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Last active December 14, 2015 00:49
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==> MachTimer.h <==
// MachTimer
// Tout
// Code sourced from
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
@interface MachTimer : NSObject
+ (id) timer;
- (void) start;
- (uint64_t) elapsed;
- (Float64)elapsedSeconds;
==> MachTimer.m <==
// MachTimer
// Tout
// Code sourced from
#import "MachTimer.h"
static mach_timebase_info_data_t timeBase;
@implementation MachTimer
uint64_t timeZero;
+ (void) initialize
(void) mach_timebase_info( &timeBase );
+ (id) timer
#if( __has_feature( objc_arc ) )
return [[[self class] alloc] init];
return [[[[self class] alloc] init] autorelease];
- (id) init
if( (self = [super init]) ) {
timeZero = mach_absolute_time();
return self;
- (void) start
timeZero = mach_absolute_time();
- (uint64_t) elapsed
return mach_absolute_time() - timeZero;
- (Float64)elapsedSeconds
return (Float64)(mach_absolute_time() - timeZero) * (Float64)timeBase.numer / (Float64)timeBase.denom / (Float64)NSEC_PER_SEC;
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