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Created April 6, 2021 19:10
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class Solution:
def subarraySum(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
Idea: find (i, j) where prefix_sums_j - prefix_sums_i == k
tip: sum(i,j)=sum(0,j)-sum(0,i),
where sum(i,j) represents the sum of all the elements from index i to j-1.
sum_counts = defaultdict(int)
sum_counts[0] = 1
accumulate_sum = 0
count = 0
for num in nums:
accumulate_sum += num
if accumulate_sum - k in sum_counts:
count += sum_counts[accumulate_sum - k]
sum_counts[accumulate_sum] += 1
# sj - si = k -> check sj exist by look up (si + k)
# if k == 0, there always exist sum_counts[sum_i + k]
return count
def naive_solution(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
"""Time limit exceeded"""
count = 0
n = len(nums)
for start in range(n):
for end in range(start+1, n+1):
if sum(nums[start:end]) == k:
count += 1
return count
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