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Created June 8, 2024 04:37
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Using tikz to plot 2D figure in Fortran
module tikz_module
! -------------------------------------------------- !
! ! If using intel fortran, must include this module !
! ! If using gnu fortran, must comment this line out !
! use ifport !
! -------------------------------------------------- !
use, intrinsic :: iso_Fortran_env, only : wp => real64, int32, int64, real32, real64, OUTPUT_UNIT, INPUT_UNIT, ERROR_UNIT
use omp_lib
implicit none
public :: tikz
interface tikz
module procedure tikz_plot_y, tikz_plot_xy, tikz_plot_xy2
end interface tikz
! convert int32, int64, real32, real64 into string
interface num2str
module procedure num2str_int32
module procedure num2str_int64
module procedure num2str_real32
module procedure num2str_real64
end interface num2str
subroutine tikz_plot_y(y, title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name, options)
real(wp), intent(in) :: y(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name, options
call tikz_plot_xy2(&
linspace(minval(y), maxval(y), size(y)), &
reshape(y,[size(y),1]), &
title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name)
end subroutine tikz_plot_y
subroutine tikz_plot_xy(x, y, title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name, options)
real(wp), intent(in) :: x(:), y(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name, options
call tikz_plot_xy2(x, reshape(y,[size(y),1]), title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name, options)
end subroutine tikz_plot_xy
subroutine tikz_plot_xy2(x, y, title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name, options)
real(wp), intent(in) :: x(:), y(:, :)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name, options
integer :: unitno ! thread save unit number
integer :: ni, nj ! dimension of x and y
character(len=5) :: tmpChar5 ! tmp file name based on thread
character(len=3) :: ftype ! file type
character(len=:), allocatable :: fname ! name of the tex file
character(len=:), allocatable :: fpath ! path of the tex file
character(len=:), allocatable :: dat ! data file
character(len=:), allocatable :: tikz ! plotting tex file
real(wp) :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ! boundary of the figure
real(wp) :: xticsdist, yticsdist ! tics distances
character(len=:), allocatable :: palette ! color palette
character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable :: legendvec ! color palette
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: semicolonloc
! ---------------------- !
! Check inputs dimension !
! ---------------------- !
ni = size(x)
nj = size(y,2)
if (size(y,1)/=ni) STOP 'sub_plot_x_y2: x and y dims don''t agree'
! ------------------ !
! Set default values !
! ------------------ !
!if (.not. present(xlabel)) xlabel = 'x'
write(tmpChar5,'(i0)') omp_get_thread_num()
unitno = 726+omp_get_thread_num()
if (present(name)) then
call decompose_name(fname, fpath, ftype, name)
dat = trim(fname) // '.dat'
tikz = trim(fname) // '.tex'
fpath = './'
fname = 'tikzplot' // trim(tmpChar5)
ftype = ''
dat = 'tikzdata' // trim(tmpChar5) // '.dat'
tikz = 'tikzplot' // trim(tmpChar5) // '.tex'
if (present(legend)) then
semicolonloc = genLoc(legend, ';')
legendvec = decompose_str(legend, semicolonloc)
call write_dat(x, y, ni, nj, unitno, fpath, dat)
xmin = minval(x)
xmax = maxval(x)
ymin = minval(y)
ymax = maxval(y)
xticsdist = (xmax - xmin) / 12.0_wp
yticsdist = (ymax - ymin) / 12.0_wp
! matlab colormap
! Source:
palette = '0072BD; ' // & ! blue
'D95319; ' // & ! orange
'EDB120; ' // & ! yellow
'7E2F8E; ' // & ! purple
'77AC30; ' // & ! green
'4DBEEE; ' // & ! light-blue
'A2142F; ' ! red
call write_tikz(unitno, fpath, tikz, dat, nj, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xticsdist, yticsdist, palette, legendvec, title)
call typeset(fpath, fname, tikz, .true.)
end subroutine tikz_plot_xy2
subroutine write_tikz(unitno, fpath, tikz, dat, nj, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xticsdist, yticsdist, palette, legendvec, title)
integer, intent(in) :: unitno, nj
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fpath, tikz, dat, palette
character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: legendvec
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
real(wp), intent(in) :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xticsdist, yticsdist
open(unitno, file=trim(fpath) // trim(tikz),status='unknown')
write(unitno, *) "\documentclass[tikz]{standalone}"
write(unitno, *) "\usepackage{tikz}"
write(unitno, *) "\usepackage{pgfplots}"
write(unitno, *) "\usetikzlibrary{decorations}"
write(unitno, *) "\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing, intersections, fillbetween}"
write(unitno, *) "\usetikzlibrary{calc,positioning}"
write(unitno, *) "\pgfplotsset{compat=newest, scale only axis, width = 13cm, height = 6cm}"
write(unitno, *) "\pgfplotsset{sciclean/.style={axis lines=left,"
write(unitno, *) " axis x line shift=0.5em,"
write(unitno, *) " axis y line shift=0.5em,"
write(unitno, *) " axis line style={-,very thin},"
write(unitno, *) " axis background/.style={draw,ultra thin,gray},"
write(unitno, *) " tick align=outside,"
write(unitno, *) " xtick distance=" // num2str(xticsdist) // ","
write(unitno, *) " ytick distance=" // num2str(yticsdist) // ","
write(unitno, *) " major tick length=2pt}}"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "% Create fake \onslide and other commands for standalone picture"
write(unitno, *) "\usepackage{xparse}"
write(unitno, *) "\NewDocumentCommand{\onslide}{s t+ d<>}{}"
write(unitno, *) "\NewDocumentCommand{\only}{d<>}{}"
write(unitno, *) "\NewDocumentCommand{\uncover}{d<>}{}"
write(unitno, *) "\NewDocumentCommand{\visible}{d<>}{}"
write(unitno, *) "\NewDocumentCommand{\invisible}{d<>}{}"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "\makeatletter"
write(unitno, *) "\tikzset{"
write(unitno, *) "Sloped/.code = {"
write(unitno, *) "\iftikz@fullytransformed% tikz.code.tex"
write(unitno, *) " \tikzset{sloped}"
write(unitno, *) "\else"
write(unitno, *) " \pgfgettransformentries{\mya}{\myb}{\myc}{\myd}{\mys}{\myt}%"
write(unitno, *) " \tikzset{sloped, transform shape, rotate = {atan2(\myb,\mya)}}%"
write(unitno, *) "\fi"
write(unitno, *) "}"
write(unitno, *) "}"
write(unitno, *) "\makeatother"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "% ---------------------------------------------------------------------"
write(unitno, *) "% Coordinate extraction"
write(unitno, *) "% #1: node name"
write(unitno, *) "% #2: output macro name: x coordinate"
write(unitno, *) "% #3: output macro name: y coordinate"
write(unitno, *) "\newcommand{\Getxycoords}[3]{%"
write(unitno, *) " \pgfplotsextra{%"
write(unitno, *) " % using `\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates' stores the (axis)"
write(unitno, *) " % coordinates in `data point' which then can be called by"
write(unitno, *) " % `\pgfkeysvalueof' or `\pgfkeysgetvalue'"
write(unitno, *) " \pgfplotspointgetcoordinates{(#1)}%"
write(unitno, *) " % `\global' (a TeX macro and not a TikZ/PGFPlots one) allows to"
write(unitno, *) " % store the values globally"
write(unitno, *) " \global\pgfkeysgetvalue{/data point/x}{#2}%"
write(unitno, *) " \global\pgfkeysgetvalue{/data point/y}{#3}%"
write(unitno, *) " }%"
write(unitno, *) "}"
write(unitno, *) "% ---------------------------------------------------------------------"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "\begin{document}"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "\begin{tikzpicture}"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "\begin{axis}["
write(unitno, *) " sciclean,"
write(unitno, *) " xlabel = {},"
write(unitno, *) " ylabel = {},"
write(unitno, *) " xmin = " // num2str(xmin) // ","
write(unitno, *) " xmax = " // num2str(xmax) // ","
write(unitno, *) " ymin = " // num2str(ymin) // ","
write(unitno, *) " ymax = " // num2str(ymax) // ","
write(unitno, *) " legend cell align = left,"
write(unitno, *) " legend pos = south east,"
write(unitno, *) " title = {" // title // "}]"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) ""
call plotting(unitno, nj, palette, fpath, dat, legendvec)
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "\end{axis}"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "\end{tikzpicture}"
write(unitno, *) ""
write(unitno, *) "\end{document}"
end subroutine write_tikz
subroutine plotting(unitno, nj, palette, fpath, dat, legendvec)
integer, intent(in) :: unitno, nj
character(len=*), intent(in) :: palette, fpath, dat
character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: legendvec
character(len=:), allocatable :: cnames
character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable :: colorvec, colorname
integer :: i
colorvec = decompose_str(palette, genLoc(palette, ';'))
cnames = "blue; orange; yellow; purple; green; light-blue; red"
colorname = decompose_str(cnames, genLoc(cnames, ';'))
do i = 1, nj, 1
write(unitno, *) "\definecolor{" // trim(colorname(i)) // "}{HTML}{" // trim(colorvec(i)) // "}"
write(unitno, *) "\addplot[name path = " // num2str(i) // &
", thick, color=" // trim(colorname(i)) // &
"] table [x expr=\thisrowno{0}, y expr=\thisrowno{" // num2str(i) // &
"}]{" // dat // "} node[" // trim(colorname(i)) // ", pos=0.5, above, Sloped]{" // trim(legendvec(i)) // "};"
end subroutine plotting
subroutine write_dat(x, y, ni, nj, unitno, fpath, dat)
real(wp), intent(in) :: x(:), y(:, :)
integer, intent(in) :: unitno, ni, nj
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fpath, dat
integer :: i, j
! Write data to a temporary file
open(unitno,file=trim(fpath) // trim(dat),status='unknown')
do i = 1,ni
write(unitno,'(1PE24.15E3)',advance='no') x(i)
do j = 1,nj
write(unitno,'(1PE24.15E3)',advance='no') y(i,j)
end do
end do
end subroutine write_dat
subroutine decompose_name(fname, fpath, ftype, name)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=3), intent(out) :: ftype
character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable :: fname, fpath
integer :: i, nf
nf = len_trim(name)
ftype = name(nf-2:nf)
do i = nf, 1, -1
if (name(i:i) .eq. '/') exit
fname = name(i+1:nf-4)
fpath = name(1:i)
end subroutine decompose_name
! ------------------------------------ !
! decompose string into string vectors !
! ------------------------------------ !
function decompose_str(str, chloc) result(strvec)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: chloc
character(len=len_trim(str)), dimension(:), allocatable :: strvec
integer :: j, nk, k, lastj, nstr
nstr = len_trim(str)
nk = sum(chloc)
! decompose str into array
k = 0
lastj = 1
do j = 1, nstr, 1
if (chloc(j) == 1) then
k = k + 1
strvec(k) = str(lastj:j-1)
lastj = j+1
if (j .eq. nstr) then
k = k + 1
strvec(k) = str(lastj:j)
do k = 1, nk+1, 1
strvec(k) = trim(adjustl(strvec(k)))
end function decompose_str
! -------------------------------------------------------- !
! generate an integer array chloc to record the appearance !
! of character ch in string s1 !
! -------------------------------------------------------- !
function genLoc(s1, ch) result(chloc)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
character(len=1), intent(in) :: ch
character(len=len_trim(s1)) :: s
integer :: i, k
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: chloc
s = s1
k = 0
allocate(chloc(len_trim(s1)), source = 0)
do i = 1, len_trim(s)-1, 1
if (s(i:i) == ch) chloc(i) = 1
end function genLoc
! Acts just like the colon in Matlab
pure function colon(a,b)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: a,b
integer, dimension(1:b-a+1) :: colon
integer :: i
do i = a,b
colon(i-a+1) = i
end do
end function colon
! linspace(a,b,n) (of course) constructs a grid of n linearly spaced points between
! a and b. If n==1, then the grid is just "a", consistent with Matlab. If n<=0, the routine
! stops with an error.
function linspace(x1,x2,n) result(grid)
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x1,x2
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(wp), dimension(1:n) :: grid
integer :: i
if (n>1) then
grid(1) = x1
do i=2,n-1
grid(i) = x1 + (x2-x1)*(real(i,wp)-1.0_wp)/(real(n,wp)-1.0_wp)
end do
grid(n) = x2
elseif (n==1) then
grid(1) = x1
STOP 'linspace: ERROR: grid has size <= 0'
end if
end function linspace
function num2str_int32(num)
integer(int32), intent(in) :: num
character(len=:), allocatable :: num2str_int32
character(len=range(num)) :: str
write(unit=str, fmt='(I0)') num
num2str_int32 = trim(str)
end function num2str_int32
function num2str_int64(num)
integer(int64), intent(in) :: num
character(len=:), allocatable :: num2str_int64
character(len=range(num)) :: str
write(unit=str, fmt='(I0)') num
num2str_int64 = trim(str)
end function num2str_int64
function num2str_real32(num, strfmt)
real(real32), intent(in) :: num
character(len=*), optional :: strfmt
character(len=:), allocatable :: num2str_real32
character(len=range(num)) :: str
if (present(strfmt)) then
write(unit=str, fmt= '('//trim(strfmt)//')' ) num
write(unit=str, fmt='(G0)') num
end if
num2str_real32 = trim(str)
end function num2str_real32
function num2str_real64(num, strfmt)
real(real64), intent(in) :: num
character(len=*), optional :: strfmt
character(len=:), allocatable :: num2str_real64
character(len=range(num)) :: str
if (present(strfmt)) then
write(unit=str, fmt= '('//trim(strfmt)//')' ) num
write(unit=str, fmt='(G0)') num
end if
num2str_real64 = trim(str)
end function num2str_real64
function round(val, n)
implicit none
real(wp) :: val, round
integer :: n
round = anint(val*10.0_wp**n)/10.0_wp**n
end function round
subroutine typeset(fpath, fname, tikz, isSaveFile)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname, fpath, tikz
logical, intent(in) :: isSaveFile
character(len=:), allocatable :: plotfile
integer :: unitno, ierr
call execute_command_line('cwd=$PWD; cd ' // trim(fpath) // &
'; pdflatex ' // trim(tikz) // ' > /dev/null 2>&1; cd "$cwd"',exitstat=ierr)
if (ierr/=0) print*,'sub_plot_x_y2: WARNING: error in calling gnuplot'
call execute_command_line('cwd=$PWD; cd ' // trim(fpath) // '; ' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '-eps-converted-to.pdf' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '-eps-converted-to.pdf;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.aux' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.aux;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.log' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.log;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.4tc' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.4tc;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.xref' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.xref;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.tmp' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.tmp;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.pyc' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.pyc;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.pyg' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.pyg;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.pyo' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.pyo;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.fls' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.fls;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.vrb' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.vrb;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.fdb_latexmk' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.fdb_latexmk;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.bak' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.bak;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.swp' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.swp;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.aux' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.aux;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.log' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.log;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.lof' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.lof;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.lot' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.lot;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.maf' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.maf;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.idx' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.idx;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.mtc' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.mtc;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.mtc0' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.mtc0;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.nav' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.nav;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.out' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.out;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.snm' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.snm;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.toc' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.toc;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.bcf' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.bcf;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.run.xml' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.run.xml;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.synctex.gz' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.synctex.gz;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.blg' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.blg;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '.bbl' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '.bbl;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.aux' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.aux;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.log' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.log;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.4tc' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.4tc;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.xref' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.xref;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.tmp' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.tmp;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.pyc' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.pyc;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.pyg' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.pyg;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.pyo' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.pyo;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.fls' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.fls;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.vrb' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.vrb;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.fdb_latexmk' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.fdb_latexmk;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.bak' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.bak;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.swp' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.swp;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.aux' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.aux;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.log' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.log;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.lof' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.lof;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.lot' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.lot;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.maf' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.maf;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.idx' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.idx;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.mtc' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.mtc;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.mtc0' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.mtc0;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.nav' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.nav;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.out' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.out;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.snm' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.snm;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.toc' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.toc;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.bcf' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.bcf;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.run.xml' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.run.xml;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.synctex.gz' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.synctex.gz;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.blg' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.blg;' // &
'[ -f ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.bbl' // ' ] && rm ' // trim(fname) // '_plot' // '.bbl;' // &
'cd "$cwd"',exitstat=ierr)
end subroutine typeset
end module tikz_module
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