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Last active March 29, 2018 14:41
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Heatmap and boxplot of USA monthly inflation using Python 3.
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot
import seaborn as sns
import quandl
quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = '????????????????????' # Here goes your key - get it on Quandl´s website after you open an free account.
p0 = '19140101'
p1 = '20171231'
data1 = quandl.get("RATEINF/INFLATION_USA")[p0:p1] # Quandl code
# Making the dataframe
mat_Inflation = pd.DataFrame( index = data1.index)
m = ["","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]
year = []
month = []
Inflation = []
for n in range(0,len(data1)) :
ano = int(str(data1.index[n])[0:4])
mes = int(str(data1.index[n])[5:7])
mat_Inflation["Year"] = year
mat_Inflation["Month"] = month
mat_Inflation["Value"] = Inflation
# "Pivoting" the dataframe for the heatmap
Inf = mat_Inflation.pivot("Month", "Year", "Value")
# Indexing the heatmap y-axis (jan.bottom and dec. top)
Inf = Inf.reindex(m[:12])
pyplot.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = "wheat"
fig, g = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(12.8,9))
pyplot.subplots_adjust(top = 0.96, hspace = 0.32, left = 0.05, right = 1.0, wspace = 0.21, bottom = 0.08)
sns.heatmap(Inf, annot=False, ax=g, linewidths=0.2, cmap = "YlOrRd" )
pyplot.title("USA - Inflation % (YoY) Monthly")
fig, g = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(8.76,6.9))
pyplot.subplots_adjust(top = 0.95, hspace = 0.32, left = 0.10, right = 0.93, wspace = 0.21, bottom = 0.05)
sns.boxplot(data = mat_Inflation, y ="Value", x = "Month", palette = "YlOrRd", fliersize = 2.0, linewidth = 1.0)
pyplot.title("USA - Inflation (YoY) Monthly Variation Distribution")
pyplot.ylabel("% (Year over Year)")
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