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Created August 1, 2012 17:56
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Embed Structure
baseUrl: '../src',
paths: {
'text': '../external/require/text'
has: {
'source-config': false
name: '../tools/almond',
include: [ 'embed/embed' ],
wrap: {
startFile: '../tools/wrap.start',
endFile: '../tools/wrap.end'
out: '../dist/embed.js',
optimize: 'none'
function init( window, document ) {
var ctx = requirejs.config({
context: "embed",
baseUrl: module.uri.substring(0, module.uri.lastIndexOf('/')),
paths: {
'text': '../external/require/text'
function( URI ) {
var Butter = {
version: "Butter-Embed-@VERSION@",
embed: {}
embed = Butter.embed;
// Guts of embed stuff here, put on Butter.embed
embed.config = {
autohide: qs.autohide === "0" ? false : true,
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controls: qs.controls === "0" ? false : true,
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if( "fullScreenElement" in document ) {
return true;
var pre = "khtml o ms webkit moz".split( " " ),
i = pre.length,
while( i-- ) {
prefix = pre[ i ];
if( (prefix + "FullscreenElement" ) in document ) {
return true;
return false;
}( document )),
loop: qs.loop === "1" ? true : false,
branding: qs.branding === "0" ? false : true,
showinfo: qs.showinfo === "0" ? false : true
if( window.Butter && console && console.warn ){
console.warn( "Butter Warning: page already contains Butter, removing." );
delete window.Butter;
window.Butter = Butter;
if( !window.require ) {
Popcorn.getScript( "../../external/require/require.js", function() {
init( window, window.document );
} else {
init( window, window.document );
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