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Forked from makasim/1_usecase.php
Created July 6, 2018 15:00
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Async non blocking process daemon. Stderr\Stdout proxy, Child reboot on exit, Graceful child exit on sigterm, reload on usr1 signal
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder;
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$phpBin = (new PhpExecutableFinder)->find();
if (false === $phpBin) {
throw new \LogicException('Php executable could not be found');
$daemon = new \App\Infra\Swoole\Daemon();
$daemon->addWorker(1, $phpBin, [__DIR__ . '/console', 'quartz:scheduler', '-vvv']);
$daemon->addWorker(3, $phpBin, [__DIR__ . '/console', 'enqueue:consume', '--setup-broker', '-vvv']);
namespace App\Infra\Swoole;
class Daemon
* @var int[]
private $pipes = [];
* @var \swoole_process[]
private $workers = [];
* @var bool
private $exiting = false;
* @var array
private $workersData = [];
public function addWorker(int $quantity, string $execFile, array $arguments):void
$data = ['quantity' => $quantity, 'execFile' => $execFile, 'arguments' => $arguments];
$this->workersData[md5(serialize($data))] = $data;
public function run():void
putenv('MASTER_PROCESS_PID=' . getmypid());
\swoole_process::signal(SIGCHLD, [$this, 'rebootProcess']);
\swoole_process::signal(SIGTERM, [$this, 'handleSignal']);
\swoole_process::signal(SIGQUIT, [$this, 'handleSignal']);
\swoole_process::signal(SIGINT, [$this, 'handleSignal']);
\swoole_process::signal(SIGUSR1, [$this, 'handleSignal']);
\swoole_process::signal(SIGUSR2, [$this, 'handleSignal']);
foreach ($this->workersData as $dataId => $workerData) {
foreach (range(1, $workerData['quantity']) as $index) {
$this->execProcess($dataId, $workerData);
// "Precautions"
foreach ($this->pipes as $process) {
swoole_event_add($process->pipe, [$this, 'onReceive']);
public function onReceive(int $pipe):void
if (array_key_exists($pipe, $this->pipes)) {
$worker = $this->pipes[$pipe];
echo str_replace(PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL . $worker->pid . " | ", $worker->read());
public function handleSignal(int $signal):void
echo "master | signal caught\n";
switch ($signal) {
case SIGUSR1: // reload
echo "master | reloading workers\n";
foreach (array_keys($this->workers) as $cPid) {
\swoole_process::kill($cPid, SIGTERM);
case SIGUSR2: // print status
echo "master | workers data status {dataId} => {data}:\n";
foreach ($this->workersData as $dataId => $data) {
echo "master | {$dataId} => ".json_encode($data)."\n";
echo "master | workers status {pid} => {dataId} => {working}:\n";
foreach ($this->workers as $cPid => $process) {
echo sprintf(
"master | %s => %s => %s\n",
\swoole_process::kill($cPid, 0) ? 'yes' : 'no'
echo "master | pipes status {pipe} => {datId}:\n";
foreach ($this->pipes as $pipe => $process) {
echo "master | {$pipe} => {$process->dataId}\n";
echo "master | exiting => '".$this->exiting ? 'true' : 'false'."'\n";
case SIGTERM: // 15 : supervisor default stop
case SIGQUIT: // 3 : kill -s QUIT
case SIGINT: // 2 : ctrl+c
$this->exiting = true;
foreach (array_keys($this->workers) as $cPid) {
\swoole_process::kill($cPid, SIGTERM);
while ($ret = \swoole_process::wait()) {
echo "master | child process {$ret['pid']} exited\n";
if (empty($this->workers)) {
echo "master | exited\n";
public function execProcess(string $dataId, array $workerData):\swoole_process
$process = new \swoole_process(function (\swoole_process $process) use ($workerData) {
$process->exec($workerData['execFile'], $workerData['arguments']);
}, true, true);
$process->dataId = $dataId;
$this->pipes[$process->pipe] = $process;
$this->workers[$process->pid] = $process;
return $process;
public function rebootProcess():void
// represents the child process has closed, recycle it
if ($ret = \swoole_process::wait()) {
echo "master | Child process: {$ret['pid']} exited with status {$ret['code']}\n";
if (false == $this->exiting) {
$oldProcess = $this->workers[$ret['pid']];
$workerData = $this->workersData[$oldProcess->dataId];
$newProcess = $this->execProcess($oldProcess->dataId, $workerData);
// "Precautions"
swoole_event_add($newProcess->pipe, [$this, 'onReceive']);
echo "master | Reboot process: {$ret['pid']} => {$newProcess->pid} Done\n";
public function removeProcess(int $pid):void
$worker = $this->workers[$pid];
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