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Last active December 28, 2015 01:59
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Prototype Process Actor.
package akka.contrib.process
import akka.util.ByteString
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import java.lang.{ProcessBuilder => JdkProcessBuilder}
import akka.contrib.process.Process.Started
import akka.contrib.process.StreamEvents.{Done, Ack, Output}
* Process encapsulates an operating system process and its ability to be communicated with
* via stdio i.e. stdin, stdout and stderr.
class Process(args: Seq[String], receiver: ActorRef, blockingDispatcherId: String, detached: Boolean)
extends Actor {
val pb = new JdkProcessBuilder(args.toList)
val p = pb.start()
val stdinSink = context.actorOf(Sink.props(p.getOutputStream)(context.system).withDispatcher(blockingDispatcherId))
val stdoutSource = context.actorOf(Source.props(p.getInputStream, receiver)(context.system).withDispatcher(blockingDispatcherId))
val stderrSource = context.actorOf(Source.props(p.getErrorStream, receiver)(context.system).withDispatcher(blockingDispatcherId))
var stdoutTerminated, stderrTerminated = false
def receive = {
case Terminated(`stdoutSource`) =>
stdoutTerminated = true
if (stderrTerminated && !detached) context.stop(self)
case Terminated(`stderrSource`) =>
stderrTerminated = true
if (stdoutTerminated && !detached) context.stop(self)
receiver ! Started(stdinSink, stdoutSource, stderrSource)
override def postStop() {
if (!detached) p.destroy()
object Process {
* Return the props required to create a process actor.
* @param args The sequence of string arguments to pass to the process.
* @param receiver The actor to receive output and error events.
* @param blockingDispatcherId The dispatcher id to use for blocking operations.
* @param detached Whether the process will be a daemon.
* @param system The actor system to use.
* @return a props object that can be used to create the process actor.
def props(
args: Seq[String],
receiver: ActorRef,
blockingDispatcherId: String = "stdio-dispatcher",
detached: Boolean = false
)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Props = {
Props(classOf[Process], args, receiver, blockingDispatcherId, detached)
* Sent on startup to the receiver - specifies the actors used for managing input, output and
* error respectively.
case class Started(stdinSink: ActorRef, stdoutSource: ActorRef, stderrSource: ActorRef)
* Declares the types of event that are involved with streaming.
object StreamEvents {
* Sent in response to an Output even.
case object Ack
* Sent when no more Output events are expected.
case object Done
* An event conveying data.
case class Output(data: ByteString)
* A sink of data given an output stream. Flow control is implemented and for each Output event received an Ack
* is sent in return. A Done event is expected when there is no more data to be written. On receiving a Done
* event the associated output stream will be closed.
class Sink(os: OutputStream) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Output(d) =>
sender ! Ack
case Done => context.stop(self)
override def postStop() {
object Sink {
def props(os: OutputStream)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Props = {
Props(classOf[Sink], os)
* A source of data given an input stream. Flow control is implemented and for each Output event received by the receiver,
* an Ack is expected in return. At the end of the source, a Done event will be sent to the receiver and its associated
* input stream is closed.
class Source(is: InputStream, receiver: ActorRef, pipeSize: Int) extends Actor {
val buffer = new Array[Byte](pipeSize)
def sendBuffer(len: Int): Unit = {
if (len > -1) {
receiver ! Output(ByteString.fromArray(buffer, 0, len))
} else {
receiver ! Done
def receive = {
case Ack => sendBuffer(
override def postStop() {
object Source {
def props(is: InputStream, receiver: ActorRef, pipeSize: Int = 1024)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Props = {
Props(classOf[Source], is, receiver, pipeSize)
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