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Created March 7, 2014 01:02
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# Read a configuration file
# Qui Mar 6 20:37:26 BRT 2014
# parameters to load
set fullname ""
set favouritefruit ""
set needspeeling no
set seedsremoved no
set otherfamily {}
proc get_file {} {
if {$::argc != 1} {
puts "This script requires a config file."
lindex $::argv 0
set filename [get_file]
if {![file exists $filename]} {puts "File $filename doesn't exist."; exit}
set input [open $filename r]
while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
# ignore comments and blank lines
if {[regexp {^#|^;|^\s*$} $line]} continue
set words [split $line " ="]
set varname [string tolower [lindex $words 0]]
set data [join [lrange $words 1 end] " "]
if {[regexp {^\s*$} $data]} {
# handle booleans
set $varname yes
} elseif {[regexp {,} $data]} {
#handle multiple parameters
set $varname [lmap x [split $data ","] {string trim $x}]
} else {
set $varname $data
close $input
puts "fullname = $fullname"
puts "favouritefruit = $favouritefruit"
puts "needspeeling = $needspeeling"
puts "seedsremoved = $seedsremoved"
puts "otherfamily = $otherfamily"
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