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Created June 19, 2011 20:36
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packet :PartyPokemonDetail do
uint64 :trainer_id
byte :party_index
int16 :species_id
bool :female
int32 :level
byte :status
uint32 :current_hp
uint32 :current_xp
byte :pokerus
int32 :hit_points
int32 :attack
int32 :defense
int32 :speed
int32 :special_attack
int32 :special_defense
string :nickname
class PartyPokemonDetail : Ekaiyo.Networking.Packet {
public override int DecodingSize { get { return 51; } }
public override int EncodingSize { get { return 51 + nickname.Length; } }
public UInt64 trainer_id;
public byte party_index;
public Int16 species_id;
public bool female;
public Int32 level;
public byte status;
public UInt32 current_hp;
public UInt32 current_xp;
public byte pokerus;
public Int32 hit_points;
public Int32 attack;
public Int32 defense;
public Int32 speed;
public Int32 special_attack;
public Int32 special_defense;
public string nickname;
public PartyPokemonDetail (UInt64 a_trainer_id, byte a_party_index, Int16 a_species_id, bool a_female, Int32 a_level, byte a_status, UInt32 a_current_hp, UInt32 a_current_xp, byte a_pokerus, Int32 a_hit_points, Int32 a_attack, Int32 a_defense, Int32 a_speed, Int32 a_special_attack, Int32 a_special_defense, string a_nickname)
: base(PacketType.PartyPokemonDetail) {
this.trainer_id = a_trainer_id
this.party_index = a_party_index
this.species_id = a_species_id
this.female = a_female
this.level = a_level
this.status = a_status
this.current_hp = a_current_hp
this.current_xp = a_current_xp
this.pokerus = a_pokerus
this.hit_points = a_hit_points
this.attack = a_attack
this.defense = a_defense
this.speed = a_speed
this.special_attack = a_special_attack
this.special_defense = a_special_defense
this.nickname = a_nickname
public PartyPokemonDetail (byte[] a_buffer, int a_offset, int a_end)
: base(PacketType.PartyPokemonDetail) {
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToUInt64(buffer, offset, ref this.trainer_id);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.Tobyte(buffer, offset, ref this.party_index);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToInt16(buffer, offset, ref this.species_id);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.Tobool(buffer, offset, ref this.female);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.level);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.Tobyte(buffer, offset, ref this.status);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToUInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.current_hp);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToUInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.current_xp);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.Tobyte(buffer, offset, ref this.pokerus);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.hit_points);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.attack);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.defense);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.speed);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.special_attack);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.ToInt32(buffer, offset, ref this.special_defense);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Decoder.Tostring(buffer, offset, ref this.nickname);
public override byte[] GetBytes () {
byte[] buffer = new byte[EncodingSize];
int offset = 0;
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.Frombyte(buffer, offset, (byte)type);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromUInt64(buffer, offset, this.trainer_id);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.Frombyte(buffer, offset, this.party_index);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromInt16(buffer, offset, this.species_id);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.Frombool(buffer, offset, this.female);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromInt32(buffer, offset, this.level);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.Frombyte(buffer, offset, this.status);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromUInt32(buffer, offset, this.current_hp);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromUInt32(buffer, offset, this.current_xp);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.Frombyte(buffer, offset, this.pokerus);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromInt32(buffer, offset, this.hit_points);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromInt32(buffer, offset, this.attack);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromInt32(buffer, offset, this.defense);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromInt32(buffer, offset, this.speed);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromInt32(buffer, offset, this.special_attack);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.FromInt32(buffer, offset, this.special_defense);
offset += Ekaiyo.Networking.Encoder.Fromstring(buffer, offset, this.nickname);
return buffer;
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