[B]) = _ collect f
implicit def pimpIterator[A](src: Iterator[A]) = new {
def |[U](f: Iterator[A] => U): U = f(src)
def cat(fileName: String)(implicit codec: Codec) =
def gzcat(fileName: String) =
Source.fromInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName)))).getLines()
def gzip(fileName: String)(source: Iterator[String]) {
val file = new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName)))
source foreach { l => file.write((l + '\n').getBytes) }
def print[A](source: Iterator[A]) { source foreach println }
def lc[A](lines: Iterator[A]) = Seq(lines.size).iterator
def head[A](n: Int)(lines: Iterator[A]) = lines.take(n)
def uniq[A](lines: Iterator[A]) = lines.toStream.distinct.toIterator
def sort(lines: Iterator[String]) = lines.toStream.sorted.toIterator
def strip = lift[String, String] { case x => x.stripMargin }
def cut(s: Int, e: Int) = lift[String, String] { case x => x.substring(s, e) }
def wc = lift[String, Int] { case x => x.split(" ").size }
def egrep(regex: String) = lift[String, String] { case x if x.matches(regex) => x }
def grep(regex: String) = lift[String, String] { case x if x.contains(regex) => x }
def cols(separator: String, cs: Int*) = lift[String, String] { case x =>
val separated = x.split(separator) => separated(i)).mkString(separator)
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