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Scala.js implementation of the MARS simulator (Core War)
* Created by Hugo Sereno Ferreira on 15/06/14.
import org.scalajs.dom
import scala.collection._
sealed trait Opcode
object Mov extends Opcode { override def toString = "MOV" }
object Add extends Opcode { override def toString = "ADD" }
object Sub extends Opcode { override def toString = "SUB" }
object Cmp extends Opcode { override def toString = "CMP" }
object Slt extends Opcode { override def toString = "SLT" }
object Jmp extends Opcode { override def toString = "JMP" }
object Jmz extends Opcode
object Jmn extends Opcode
object Djn extends Opcode
object Spl extends Opcode
object Dat extends Opcode { override def toString = "DAT" }
sealed trait Mode
object Immediate extends Mode { override def toString = "#" }
object Direct extends Mode { override def toString = " " }
object Indirect extends Mode { override def toString = "@" }
object PreDecrement extends Mode { override def toString = "<" }
sealed case class Instruction(op: Opcode, amode: Mode, a: Int, bmode: Mode, b: Int) {
def update(f: Int => Int, g: Int => Int) = this.copy(a = f(a), b = g(b))
override def toString = s"$op $amode$a $bmode$b"
object Dat00 extends Instruction(Dat, Immediate, 0, Immediate, 0)
final class Visualizer(warriors: List[Warrior])(implicit mem: Memory with DirtyMemory) {
private[this] val padLeft = 10
private[this] val padRight = 10
private[this] val gridWidth = 100
private[this] val gridHeight = 80
private[this] val cellInnerSize = 6
private[this] val cellOuterSize = 8
private[this] val cellColor = "rgb(30, 30, 30)"
private[this] val playerColors = List("rgb(30, 200, 200)", "rgb(200, 200, 30)", "rgb(200, 30, 200)", "rgb(30, 200, 30)")
def drawDirtyMemory() {
drawCells(mem.dirty.toSeq, addr => mem.player(addr) match {
case None => cellColor
case w: Warrior => playerColors(
def highlightWarriorsPc() {
drawCells(, _ => "rgb(255, 255, 255)")
def clearWarriorsPc() {
warriors foreach { w => drawCells(Seq(w.pc), _ => playerColors( }
private[this] def drawCells(addrs: Seq[Int], style: Int => String) {
addrs foreach { addr =>
val x = addr % gridWidth
val y = addr / gridWidth
val px = x * cellOuterSize + padLeft
val py = y * cellOuterSize + padRight
renderer.fillStyle = style(addr)
drawCircle(px, py)
private[this] def drawCircle(px: Int, py: Int) {
renderer.arc(px, py, Math.floor(cellInnerSize / 2), 0, Math.PI*2, true)
sealed class Memory(val size: Int) {
private[this] var contents = Array.fill[(Instruction, Player)](size)((Dat00, None))
protected def modulo(i: Int) = (((i % size) + size) % size)
def player(index: Int) = contents(modulo(index))._2
def apply(index: Int) = contents(modulo(index))._1
def update(index: Int, v: Instruction)(implicit player: Player = None) {
contents(modulo(index)) = (v, player)
def updated(index: Int, fA: Int => Int, fB: Int => Int)(implicit player: Player = None) {
update(index, this(index).update(fA, fB))
trait DirtyMemory extends Memory {
val size: Int
val dirty = mutable.BitSet((0 until size).toArray : _*)
override def update(index: Int, v: Instruction)(implicit player: Player = None) {
super.update(index, v)
dirty += modulo(index)
sealed trait Player
object None extends Player
class Warrior(val id: Int, base: Int, code: List[Instruction])(implicit mem: Memory) extends Player {
implicit val warrior = this
val initAddr = util.Random.nextInt(mem.size)
var pc = initAddr + base
var alive = true
code.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (i, idx) => mem(idx + initAddr) = i }
def step() {
if (alive) {
val decodeA = mem(pc) match {
case Instruction(_, Immediate, a, _, _) => a
case Instruction(_, Direct, a, _, _) => pc + a
case Instruction(_, Indirect, a, _, _) => pc + a + mem(pc + a).a
case Instruction(_, PreDecrement, a, _, _) => {
mem.updated(pc + a, identity, _ - 1)
pc + a + mem(pc + a).b
val decodeB = mem(pc) match {
case Instruction(_, _, _, Immediate, b) => b
case Instruction(_, _, _, Direct, b) => pc + b
case Instruction(_, _, _, Indirect, b) => pc + b + mem(pc + b).b
case Instruction(_, _, _, PreDecrement, b) => {
mem.updated(pc + b, identity, _ - 1)
pc + b + mem(pc + b).b
mem(pc) match {
case Instruction(Dat, _, _, _, _) => {
alive = false;
println(s"Player $id has lost!")
pc -= 1
case Instruction(Add, Immediate, _, _, _) => mem.updated(decodeB, identity, _ + decodeA)
case Instruction(Add, _, _, _, _) => mem.updated(decodeB, _ + mem(decodeA).a, _ + mem(decodeA).b)
case Instruction(Mov, Immediate, _, _, _) => mem.updated(decodeB, identity, _ => decodeA)
case Instruction(Mov, _, _, _, _) => mem(decodeB) = mem(decodeA)
case Instruction(Jmp, _, _, _, _) => pc = decodeA - 1
case _ => pc -= 1
pc = (pc + 1) % mem.size
object ScalaJSExample {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val mem = new Memory(8000) with DirtyMemory
val w1 = new Warrior(0, 0, Instruction(Mov, Direct, 0, Direct, 1) :: Nil)
val w2 = new Warrior(1, 0, Instruction(Add, Immediate, 4, Direct, 3) ::
Instruction(Mov, Direct, 2, Indirect, 2) ::
Instruction(Jmp, Direct, -2, Direct, 0) ::
Instruction(Dat, Immediate, 0, Immediate, 0) :: Nil)
val w3 = new Warrior(2, 1, Instruction(Dat, Immediate, 0, Immediate, 0) ::
Instruction(Jmp, Direct, 0, PreDecrement, -1) :: Nil)
val w4 = new Warrior(3, 0, Instruction(Mov, PreDecrement, 2, Direct, 3) ::
Instruction(Add, Direct, 3, Direct, -1) ::
Instruction(Jmp, Direct, -2, Direct, 0) ::
Instruction(Dat, Immediate, 0, Immediate, 0) ::
Instruction(Dat, Immediate, -5084, Immediate, 5084) :: Nil)
val warriors = w1 :: w2 :: w3 :: w4 :: Nil
val v = new Visualizer(warriors)
dom.setInterval(() => {
warriors foreach { _.step() }
}, 100)
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