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Last active May 9, 2020 09:58
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Custom gin validator error message
// Before init Gin
err := validation.InitValidator()
// In controller or struct validate
err := ctx.ShouldBindJSON(&request)
if err != nil {
for _, fieldErr := range err.(validator.ValidationErrors) {
errMsg := errors.New(fieldErr.Translate(validation.CustomTranslator))
vlog.Error(vgin.GetAppContext(ctx), "Failed to bind request body", errMsg)
vgin.BuildErrorResponse(ctx, verrors.NewInvalidRequestFormatError(errMsg))
return // exit on first error
// =====================
package validation
import (
ut ""
en_translations ""
var CustomTranslator ut.Translator
const (
IDByType = "id_by_type"
func InitValidator() error {
validate := binding.Validator.Engine().(*validator.Validate)
_ = registerIDByTypeValidation(validate)
return nil
func registerTagNameJSON(validate *validator.Validate) {
validate.RegisterTagNameFunc(func(fld reflect.StructField) string {
name := strings.SplitN(fld.Tag.Get("json"), ",", 2)[0]
if name == "-" {
return ""
return name
func registerTranslator(validate *validator.Validate) {
translator := en.New()
uni := ut.New(translator, translator)
found := false
CustomTranslator, found = uni.GetTranslator("en")
if !found {
log.Fatal("translator not found")
if err := en_translations.RegisterDefaultTranslations(validate, CustomTranslator); err != nil {
func registerIDByTypeValidation(validate *validator.Validate) error {
err := validate.RegisterValidation(IDByType, validateIDByType)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = validate.RegisterTranslation(IDByType, CustomTranslator, func(ut ut.Translator) error {
return ut.Add(IDByType, "{0} is not valid with id_type", true) // see universal-translator for details
}, func(ut ut.Translator, fe validator.FieldError) string {
t, _ := ut.T(IDByType, fe.Field())
return t
return nil
func validateIDByType(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool {
idTypeValue, idTypeKind, _, ok := fl.GetStructFieldOK2()
if !ok || idTypeKind.String() != "string" {
return false
if idTypeValue.String() != common.IDTypeMobile {
return true
phoneNumberRegex := regexp.MustCompile("^0\\d{9}$")
return phoneNumberRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
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POST /loyalty/checkout/v1/membership HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 29z
Content-Type: application/json

    "id_type": "OTHER",
    "id": "0988310608"


    "error": {
        "code": "LYT_000_003",
        "message": "Bad Request",
        "inner": {
            "message": "id_type must be one of [MOBILE USER_ID CSN]"
           // raw message:  "Key: 'MembershipRequest.CustomerRequest.IDType' Error:Field validation for 'IDType' failed on the 'oneof' tag"
    "meta": {
        "request_id": "3ffd4f61-1618-4fb9-bde1-06c3ddb96f6b",
        "code": 400000003,
        "message": "Bad Request"

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