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Last active October 4, 2023 21:02
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  • Save hugsy/b950d6c98596c02cc129ead22dfb648c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hugsy/b950d6c98596c02cc129ead22dfb648c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A list of command line Rust tool (replacing the Unix legacy ones), showing Windows compat
"unix-tool": "cat",
"modern-tool": "bat",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "cd",
"modern-tool": "zoxide",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "cloc",
"modern-tool": "tokei",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "curl",
"modern-tool": "xh",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "diff",
"modern-tool": "delta",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "dig",
"modern-tool": "dog",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "find",
"modern-tool": "fd",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "git",
"modern-tool": "gitoxide",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "grep",
"modern-tool": "ripgrep",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "hexdump",
"modern-tool": "hex",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "hexdump",
"modern-tool": "hexyl",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "ls",
"modern-tool": "exa",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": false,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "ls",
"modern-tool": "lsd",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "nano",
"modern-tool": "lino",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": []
"unix-tool": "nano",
"modern-tool": "ox",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": false,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "ps",
"modern-tool": "procs",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "sed",
"modern-tool": "sd",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": false,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "spotify",
"modern-tool": "psst",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "time",
"modern-tool": "hyperfine",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "top",
"modern-tool": "bottom",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "tree",
"modern-tool": "broot",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "objdump",
"modern-tool": "bingrep",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "vim",
"modern-tool": "helix",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "vim",
"modern-tool": "neovide",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
"unix-tool": "wc",
"modern-tool": "cw",
"url": "",
"windows-compatible": true,
"prebuild": [
This script will automatically download and install modern versions of the popular
Unix tools (`ls`, `cat`, `wc`, etc.) and create aliases for them to be added directly
to your shell startup file (bashrc, zshrc, Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1, etc.).
It also allows to create a markdown table with the tool names, along with their Windows
compatibility and prebuild status.
import argparse
import glob
import json
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import pprint
import requests
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import zipfile
DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME = os.path.basename(__file__)
GIST_URL = f"{GIST_ROOT_URL}/raw/487c78174b38a595c7e39a22a9a9a58e9690be77/info.json"
DEBUG = False
class MissingPrebuildException(Exception): pass
class UnsupportedOperatingSystemException(Exception): pass
def dbg(x: str):
print(f"[*] {x}")
def download_json_data(url: str) -> list[dict]:
h : requests.Response = requests.get(url)
if h.status_code !=
print(f"Critical error while fetching '{url}': {h.status_code}")
return h.json()
def collect_json_data() -> list[dict]:
# if local
if os.access("./info.json", os.R_OK):
return list(json.load(open("./info.json", "r")))
# else grab online
return download_json_data(GIST_URL)
def lookup_tool_by_name(name: str, is_unix_tool : bool, is_modern_tool : bool) -> list[dict]:
js = collect_json_data()
matches = []
for tool in js:
if is_unix_tool and tool["unix-tool"] == name: matches.append(tool)
if is_modern_tool and tool["modern-tool"] == name: matches.append(tool)
if len(matches) == 0:
raise Exception(f"Tool {name} not found")
return matches
def lookup_unix_tool_by_name(name: str) -> list[dict]:
return lookup_tool_by_name(name, is_unix_tool = True, is_modern_tool = False)
def lookup_rust_tool_by_name(name: str) -> list[dict]:
return lookup_tool_by_name(name, is_unix_tool = False, is_modern_tool = True)
def create_table(output_file: str = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE):
def lin_logo():
return """<img title="Linux only" src= height=23px>"""
def mac_logo():
return """<img title="OSX only" src= height=23px>"""
def win_logo():
return """<img title="Windows only" src="" height=23px> """
js = collect_json_data()
with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write(f"| Unix tool | Rust version | Windows compatible? | Has prebuild? |\n")
for tool in js:
is_windows_compatible = "✔" if tool["windows-compatible"] else "❌"
prebuild_list = []
for o in tool["prebuild"]:
if o == "win": prebuild_list.append(win_logo())
if o == "lin": prebuild_list.append(lin_logo())
if o == "mac": prebuild_list.append(mac_logo())
f.write(f'| `{tool["unix-tool"]}` | [`{tool["modern-tool"]}`]({tool["url"]}) | {is_windows_compatible} | {" ".join(prebuild_list)} |\n')
def download_latest_release(tool: dict) -> pathlib.Path:
__os = platform.system().lower()
__arch = platform.architecture()[0]
possible_oses = []
if __os == "windows": possible_oses = ("windows", "msvc")
possible_arches = []
if __arch == "64bit": possible_arches = ("amd64", "x86_64")
if (__os == "windows" and "win" not in tool["prebuild"]) \
or (__os == "linux" and "lin" not in tool["prebuild"]) \
or (__os == "macos" and "mac" not in tool["prebuild"]):
raise MissingPrebuildException(f"Tool {tool['unix-tool']} is not available for {__os}")
gh_tool_author, gh_tool_name = tool["url"].replace("", "").split("/")
# download the data
release_js = download_json_data(f"{GITHUB_API}/repos/{gh_tool_author}/{gh_tool_name}/releases")
# find the right asset in the latest release
latest_release = release_js[0]
assets = latest_release["assets"]
match = None
for asset in assets:
for o in possible_oses:
for a in possible_arches:
dbg(f"trying {a}/{o} for {asset['name']}")
if o in asset["name"].lower() and a in asset["name"].lower():
match = asset
dbg(f"match found: '{match['name'].lower()}'")
if match: break
if match: break
if not match:
raise Exception(f"No asset found for {__os} {__arch}")
# download the asset in tempdir
h = requests.get(match["browser_download_url"])
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
fname = pathlib.Path( tmpdir ) / asset['name']
with open(str(fname.absolute()), "wb") as fd:
## if archive, extract it
if asset["content_type"] == "application/zip":
with zipfile.ZipFile(str(fname.absolute()), 'r') as zfd:
# check if binary has expected mime type for the current OS (PE, ELF, Mach-O)
if __os == "windows": expected_binary_glob_path = os.sep.join([tmpdir, "*", tool["modern-tool"] + ".exe"])
else: expected_binary_glob_path = __os.sep.join([tmpdir, "*", (tool["modern-tool"])])
for fname in glob.iglob(expected_binary_glob_path):
fpath = pathlib.Path(fname)
if fpath.exists():
return fpath
raise Exception(f"The binary cannot be found at '{tmpdir}'")
def install(tool: dict) -> int:
is_windows = platform.system() == "Windows"
# 0. check if we have a writable directory
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
writable_directory_candidates = [pathlib.Path(home) / "bin",]
if is_windows:
writable_directory_candidates += [pathlib.Path(home) / "AppData" / "Local" / "bin",]
writable_directory_candidates += [pathlib.Path(home) / ".local" / "bin",]
output_directory = None
for candidate in writable_directory_candidates:
if candidate.is_dir(): # todo: check if writable too
output_directory = candidate.absolute()
if not output_directory:
raise Exception("No writable directory found")
# 1. check & download the latest release for the current OS
tmpbin = download_latest_release(tool)
except MissingPrebuildException as e:
print(f"Exception raised: {str(e)}")
print(f"Trying running with `-c` instead...")
raise e
# 2. copy the file to output directory
shutil.copy(tmpbin, output_directory)
# 3. print the aliasing command for the tool for the current OS
if is_windows:
alias_file = pathlib.Path(home) / "Documents" / "WindowsPowerShell" / "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1"
install_path = output_directory.absolute() / (tool['modern-tool']+".exe")
line_to_add = f"New-Alias -Name {tool['unix-tool']} -Value '{install_path}' -Option ReadOnly # added by {DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME}"
alias_file = pathlib.Path(home) / ".aliases"
install_path = output_directory.absolute() / tool['modern-tool']
line_to_add = f"alias {tool['unix-tool']}='{install_path}' # added by {DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME}"
if alias_file.is_file():
if line_to_add not in open(str(alias_file.absolute()), "r").readlines():
with open(str(alias_file.absolute()), "a") as f:
f.write(f"{line_to_add} {os.linesep}")
print(f"Alias added to `{alias_file}`")
print(f"Alias to `{tool['modern-tool']}` already in `{alias_file}`")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbose", help="Increase verbosity")
generate_group = parser.add_argument_group("generate table")
generate_group.add_argument("--generate-table", help="Update the Markdown summary table of tools available", action="store_true")
install_group = parser.add_argument_group("install table")
install_group.add_argument("-u", "--search-unix", help="Search for a unix tool", type=str, metavar="NAME")
install_group.add_argument("-r", "--search-rust", help="Search for a rust tool", type=str, metavar="NAME")
install_group.add_argument("-s", "--switch", help="Download prebuild and install a legacy unix tool with a rust tool", type=str, metavar="RUST_TOOL_NAME")
install_group.add_argument("-S", "--switch-all", help="Download prebuild and install all legacy unix tool with rust tools", action="store_true")
install_group.add_argument("-c", "--compile", help="Download, compile and install a legacy unix tool with a rust tool", type=str, metavar="RUST_TOOL_NAME")
install_group.add_argument("-C", "--compile-all", help="Download, compile and install all legacy unix tool with rust tools", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
DEBUG = True
if args.generate_table:
if args.search_unix:
if args.search_rust:
res = lookup_rust_tool_by_name(args.search_rust)
if len(res) != 1:
print("/!\\ Found multiple matches /!\\")
if args.switch:
res = lookup_rust_tool_by_name(args.switch)
if len(res) != 1:
print("/!\\ Found multiple matches, cannot proceed /!\\")
if args.switch_all:
js = collect_json_data()
retcode = 0
for entry in js:
res = lookup_rust_tool_by_name(entry["modern-tool"])
if len(res) != 1:
print("/!\\ Found multiple matches, cannot proceed /!\\")
tool = res[0]
if install(tool) != 0:
print(f"/!\\ Error installing tool '{tool}' /!\\")
retcode += 1
if args.compile:
raise NotImplementedError("Compiling is not yet implemented")
if args.compile_all:
raise NotImplementedError("Compiling is not yet implemented")
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