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Created February 12, 2024 14:13
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Javascript Statement
// Javascript Statement
1. A statement is a complete line of code that performs
some action. It may or may not result in a value.
2. Statements typically perform tasks such as variable assignment,
control flow (if statements, loops), function declarations, etc.
// JavaScript statements are composed of:
1. Values
2. Operators
3. Expressions
4. Keywords and
// Example 1 :
/* This statement tells the browser to write "Hello World"
inside an HTML element with id="demo"
// document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello World";
// Example 2 :
let a, b, c
a = 5;
b = 5;
c = a + b;
// Javascript Values
In JavaScript, values are the basic building blocks of any program.
They represent data that can be manipulated and operated
on by the program. JavaScript has several types of values
// Primitive Values:
let num = 42; // Number
let str = 'Hello'; // String
let bool = true; // Boolean
let undef; // Undefined
let nul = null; // Null
let nan = 0 / 0; // NaN
let inf = Infinity; // Infinity
let negInf = -Infinity; // -Infinity
// Complex Values:
let obj = { name: 'John', age: 30 }; // Object
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // Array
let func = function() { console.log('Hello, world!'); }; // Function
// Javascript Expression:
// An expression is a combination of values, variables, and operators, which computes to a value.
1. An expression is any valid unit of code that resolves to a value.
2. It can consist of variables, operators, literals, and function calls.
3. Expressions can be simple or complex.
// Example
x = 5;
y = 7;
z = (x != y) ? "YES" : "NO"; // NO
var p = "John Doe";
var p = 0;
1. **Arithmetic Operators**: Used to perform mathematical calculations.
- Addition: `+`
- Subtraction: `-`
- Multiplication: `*`
- Division: `/`
- Modulus (remainder): `%`
- Exponentiation: `**` (ES7)
2. **Assignment Operators**: Used to assign values to variables.
- Assignment: `=`
- Addition assignment: `+=`
- Subtraction assignment: `-=`
- Multiplication assignment: `*=`
- Division assignment: `/=`
- Modulus assignment: `%=`
3. **Comparison Operators**: Used to compare values.
- Equal to: `==` or `===`
- Not equal to: `!=` or `!==`
- Greater than: `>`
- Less than: `<`
- Greater than or equal to: `>=`
- Less than or equal to: `<=`
4. **Logical Operators**: Used to perform logical operations.
- Logical AND: `&&`
- Logical OR: `||`
- Logical NOT: `!`
5. **Bitwise Operators**: Used to perform bitwise operations.
- Bitwise AND: `&`
- Bitwise OR: `|`
- Bitwise XOR: `^`
- Bitwise NOT: `~`
- Left shift: `<<`
- Sign-propagating right shift: `>>`
- Zero-fill right shift: `>>>`
6. **Unary Operators**: Operate on a single operand.
- Increment: `++`
- Decrement: `--`
- Unary plus: `+`
- Unary minus: `-`
- Logical NOT: `!`
- Typeof: `typeof`
- Void: `void`
- Delete: `delete`
7. **Ternary Operator**: A conditional operator.
- Syntax: `condition ? expr1 : expr2`
8. **String Concatenation Operator**: Used to concatenate strings.
- Concatenation: `+`
9. **Type Operators**: Used to determine the type of a variable.
- Instanceof: `instanceof`
- Typeof: `typeof`
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