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Created April 20, 2010 15:22
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  • Save hugoware/372618 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hugoware/372618 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Series of extension methods to make working with
* enumerated types and bitwise operations easier.
* //create the typical object
* RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None;
* //Assign a value
* options = options.Include(RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //IgnoreCase
* //Or assign multiple values
* options = options.Include(RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline); //IgnoreCase, Multiline, Singleline
* //Remove values from the list
* options = options.Remove(RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //Multiline, Singleline
* //Check if a value even exists
* bool multiline = options.Has(RegexOptions.Multiline); //true
* bool ignoreCase = options.Missing(RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //true
* More about this code at...
using System;
namespace Extensions {
/// <summary>
/// Extension methods to make working with Enum values easier
/// </summary>
public static class EnumerationExtensions {
#region Extension Methods
/// <summary>
/// Includes an enumerated type and returns the new value
/// </summary>
public static T Include<T>(this Enum value, T append) {
Type type = value.GetType();
//determine the values
object result = value;
_Value parsed = new _Value(append, type);
if (parsed.Signed is long) {
result = Convert.ToInt64(value) | (long)parsed.Signed;
else if (parsed.Unsigned is ulong) {
result = Convert.ToUInt64(value) | (ulong)parsed.Unsigned;
//return the final value
return (T)Enum.Parse(type, result.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Removes an enumerated type and returns the new value
/// </summary>
public static T Remove<T>(this Enum value, T remove) {
Type type = value.GetType();
//determine the values
object result = value;
_Value parsed = new _Value(remove, type);
if (parsed.Signed is long) {
result = Convert.ToInt64(value) & ~(long)parsed.Signed;
else if (parsed.Unsigned is ulong) {
result = Convert.ToUInt64(value) & ~(ulong)parsed.Unsigned;
//return the final value
return (T)Enum.Parse(type, result.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Checks if an enumerated type contains a value
/// </summary>
public static bool Has<T>(this Enum value, T check) {
Type type = value.GetType();
//determine the values
object result = value;
_Value parsed = new _Value(check, type);
if (parsed.Signed is long) {
return (Convert.ToInt64(value)& (long)parsed.Signed) == (long)parsed.Signed;
else if (parsed.Unsigned is ulong) {
return (Convert.ToUInt64(value) & (ulong)parsed.Unsigned) == (ulong)parsed.Unsigned;
else {
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if an enumerated type is missing a value
/// </summary>
public static bool Missing<T>(this Enum obj, T value) {
return !EnumerationExtensions.Has<T>(obj, value);
#region Helper Classes
//class to simplfy narrowing values between
//a ulong and long since either value should
//cover any lesser value
private class _Value {
//cached comparisons for tye to use
private static Type _UInt64 = typeof(ulong);
private static Type _UInt32 = typeof(long);
public long? Signed;
public ulong? Unsigned;
public _Value(object value, Type type) {
//make sure it is even an enum to work with
if (!type.IsEnum) {
throw new ArgumentException("Value provided is not an enumerated type!");
//then check for the enumerated value
Type compare = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type);
//if this is an unsigned long then the only
//value that can hold it would be a ulong
if (compare.Equals(_Value._UInt32) || compare.Equals(_Value._UInt64)) {
this.Unsigned = Convert.ToUInt64(value);
//otherwise, a long should cover anything else
else {
this.Signed = Convert.ToInt64(value);
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