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Created August 27, 2017 14:23
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#### FUNCTION ####
results = function(Dir,thisFile,ppTimes,pmCraft,conflicts,dismiss){
#thisFile = allFiles[1]
# Results matrix
allResults =,nrow=1,ncol = 331))
# get the participant number
part = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]+","",substring(thisFile, 7, last = 1000000L)))
# import file
rawdata = read.csv(paste(Dir,thisFile,sep=""),header = FALSE,
col.names = paste("V", seq_len(50), sep = ""))
y = as.matrix(which(grepl("test*",rawdata[,1]) & !grepl("[[:alpha:]]", as.character(rawdata[,2]))))
sec = as.matrix(as.numeric(as.character(rawdata[y,2])))
ms = as.matrix(as.numeric(as.character(rawdata[y,3])))
mslm <- lm(ms ~ 0 + sec)
slope = summary(mslm)$coefficients[1,1]
ppTimes = ppTimes * slope
conflicts[,4] = conflicts[,4] * slope
conflicts[,5] = conflicts[,5] * slope
#### TEST ORDERS ####
# test number order
testOrderChar = as.character(unique(rawdata[grep("test*",rawdata[,1]),1]))
testOrderNum = data.frame(as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]+","",testOrderChar)))
colnames(testOrderNum) = "testOrder"
# get interruption type: 0 = none, 1 = Interruption, 2 = ATCint
ITind = grep("Interruption Type",rawdata[,2])+1
testTypeNum = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = 15))
testType = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = 15))
ATCintType = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = 15))
for (it in 1:length(ITind)) {
if ([ITind[it],2]))) {
testTypeNum[it,1] = 0
testType[it,1] = 'None'
} else {
if (![ITind[it],6]))) {
testTypeNum[it,1] = 2
k = as.character(rawdata[ITind[it],6])
ATCintType[it,1] = as.numeric(substr(k,7,7))
testType[it,1] = k
else if (as.character(rawdata[ITind[it],2])=="Interruption") {
testTypeNum[it,1] = 1
testType[it,1] = 'Blank'
} else if (as.character(rawdata[ITind[it],2])=="NBack") {
testTypeNum[it,1] = 2
testType[it,1] = 'NBack'
colnames(testTypeNum) = "testType"
# get order of interruption types
testTypeOrder = testTypeNum
colnames(testTypeOrder) = "typeOrder"
testTypeOrder[which(testTypeNum[,1]==0),1] = c(1,2,3,4,5)
testTypeOrder[which(testTypeNum[,1]==1),1] = c(1,2,3,4,5)
testTypeOrder[which(testTypeNum[,1]==2),1] = c(1,2,3,4,5)
ConInd = as.numeric(grep("Intervene Time",rawdata[,1]))
for (t in 1:length(testOrderNum[,1])) {
Ind2 = ConInd[t] + match(NA,rawdata[ConInd[t]:(ConInd[t]+15),1]) - 2
conTemp = rawdata[(ConInd[t]+1):Ind2,1:3]
if (t == 1) {
allConf =[t,1],length(conTemp[,1])),conTemp,rep(NA,length(conTemp[,1]))))
} else if (![1,1])) {
allConf = rbind(allConf,[t,1],length(conTemp[,1])),conTemp,rep(NA,length(conTemp[,1])))))
colnames(allConf) = c("V1","V2","V3","V4","V5")
resConf = as.matrix(conflicts[which(conflicts[,10]==0),c(1,2,3,4,5,9)])
resConf = cbind(resConf,as.numeric(rep(NA,length(resConf[,1]))),as.numeric(rep(0,length(resConf[,1]))),as.numeric(rep(0,length(resConf[,1]))),as.numeric(rep(0,length(resConf[,1]))),as.numeric(rep(NA,length(resConf[,1]))),as.numeric(rep(0,length(resConf[,1]))))
# change column types
resConf[,1] = as.numeric(as.character(resConf[,1]))
resConf[,4] = as.numeric(as.character(resConf[,4]))
allConf[,4] = as.character(allConf[,4])
allConf[,3] = as.numeric(as.character(allConf[,3]))
# find resumption aircraft and ignore
# for (q in 1:length(allConf[,1])) {
# if (length(which(conflicts[,1]==allConf[q,1] &
# (conflicts[,2]==allConf[q,4] | conflicts[,3]==allConf[q,4]) & conflicts[,10]==1)) > 0) {
# allConf[q,5] = 0
# }
# }
# find reaction times for each conflict aircraft
for (n in 1:length(resConf[,1])) {
resConf[n,9] = testOrderNum[resConf[n,1],1]
resConf[n,10] = testType[resConf[n,1],1]
id = which((allConf[,4] == resConf[n,2] | allConf[,4] == resConf[n,3]) & allConf[,1] == resConf[n,1])
if (length(id) > 0) { # got it
id=id[1] # only use first time pressed
allConf[id,5] = 1
resConf[n,11] = allConf[id,3]
if (allConf[id,3] > as.numeric(resConf[n,4]) & allConf[id,3] < (as.numeric(resConf[n,5]))) { # greater than T1 and < T2
resConf[n,7] = allConf[id,3] - as.numeric(resConf[n,4])
} else if (allConf[id,3] > (as.numeric(resConf[n,5]))) { # greater than T2
resConf[n,7] = NA # reaction time NA
resConf[n,8] = 1 # missed
resConf[n,11] = NA
} else { # less than T1
allConf[id,5] = NA # reaction time NA
resConf[n,12] = 1 # False Alarm
resConf[n,11] = NA
} else { # missed
resConf[n,7] = NA # reaction time NA
resConf[n,8] = 1 # missed
ACTind = which(testTypeNum[,1] == 2)
Blank = which(testTypeNum[,1] == 1)
None = which(testTypeNum[,1] == 0)
CDT = matrix(NA,nrow=18,ncol=3)
missCDT = matrix(NA,nrow=18,ncol=3)
confFA = matrix(NA,nrow=18,ncol=1)
# Pre | Post | Overlap
typeCDT = c("No Overlap (Pre-Int)","No overlap (Post-Int)","Overlap - Conflict After")
for (v in 1:3) { # PreIntCDT, PostIntCDT, OverlapCDT
for (r in 1:5) {
# Conflict Detection Times
CDT[r,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[resConf[,1] == ACTind[r] & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],7]))
CDT[r+5,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[resConf[,1] == Blank[r] & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],7]))
CDT[r+10,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[resConf[,1] == None[r] & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],7]))
# Misses
missCDT[r,v] = sum(as.numeric(resConf[resConf[,1] == ACTind[r] & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],8]))
missCDT[r+5,v] = sum(as.numeric(resConf[resConf[,1] == Blank[r] & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],8]))
missCDT[r+10,v] = sum(as.numeric(resConf[resConf[,1] == None[r] & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],8]))
# Conflict Detection Times
CDT[16,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[as.numeric(resConf[,1]) %in% ACTind & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],7]))
CDT[17,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[as.numeric(resConf[,1]) %in% Blank & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],7]))
CDT[18,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[as.numeric(resConf[,1]) %in% None & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],7]))
# Misses
missCDT[16,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[as.numeric(resConf[,1]) %in% ACTind & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],8]))
missCDT[17,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[as.numeric(resConf[,1]) %in% Blank & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],8]))
missCDT[18,v] = mean(as.numeric(resConf[as.numeric(resConf[,1]) %in% None & ![,7]) & resConf[,6] == typeCDT[v],8]))
# Conflict False Alarms
for (r in 1:5) {
confFA[r,1] = length(which([which(allConf[,1] == ACTind[r]),5])))
confFA[r+5,1] = length(which([which(allConf[,1] == Blank[r]),5])))
confFA[r+10,1] = length(which([which(allConf[,1] == None[r]),5])))
confFA[16,1] = length(which([which(allConf[,1] %in% ACTind),5]))) /
length(allConf[which(allConf[,1] %in% ACTind),5])
confFA[17,1] = length(which([which(allConf[,1] %in% Blank),5]))) /
length(allConf[which(allConf[,1] %in% Blank),5])
confFA[18,1] = length(which([which(allConf[,1] %in% None),5]))) /
length(allConf[which(allConf[,1] %in% None),5])
newResults =,nrow=60,ncol = 12))
# Conflict ID
newResults[,1] = conflicts[,11]
# ms conversion
newResults[,2] = slope
# Participant
newResults[,3] = part
# Trial Number
newResults[,4] = conflicts[,1]
# Order Number
newResults[,5] = resConf[,9]
# Condition
newResults[,6] = resConf[,10]
# Type
newResults[,7] = resConf[,6]
# T1_ms
newResults[,8] = resConf[,4]
# T2_ms
newResults[,9] = resConf[,5]
# response_time_ms
newResults[,10] = resConf[,11]
# Miss
newResults[,11] = resConf[,8]
# FA
newResults[,12] = resConf[,12]
# Get the files
allFiles = list.files(path = Dir, pattern = "csv")
# Results headings
newheadings = cbind("Conflict ID", "ms conversion","Participant","Trial Number","Order Number","Condition","Type","T1_ms","T2_ms","response_time_ms","miss","FA")
# Pre/post times
ppTimes = read.xlsx(paste(R_Dir,"Phase2_Input.xlsx",sep = ""),sheetName="resumption_sheet2.5",colIndex=c(8,9))
# PM Aircraft
pmCraft = read.xlsx(paste(R_Dir,"Phase2_Input.xlsx",sep = ""),sheetName="PM_sheet1.5",colIndex=2)
# Conflict data
conflicts = read.xlsx(paste(R_Dir,"Phase2_Input.xlsx",sep = ""),sheetName="conflictdata_phase2")
conflicts = cbind(conflicts[,2:11],conflicts[,1]) # reshuffled the order of this so that column referencing in the function remains the same
# Import dismiss data
dismiss =,"Phase2_Input.xlsx",sep = ""),sheetName="dismiss_check2.5"))
newCompResults =,nrow=length(allFiles)*60,ncol = 12))
names(newCompResults) = newheadings
for (f in 1:length(allFiles)) {
i1 = (f-1)*60+1
i2 = i1+59
newCompResults[i1:i2,] = results(Dir,allFiles[f],ppTimes,pmCraft,conflicts,dismiss)
print("The results file is now ready")
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