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Forked from suyash/Cargo.toml
Created January 28, 2019 03:36
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@karpathy's in rust


@karpathy's in Rust.


Same as the python version, pass a text file as the first CLI argument.

cargo run -- ~/.datasets/shakespeare/shakespeare_100000/shakespear.txt


on shakespeare_100000

iteration: 0, loss: 103.17835654878319
sampled prediction:
slXWkW?YmaTGpJdtteqOJx-:WS?.Wq:TxKHuONM!o.fprDAflNZx'DDttzp Prq!KUsB


iteration: 6000, loss: 58.01707775597862
sampled prediction:
nous jo per, be thall thout I anpe tineed ir wito.
Ph thes
Huve wa use muls nath ong-aI'st be me beaf.

 hous mutinf st arprery I dealy then.

 he wist ntit Ip akt ce thee tais; fo


iteration: 12000, loss: 53.934933970894136
sampled prediction:
ngouvy Bothet, anginnmes appat:
She the thevisinvet, teet:
Whe't Wit the ny ce shremall attfwmedy, pollds!
Han thall,
That gintk,
Wyod nome so wat Prove fovers; inage are er, ont mangle poaves ny whien


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions

name = "min-char-rnn-rs"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Suyash <>"]
edition = "2018"
rulinalg = "0.4.2"
rand = "0.6.4"
indicatif = "0.11.0"
//! [](@karpathy's in Rust.
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::env;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::ops::Mul;
use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle};
use rand::distributions::{Distribution, Uniform, WeightedIndex};
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use rulinalg::matrix::{BaseMatrix, Matrix};
#[allow(non_snake_case, clippy::many_single_char_names)]
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let filename = env::args().nth(1).expect("Expected filename to be given");
let mut f = File::open(filename)?;
let mut text = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut text)?;
let chars = BTreeSet::from_iter(text.chars());
let vocab_size = chars.len();
let char_index = BTreeMap::from_iter(chars.iter().cloned().zip(0..vocab_size));
let inverted_index = BTreeMap::from_iter(char_index.clone().into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (v, k)));
let text: Vec<usize> = text.chars().map(|c| char_index[&c]).collect();
// hyperparameters
let hidden_size = 100;
let seq_length = 25;
let learning_rate = 0.1;
// model parameters
let dist = Uniform::new(0.0, 1.0);
// weights
let mut W_ih = Matrix::new(
.take(vocab_size * hidden_size)
.map(|v| v * 0.01)
let mut W_hh = Matrix::new(
.take(hidden_size * hidden_size)
.map(|v| v * 0.01)
let mut W_hy = Matrix::new(
.take(hidden_size * vocab_size)
.map(|v| v * 0.01)
// biases
let mut b_h = Matrix::zeros(1, hidden_size);
let mut b_y = Matrix::zeros(1, vocab_size);
// state
let mut h = Matrix::zeros(1, hidden_size);
// Memory Variables for Adagrad
let mut m_W_ih = Matrix::zeros(vocab_size, hidden_size);
let mut m_W_hh = Matrix::zeros(hidden_size, hidden_size);
let mut m_W_hy = Matrix::zeros(hidden_size, vocab_size);
let mut m_b_h = Matrix::zeros(1, hidden_size);
let mut m_b_y = Matrix::zeros(1, vocab_size);
// iteration variables
let (mut n, mut p) = (0, 0);
let mut smooth_loss = -(1.0 / (vocab_size as f64)).ln() * (seq_length as f64);
let progress = ProgressBar::new_spinner();
progress.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_spinner().template("{} {msg}"));
loop {
if p + seq_length + 1 >= text.len() || n == 0 {
h = Matrix::zeros(1, hidden_size);
p = 0;
// NOTE: instead of defining a lossFn, the core net is implemented here itself
// a lot of things around it are in new functions
let mut loss = 0.0;
let mut ts = Vec::new();
ts.push((None, h.clone(), None));
for t in 0..seq_length {
let input = text[p + t];
let target = text[p + t + 1];
let x = one_hot(input, vocab_size);
h = (&x).mul(&W_ih) + h.mul(&W_hh) + &b_h;
h = tanh(h);
let y = (&h).mul(&W_hy) + &b_y;
let y = softmax(y);
loss += -y[[0, target]].ln();
ts.push((Some(x), h.clone(), Some(y)));
let mut d_W_ih = Matrix::zeros(vocab_size, hidden_size);
let mut d_W_hh = Matrix::zeros(hidden_size, hidden_size);
let mut d_W_hy = Matrix::zeros(hidden_size, vocab_size);
let mut d_b_h = Matrix::zeros(1, hidden_size);
let mut d_b_y = Matrix::zeros(1, vocab_size);
// backwards gradient for current state coming in from next state
let mut d_h_next = Matrix::zeros(1, hidden_size);
for t in (1..=seq_length).rev() {
let target = text[p + t];
let (x, h, y) = &ts[t];
let mut dy = y.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
dy[[0, target]] -= 1.0;
d_W_hy += h.transpose().mul(&dy);
d_b_y += &dy;
let dh = dy.mul(W_hy.transpose()) + &d_h_next;
let dh = dh.elemul(&tanh_derivative(h));
let (_, prevh, _) = &ts[t - 1];
d_W_hh += prevh.transpose().mul(&dh);
d_b_h += &dh;
d_W_ih += x.as_ref().unwrap().transpose().mul(&dh);
d_h_next = dh.mul(W_hh.transpose());
// NOTE: skipping gradient clipping for now
smooth_loss = smooth_loss * 0.999 + loss * 0.001;
if n % 100 == 0 {
progress.println(format!("iteration: {}, loss: {}", n, smooth_loss));
let mut h_copy = h.clone();
let mut value = text[p];
let mut sample = String::new();
for _ in 0..200 {
let x = one_hot(value, vocab_size);
h_copy = tanh(x.mul(&W_ih) + (&h_copy).mul(&W_hh) + &b_h);
let y = softmax((&h_copy).mul(&W_hy));
let y = y.into_vec();
let dist = WeightedIndex::new(&y)?;
value = dist.sample(&mut rng);
"sampled prediction:\n----------\n{}\n----------\n",
progress.set_message(&format!("loss: {}", smooth_loss));
m_W_ih += (&d_W_ih).elemul(&d_W_ih);
m_W_hh += (&d_W_hh).elemul(&d_W_hh);
m_W_hy += (&d_W_hy).elemul(&d_W_hy);
m_b_h += (&d_b_h).elemul(&d_b_h);
m_b_y += (&d_b_y).elemul(&d_b_y);
W_ih -= adagrad_update(d_W_ih, &m_W_ih, learning_rate);
W_hh -= adagrad_update(d_W_hh, &m_W_hh, learning_rate);
W_hy -= adagrad_update(d_W_hy, &m_W_hy, learning_rate);
b_h -= adagrad_update(d_b_h, &m_b_h, learning_rate);
b_y -= adagrad_update(d_b_y, &m_b_y, learning_rate);
p += seq_length;
n += 1;
fn one_hot(v: usize, t: usize) -> Matrix<f64> {
let mut data = vec![0.0; t];
data[v] = 1.0;
Matrix::new(1, t, data)
fn tanh(mut m: Matrix<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
for i in 0..m.rows() {
for j in 0..m.cols() {
m[[i, j]] = m[[i, j]].tanh();
fn softmax(mut m: Matrix<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
for i in 0..m.rows() {
let mut s = 0.0;
for j in 0..m.cols() {
m[[i, j]] = m[[i, j]].exp();
s += m[[i, j]];
for j in 0..m.cols() {
m[[i, j]] /= s;
fn tanh_derivative(m: &Matrix<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
let mut ans = Matrix::zeros(m.rows(), m.cols());
for i in 0..m.rows() {
for j in 0..m.cols() {
ans[[i, j]] = 1.0 - (m[[i, j]] * m[[i, j]]);
fn adagrad_update(mut d: Matrix<f64>, m: &Matrix<f64>, learning_rate: f64) -> Matrix<f64> {
let (r, c) = (m.rows(), m.cols());
for i in 0..r {
for j in 0..c {
d[[i, j]] = (learning_rate * d[[i, j]]) / (m[[i, j]] + 1e-8).sqrt();
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