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Created November 12, 2012 09:03
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Hyla : move_uploaded_file -> is_uploaded_file + rename
This file is part of Hyla
Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Charles Rincheval.
All rights reserved
Hyla is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Hyla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warcranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Hyla; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
if (!defined('PAGE_HOME'))
header('location: ../index.php');
if ($cuser->id == ANONYMOUS_ID && $conf['anon_file_send'] == 1) {
$anonymous_mode = true;
$destination_root = get_anon_path();
} else {
$anonymous_mode = false;
$destination_root = FOLDER_ROOT.$cobj->path;
/* Send email, valid
@param string $root Root dir
@param string $name File name
function upload_act($root, $name) {
global $conf, $obj, $cuser;
if ($cuser->id == ANONYMOUS_ID) {
switch ($conf['anon_file_send']) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
if ($conf['webmaster_mail']) {
system::mail($conf['webmaster_mail'], __('Hyla - An anonymous file was sent !'), __('mail_content', $name), $conf['webmaster_mail']);
$tpl->set_file('upload', 'upload.tpl');
$tpl->set_block('upload', array(
'from_url' => 'Hdlfrom_url',
'form_upload' => 'Hdlform_upload',
if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen'))
$tpl->parse('Hdlfrom_url', 'from_url', true);
// Un envoie à été fait...
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
$ierror = 0;
$msg_error = null;
$size = sizeof($_FILES['ul_file_local']['name']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
if ($_POST['ul_file_method'][$i] == 'local') {
$up_name = $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] ? $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] : $_FILES['ul_file_local']['name'][$i];
$up_name = strip_tags($up_name);
switch ($_FILES['ul_file_local']['error'][$i]) {
case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $msg_error = __('The file is too large !'); break;
case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $msg_error = __('An error occured while downloading the file !'); break;
case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $msg_error = __('No specified file !'); break;
// Il ne doit pas y avoir de caractère interdit !
$up_name = stripslashes($up_name);
if (string::test($up_name, UNAUTHORIZED_CHAR)) {
$msg_error = __('There are an invalid char in the file name, unauthorized char are : %s', UNAUTHORIZED_CHAR);
// En mode anonyme, on ne doit pas dire que le fichier existe déjà, on change le nom
$up_name = ($anonymous_mode) ? file::getUniqueName($up_name, $destination_root.'/') : $up_name;
$destinationname = $destination_root.'/'.$up_name;
// Si le fichier existe déjà...
if (file_exists($destinationname)) {
$msg_error = __('The file already exists !');
// On déplace le fichier ou il faut, on met la description si elle existe et on quitte !
if (is_writable($destination_root)) {
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['ul_file_local']['tmp_name'][$i]) && rename($_FILES['ul_file_local']['tmp_name'][$i], $destinationname)) {
@chmod($destinationname, $conf['file_chmod']);
$object = $cobj->path.$up_name;
// Mode anonyme ?
if ($anonymous_mode) {
$obj->addAnonFile($object, string::format($_POST['ul_description'][$i]));
} else {
if (!empty($_POST['ul_description'][$i])) {
$obj->setDescription(string::format($_POST['ul_description'][$i]), $object);
// Action
upload_act($cobj->path, $up_name);
// On fait ça pour ne pas donner le nom du fichier copié anonymement
$tab_ok[$i]['name'] = ($anonymous_mode) ? $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] ? $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] : $_FILES['ul_file_local']['name'][$i] : $up_name;
} else {
$msg_error = __('Not writable !');
// On teste enfin si le fichier à bien été créé
if (!file_exists($destinationname)) {
$msg_error = __('An unknown error occured during upload !');
} else {
if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
redirect($cobj->file, $url->linkToCurrentObj('upload'), __('Error while accessing remote file, "allow_url_fopen" parameter is off'));
} else {
$up_name = $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] ? $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] : basename($_POST['ul_file_fromurl'][$i]);
// On supprime les paramètres contenus dans l'url si il y en a...
$pos = strpos($up_name, '&');
if ($pos) {
$tmp_name = substr($up_name, 0, $pos);
if ($tmp_name) {
$up_name = $tmp_name;
$up_name = strip_tags($up_name);
// Il ne doit pas y avoir de caractère interdit !
$up_name = stripslashes($up_name);
if (string::test($up_name, UNAUTHORIZED_CHAR)) {
$msg_error = __('There are an invalid char in the file name, unauthorized char are : %s', UNAUTHORIZED_CHAR);
} else if (empty($up_name)) {
$msg_error = __('Empty filename !');
} else {
// En mode anonyme, on ne doit pas dire que le fichier existe déjà, on change le nom
$up_name = ($anonymous_mode && $conf['anon_file_send'] == 1) ? file::getUniqueName($up_name, $destination_root.'/') : $up_name;
$destinationname = $destination_root.'/'.$up_name;
// Si le fichier existe déjà...
if (!preg_match('#^(http|ftp)+(s)?:(//)#i', $_POST['ul_file_fromurl'][$i])) {
$msg_error = __('An unknown error occured during upload !');
} else if (file_exists($destination_root.'/'.$up_name)) {
$msg_error = __('The file already exists !');
} else if ($var = file::getContent($_POST['ul_file_fromurl'][$i])) {
file::putContent($destinationname, $var);
@chmod($destinationname, $conf['file_chmod']);
$object = $cobj->path.$up_name;
// Mode anonyme ?
if ($anonymous_mode) {
$obj->addAnonFile($object, string::format($_POST['ul_description'][$i]));
} else {
if (!empty($_POST['ul_description'][$i])) {
$obj->setDescription(string::format($_POST['ul_description'][$i]), $object);
// Action
upload_act($cobj->path, $up_name);
$tab_ok[$i]['name'] = ($anonymous_mode) ? $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] ? $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] : basename($_POST['ul_file_fromurl'][$i]) : $up_name;
} else
$msg_error = __('An unknown error occured during upload !');
if ($msg_error) {
$tab_error[$ierror]['error'] = $msg_error;
$tab_error[$ierror]['name'] = $up_name;
$tab_error[$ierror]['description'] = $_POST['ul_description'][$i];
$tab_error[$ierror]['new_name'] = $_POST['ul_new_name'][$i] ? $up_name : null;
$tab_error[$ierror]['from_url'] = $_POST['ul_file_method'][$i] != 'local' ? $_POST['ul_file_fromurl'][$i] : null;
$msg_error = null;
$rapport = null;
if (isset($tab_ok)) {
foreach ($tab_ok as $occ) {
$rapport .= $occ['name'].' ';
// Pas d'erreur, tout niquel, on redirige !
if (!isset($tab_error) && isset($tab_ok)) {
redirect($cobj->file, $url->linkToCurrentObj(), __('Upload correctly finished !').view_status(__('File correctly uploaded : %s', $rapport)));
$nbr_form = (!isset($_GET['file'])) ? ((isset($_POST['Submit']) && isset($tab_error)) ? sizeof($tab_error) : 1) : $_GET['file'];
if (!$nbr_form || $nbr_form < 0)
$nbr_form = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $nbr_form; $i++) {
'STATUS' => isset($rapport) ? view_status(__('File correctly uploaded : %s', $rapport)) : null,
'ERROR' => isset($tab_error) ? view_error(($tab_error[$i]['name'] ? $tab_error[$i]['name'].' : ' : null).$tab_error[$i]['error']) : null,
'NUM' => $i,
'NUM_HUMAN' => $i + 1,
'FILE_DESCRIPTION' => isset($tab_error[$i]['error']) ? stripslashes(htmlentities($tab_error[$i]['description'], ENT_QUOTES)) : null,
'NEW_NAME' => isset($tab_error[$i]['error']) ? stripslashes(htmlentities($tab_error[$i]['new_name'])) : null,
'FROM_URL' => isset($tab_error[$i]['error']) ? $tab_error[$i]['from_url'] : null,
'FROM_URL_CHECKED' => isset($tab_error[$i]['from_url']) ? ' checked="checked"' : null,
'LOCAL_CHECKED' => !isset($tab_error[$i]['from_url']) ? ' checked="checked"' : null,
$tpl->parse('Hdlform_upload', 'form_upload', true);
'MSG' => ($anonymous_mode) ? view_status(__('You are in anonymous mode, an administrator will have to validate the sent file !')) : null,
'URL_UPLOAD' => $url->linkToCurrentObj('upload'),
'OBJECT' => $cobj->file,
'MAX_FILESIZE' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize')));
$var_tpl = $tpl->parse('OutPut', 'upload');
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