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Created August 25, 2020 08:00
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Automatic projector for OMPL compound state spaces composed of projectable subspaces
#include <unordered_set>
namespace ob = ompl::base;
std::unordered_set<int> pickSet(int N, int k, std::mt19937& gen)
std::unordered_set<int> elems;
for (int r = N - k; r < N; ++r) {
int v = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(1, r)(gen);
// there are two cases.
// v is not in candidates ==> add it
// v is in candidates ==> well, r is definitely not, because
// this is the first iteration in the loop that we could've
// picked something that big.
if (!elems.insert(v).second) {
return elems;
std::vector<int> pick(int N, int k) {
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::unordered_set<int> elems = pickSet(N, k, gen);
// ok, now we have a set of k elements. but now
// it's in a [unknown] deterministic order.
// so we have to shuffle it:
std::vector<int> result(elems.begin(), elems.end());
std::shuffle(result.begin(), result.end(), gen);
return result;
class CompoundProjectionEvaluator: public ob::ProjectionEvaluator
CompoundProjectionEvaluator(const ob::StateSpacePtr space,
const int nsample=3);
void setup() override;
unsigned int getDimension() const override;
void project(const ob::State *state, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> projection) const override;
std::vector<ob::ProjectionEvaluatorPtr> proj_;
unsigned long int ndims_;
unsigned long int nsubspaces_;
std::vector<double> joined_cell_sizes;
unsigned long int nsample_;
std::vector<int> indices;
CompoundProjectionEvaluator::CompoundProjectionEvaluator(const ob::StateSpacePtr space,
const int nsample)
: ProjectionEvaluator(space)
this -> nsample_ = nsample;
// Ensure the state is compound
if (!space_->isCompound())
throw ompl::Exception("Cannot construct an auto subspace projection evaluator for a space that is not compound");
auto comp = space_->as<ob::CompoundStateSpace>();
nsubspaces_ = comp->getSubspaceCount();
// Get the default projections for each subspace
ndims_ = 0;
for (long unsigned int i=0; i < nsubspaces_; i++){
ndims_ += comp->getSubspace(i)->getDefaultProjection()->getDimension();
// Construct random indices into the array
this->indices = pick(ndims_, nsample_);
// For each subspace get the default projection and full cell sizes
std::vector<double> jcs;
for (unsigned long int i=0; i<this->nsubspaces_; i++){
auto sub_proj = space_->as<ob::CompoundStateSpace>()->getSubspace(i)->getDefaultProjection();
auto cells = sub_proj->getCellSizes();
this->joined_cell_sizes = jcs;
// Sample the cell sizes
std::vector<double> sampled_cell_sizes;
for (unsigned long int i=0; i<nsample_; i++){
auto this_cell = joined_cell_sizes[this->indices[i]];
void CompoundProjectionEvaluator::setup()
unsigned int CompoundProjectionEvaluator::getDimension() const
return this -> nsample_;
void CompoundProjectionEvaluator::project(const ob::State *state, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> projection) const
// Set the state as a compound state
auto comp = state->as<ob::CompoundState>();
// Unsampled output
Eigen::VectorXd output(this->ndims_);
// Fill the output with the subspace projections
int n = 0;
for (long unsigned int i=0; i <this->nsubspaces_; i++){
auto subsize = proj_[i]->getDimension();
Eigen::VectorXd tmp(subsize);
proj_[i]->project(comp->components[i], tmp);
for (long unsigned int j=0; j<subsize; j++){
output[n] = tmp[j];
// Use the random indices
for (long unsigned i=0; i<this->nsample_; i++){
projection[i] = output[this->indices[i]];
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