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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Save hugoware/6a77042a11c85341bbf1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lightweight HTTP server for Node for front end development
var $ = module.exports
, $fs = require('fs')
, $path = require('path')
, $http = require('http')
, $query = require('querystring')
, $run = require('child_process').spawn
// optional jade templates
, $jade
// track our own simple list
, $mime_types = {
'.txt' : 'text/plain',
'.html' : 'text/html',
'.css' : 'text/css',
'.js' : 'text/javascript',
'.json' : 'application/json',
'.png' : 'image/png',
'.gif' : 'image/gif',
'.jpg' : 'image/jpeg',
'.jpeg' : 'image/jpeg'
// list of handlers to use
, $resources
, $handlers = [ ];
// gets the request ready to use
function _prepare_request( request, response ) { = /post/i.test( request.method );
request.get = !;
// get request just pass through
if ( ! ) return _handle_request( request, response );
// prepare data
var body = '';
request.on('data', function( data ) { body += data; });
request.on('end', function() {
// and add it to the request = $query.parse( body );
_handle_request( request, response );
// sets the public resources, files, etc directory
function _setup_public_directory() {
var directory = $.config.public || './public'
, root = $path.resolve( __dirname, directory );
// handle file requests
_add_handler({ route: /^(.*$)/, resources: true, root: root,
handler: function( request, response ) {
var location = $path.resolve( $path.join( root, request.url ));
response.file( location );
// handles sass requests
function _setup_sass_generator( path ) {
path = $path.resolve( __dirname, path );
// renders CSS
function _generate() {
_generate.css = '';
// copy all css
var render = $run('sass', [ '--compass', path ])
render.stdout.on('data', function( data ) {
_generate.css += data.toString();
// watch for the sass file to update
$fs.watchFile( path, _generate );
// render the first pass
// gets back the most recent css render
return function( request, response ) {
var css = _generate.css || '';
response.writeHead( 200, { 'Content-Type': $mime_types['.css'], 'Content-Length': css.length });
response.end( css );
// render a jade template
function _as_jade( response, path, data ) {
// load jade now if it's used
$jade = $jade || require('jade');
// update the path
path = ( $.config.views || './views/' ) + path;
if ( !/\.jade$/.test( path )) path += '.jade';
path = $path.resolve( __dirname, path )
// check for the file
_use_file( path, response, function() {
var compile = $jade.compileFile( path, { pretty: $.config.debug })
, type = $mime_types['.html']
, html;
// try and generate the html
try { html = compile( data ); }
// log error messages
catch( err ) {
type = $mime_types['.txt'];
html = err.toString();
// write out the result
response.writeHead( 200, { 'Content-Type': type, 'Content-Length': html.length });
response.end( html );
// simple redirect
function _as_redirect( response, url ) {
response.writeHead( 302, { 'Location': url });
// tries to grab a file and overrides with a 404 if it doesn't exist
function _use_file( path, response, callback ) {
$fs.exists( path, function( exists ) {
if ( !exists ) return _as_404( response );
callback( response, path )
// nothing was found
function _as_404( response ) {
// custom 404 handling
if ( $.missing.handle )
return $.missing.handle( response.request, response );
// default handling
response.writeHead( 404, { 'Content-Type': $mime_types['.txt'] });
response.end('not found');
// reads and returns file content
function _as_file( response, path ) {
_use_file( path, response, function() {
// get the content
var ext = $path.extname( path ).toLowerCase()
, type = $mime_types[ ext ] || 'text/plain';
// read the file
$fs.readFile( path, function( err, contents ) {
if ( err ) return _as_404( response );
response.writeHead( 200,{ 'Content-Type': type, 'Content-Length': contents.length });
response.end( contents );
// sends a javascript object as data
function _as_json( response, data ) {
var content = JSON.stringify( data );
response.writeHead( 200,{ 'Content-Type': 'text/json', 'Content-Length': content.length });
response.end( content );
// handles the actual request
function _handle_request( request, response ) {
console.log('['+ ( ? 'POST' : 'GET' ) +']', request.url );
// add some helpers
response.redirect = function( url ) { _as_redirect( response, url ); };
response.json = function( data ) { _as_json( response, data ); };
response.file = function( path ) { _as_file( response, path ); };
response.render = function( path, data ) { _as_jade( response, path, data ); };
// shorcut to return a resource
response.resource = function( path ) {
if ( !$resources ) throw 'no resource directory';
path = $path.resolve( $path.join( $resources.root, path ));
_as_file( response, path );
// check if this matches anything
var use;
for ( var i in $handlers ) {
var handler = $handlers[ i ]
, method = && || request.get && handler.get
, route = method && handler.route( request.url )
, matches = method && route;
// use the handler if it works
if ( !matches ) continue;
// save handler tp use
use = handler.handler;
// if it doesn't match, run the resources
if ( !use && $resources )
use = $resources.handler;
// if still nothing, just end
if ( use ) use( request, response );
else _as_404( response );
// includes a new resource handler
function _add_handler( params ) {
var route = params.route;
// simple string matching
if ( typeof route === 'string' )
params.route = function( url ) {
return (url+'').toLowerCase() == route;
// using a regular expression
else if ( route instanceof RegExp )
params.route = function( url ) {
return (url+'').toLowerCase().match( route );
// save the location
if ( params.resources ) $resources = params;
else $handlers.push( params );
// additional custom mime types
$.type = function( ext, type ) {
$mime_types[ ext ] = type;
return $;
// start listening for requests
$.listen = function( port ) {
// use configs to setup other info
// set up the server
var server = $http.createServer( _prepare_request );
server.listen( port );
return $;
// handles gets
$.get = function( route, handle ) {
_add_handler({ route: route, get: true, handler: handle });
return $;
// handles posts
$.post = function( route, handle ) {
_add_handler({ route: route, post: true, handler: handle });
return $;
// handles posts and gets
$.all = function( route, handle ) {
_add_handler({ route: route, get: true, post: true, handler: handle });
return $;
// if this is a 404
$.missing = function( handle ) {
$.missing.handle = handle;
return $;
// maps a route to a resource
$.resource = function( route, path ) {
return $.all( route, function( request, response ) {
response.resource( path );
// maps a route to a file
$.file = function( route, path ) {
return $.all( route, function( request, response ) {
response.file( path );
// sets a configuration value
$.config = function( key, value ) {
$.config[ key ] = value;
// renders sass and
$.sass = function( route, path ) {
_add_handler({ route: route, get: true, post: true,
handler: _setup_sass_generator( path ) });
return $;
// shortcuts to create handlers
$.as = function( command ) {
var args = [] arguments, 1 );
return function( req, res ) { res[ command ].apply( res, args ); };
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