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Last active October 3, 2022 05:32
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Special Documentation about Basic PHP
Basic Introduction of PHP
** PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor
** Server side scripting language
** First Released Date : 1994
** Created By: Rasmus Lerdorf
** Most CMS used PHP -
* WordPress
* Joomla
* Drupal
** Most popular website used PHP in there website -
* Facebook
* Yahoo
* Wikipedia
* Flicker
Rules for PHP variables:
=> A variable starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable
=> A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
=> A variable name cannot start with a number
=> A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
=> Variable names are case-sensitive ($age and $AGE are two different variables)
//PHP variable
$myfriend = 'my friend name is jahed hossain';
$br = '<br>';
echo $myfriend . $br;
1. Arithmetic Operator
2. Assignment Operator
3. Logical Operator
4. Comparison Operator
5. Array Operator
6. Increment/decrement Operator
7. String Operator
1. Arithmetic Operator
1.1 - Plus : +
1.2 - Mynus : -
1.3 - Into : *
1.4 - Devided : /
1.5 - Modulas : %
$father = 60;
$son = 25;
$plus = $father + $son; //Plus
$mynus = $father - $son; //Mynus
$into = $father * $son; //Into
$devided = $father / $son; //Devided
$modulas = $father % $son; //Modulas
echo $plus . $br;
echo $mynus . $br;
echo $into . $br;
echo $devided . $br;
echo $modulas . $br;
2. Assignment Operator
2.1 - Plus-equal : +=
2.2 - Mynus-equal : -=
2.3 - Into-equal : *=
2.4 - Devided-equal : /=
2.5 - Modulas-equal : %=
$age = 20;
$age = $age += 5; //Plus-equal
//$age = $age -= 5; //Mynus-equal
//$age = $age *= 5; //Into-equal
//$age = $age /= 5; //Devided-equal
//$age = $age %= 5; //Modulas-equal
echo $age . $br;
3. Logical Operator
3.1 - (or) - ||
3.2 - (and) - &&
3.3 - (not) - !
$username = 'humayunahmed8';
$password = 'ha154248';
// (and)
if($username == 'humayunahmed8' && $password == 'ha154248'){
echo 'login success' . $br;
echo 'login failed' . $br;
if($username == 'humayunahmed8d' || $password == 'ha154248'){
echo 'login success';
echo 'login failed';
4. Comparison Operator
4.1 - (equal) - ==
4.2 - (not equal) - !=
4.3 - (not equal) - <>
4.4 - (greater than) - >
4.5 - (greater than or equal to) - >=
4.6 - (less than) - <
4.7 - (less than or equal to) - <=
$humayun = 20;
$jahed = 18;
if($humayun > $jahed){
echo 'true' . $br;
echo 'false' . $br;
$humayra = 17;
if($humayra >= 18){
echo 'Ready for marriage' . $br;
echo 'not ready for marriage' . $br;
5. Array Operator
5.1 - Indexed Array
5.2 - Associative Array
5.3 - Multidimensional Array
// 5.1 - Indexed Array
$father = array(1=>'humayun','foysal','fariya');
echo $father[1] . $br;
// 5.2 - Associative Array
$mother = array('humayun'=>21,'foysal'=>18,'fariya'=>10);
echo $mother['foysal'] . $br;
// 5.3 - Multidimensional Array
$humayun = array(
'humayra' => array(
'class' => 12,
'group' => 'Business Studies',
'hobby' => 'Reading',
'abrar' => array(
'class' => 10,
'group' => 'Science',
'hobby' => 'Sleeping',
) ,
'jahanara' => array(
'class' => 9,
'group' => 'Humanities',
'hobby' => 'Singing',
//echo $humayun['humayra']['hobby'];
//echo $humayun['abrar']['group'];
//echo $humayun['jahanara']['class'];
echo $humayun['humayra']['hobby'].$br.$humayun['abrar']['group'].$br.$humayun['jahanara']['class'] . $br;
1. for loop
2. while loop
3. foreach loop
//1. for loop
echo $i . $br;
echo $b . $br;
for($b=2;$b<=100;$b+=2){ // assign
echo $b . $br;
for($b=1;$b<=100;$b+=2){ // assign
echo $b . $br;
//2. while loop
echo $n . $br;
//3. foreach loop
$rahman = array('ramim'=>20,'nadim'=>25,'hridoy'=>30,'sakib'=>28);
foreach($rahman as $child=>$year){
//echo $child . $year . $br ;
echo $child . ' age is' . $year . $br;
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