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Last active October 19, 2023 06:48
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Conditional url type selector with codestar metabox framework
function lhcorp_section_banner_two_metabox($metaboxes){
$section_id = 0;
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['post'] ) || isset( $_REQUEST['post_ID'] ) ) {
$section_id = empty( $_REQUEST['post_ID'] ) ? $_REQUEST['post'] : $_REQUEST['post_ID'];
return $metaboxes;
$section_meta = get_post_meta($section_id,'lhcorp-section-type',true);
return $metaboxes;
}else if('banner-two' != $section_meta['section-type'] ){
return $metaboxes;
$metaboxes[] = array(
'title'=>__('Banner Two Settings','lhcorp'),
'icon'=>'fa fa-image',
'title'=>__('Button Label','lhcorp'),
'default'=>__('Learn More','lhcorp')
'id' => 'button-url-type',
'type' => 'select',
'title' => __('Button URL Type', 'lhcorp'),
'options' => array(
'new_tab' => __('Custom URL', 'lhcorp'),
'same_tab' => __('WordPress Page', 'lhcorp'),
'id' => 'button-link-wp-page',
'type' => 'select',
'title' => __('Select WordPress Page', 'lhcorp'),
'options' => lhcorp_get_wp_pages_options(), // You need to implement the function lhcorp_get_wp_pages_options()
'dependency' => array('button-url-type', '==', 'same_tab'),
'id' => 'button-link-custom-url',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => __('Custom URL', 'lhcorp'),
'dependency' => array('button-url-type', '==', 'new_tab'),
return $metaboxes;
// Banner Button URL
$button_url_type = isset($lhcorp_section_meta['button-url-type']) ? $lhcorp_section_meta['button-url-type'] : 'same_tab';
if ('same_tab' === $button_url_type && !empty($lhcorp_section_meta['button-link-wp-page'])) {
// Use WordPress page URL
$button_url = get_permalink($lhcorp_section_meta['button-link-wp-page']);
// $link_target = '_self'; // Open in the same tab
} elseif ('new_tab' === $button_url_type && !empty($lhcorp_section_meta['button-link-custom-url'])) {
// Use custom URL
$button_url = esc_url($lhcorp_section_meta['button-link-custom-url']);
// $link_target = '_blank'; // Open in a new tab
} else {
// Default to a fallback URL or do something else based on your requirements
$button_url = '#';
// $link_target = '_self'; // Open in the same tab
// Check if the key 'button-label' exists in the array
$button_label = isset($lhcorp_section_meta['button-label']) ? esc_html($lhcorp_section_meta['button-label']) : '';
// Conditionally check custom url value
// Link starts with '#' & '/' => '_self'
// Link starts with 'http' => '_blank'
if ('new_tab' === $button_url_type && !empty($lhcorp_section_meta['button-link-custom-url'])) {
// Use custom URL
$button_url = esc_url($lhcorp_section_meta['button-link-custom-url']);
// Check the value of $button_url to determine link behavior
if (strpos($button_url, '#') === 0 || strpos($button_url, '/') === 0) {
// Link starts with '#' or '/'
$link_target = '_self'; // Open in the same tab
} elseif (strpos($button_url, 'http') === 0) {
// Link starts with 'http'
$link_target = '_blank'; // Open in a new tab
} else {
// Default to a fallback URL or do something else based on your requirements
// $button_url = '#';
$link_target = '_self'; // Open in the same tab
} else {
// Default to a fallback URL or do something else based on your requirements
// $button_url = '#';
$link_target = '_self'; // Open in the same tab
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="<?php echo esc_url($button_url); ?>" target="<?php echo esc_attr($link_target); ?>">
<?php echo $button_label; ?>
Copy link


Button metabox with custom url link target select

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