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Created September 15, 2016 18:37
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Script for working with java functions
fun! Fqcn() "{{{
let s:lnum = search('\v^package[^;]+;\s*$', 'n')
let s:strline = getline(s:lnum)
let s:packagename=matchstr(s:strline, '\v^package\s+\zs[^;]+\ze;')
return s:packagename . '.' . expand('%:t:r')
endfunction "}}}
fun! Compile() "{{{
execute 'silent! !tmux send-keys "cpjar_javac ' . expand('%:t:r') . '" c-m'
endfunction "}}}
fun! Execute() "{{{
execute 'silent! !tmux send-keys "cpjar_javax ' . Fqcn() . '" c-m'
endfunction "}}}
fun! Execute_test() "{{{
execute 'silent! !tmux send-keys "cpjar_junit ' . Fqcn() . '" c-m'
endfunction "}}}
noremap! <buffer> ,,c <C-r>=Fqcn()<cr>
noremap <buffer> ,,c :call Compile()<cr>
noremap <buffer> ,,x :call Execute()<cr>
noremap <buffer> ,,t :call Execute_test()<cr>
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