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Created June 18, 2013 12:29
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Make incremental subversion repo dump, reading previous state from dump log and making new incremental file on each invocation. Please note, this Win32 bat file requires some tools from gnuwin32 project.
@echo off
REM Makes incremental dump, reading previous state from dump log
set REPO=%1
set LOG=%~n1.log
set DUMPBASE=%~n1
set REV=
if "%REPO%"=="" echo Usage: %0 ^<repo^> && goto exit
if not exist %LOG% echo Starting from beginning of repo && set REV=1&& goto dump
echo Reading latest dumped revision from %LOG%
grep "Dumped revision" %LOG% | cut -d" " -f4 | cut -d"." -f1 | sed -re "s/^/set \/a REV=1 \+ /g" > __ver.bat
call __ver.bat
if "%REV%"=="" echo No revision found in %LOG% setting to beggining of repo && set REV=1
del __ver.bat
svnlook history %REPO% -l 1 | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | sed -re "s/[ \t]+//" | cut -d" " -f1 | sed -re "s/^/set \/a NEXTREV=1 \+ /g" > __ver.bat
call __ver.bat
del __ver.bat
if "%NEXTREV%"=="%REV%" echo Latest revision is same as repo, nothing to dump && goto exit
set DUMP=%DUMPBASE%-%REV%.dump
echo Dumping revision range %REV% to %DUMP% log %LOG%
svnadmin dump %REPO% --incremental -r %REV% >%DUMP% 2>>%LOG%
tail %LOG%
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