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Last active April 30, 2022 20:44
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  • Save hunterhector/283066a8d317d7a55f8a98c7060f07aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Present RescueTime's productivity output as a pie chart, could be used in stuff like geektools.
import json
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import sys
import datetime
import os
output_dir = sys.argv[1]
apikey = sys.argv[2]
date ='%Y-%m-%d')
url = '{api:s}&perspective=rank&restrict_kind=productivity&restrict_begin={begin:s}&restrict_end={end:s}&format=json'.format(api=apikey, begin=date, end=date)
f = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads(
product_map = {
0 : 'Neutral',
1 : 'Productive',
2 : 'Very Productive',
-1: 'Distracting',
-2: 'Very Distracting',
weights = {
'Neutral': 50,
'Productive': 75,
'Very Productive': 100,
'Distracting': 25,
'Very Distracting': 0,
if not data['rows']:
product = dict([(product_map[prod], seconds * 1.0 / 60) for rank, seconds, num, prod in data['rows']])
labels = ['Very Distracting','Distracting', 'Neutral', 'Productive', 'Very Productive']
sizes = [product.get(key, 0) for key in labels]
# Comput pulse.
prod_sum = sum(product.values())
percents = dict([(k,p/prod_sum) for k, p in product.items()])
pulse = int(round(sum([percents.get(name, 0) * weight for name, weight in weights.items()])))
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Pie chart
colors = ['#D71600', '#DD675A', '#B1C1BF', '#3F7DDD', '#0C50BF']
circle_size = 0.5
pct_dist = 0.7
explosion = 0.0
pulse_size = 75
label_dist = 1.1
label_size = 0
auto_size = 18
#pulse_color = '#ED7E36'
if pulse < 60:
pulse_color = 'red'
pulse_color = 'black'
circle_color = '#d9e1fc'
def make_autopct(values):
def my_autopct(pct):
total = sum(values)
val = pct*total/100.0
hours = int(val / 60)
minutes = int(val % 60)
time = '{h:d} Hr \n{m:d} Min'.format(h=hours,m=minutes) if hours else '{m:d} Min'.format(m=minutes)
return '{p:.0f}% \n{t:s}'.format(p=pct,t=time) if pct > 10 else ''
return my_autopct
explode = [explosion] * 5
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
labels = None
patches, texts, autotexts = ax1.pie(sizes, colors = colors, labels=labels, autopct=make_autopct(sizes), labeldistance=label_dist, pctdistance=pct_dist, startangle=90, explode=explode, rotatelabels=False)
#draw circle
centre_circle = plt.Circle((0,0),circle_size,fc=circle_color)
fig = plt.gcf()
plt.text(0, 0, pulse, ha='center', va='center', size=pulse_size, color=pulse_color)
for text in texts:
for autotext in autotexts:
# Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle
plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'chart.png'), transparent=True)
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hunterhector commented May 1, 2018


  1. Python 3.x (for urllib.request)
  2. matplotlib
  3. GeekTool


  1. Put this script in some directory of your choice [script directory], I am going to use ~/.geektool/Rescue .
  2. Create a GeekTool shell with the command (you need to have GeekTool )
    python ~/.geektool/Rescue/ [script directory] [your RescueTime api key]
    This will create a chart image at the script directory, using your API key: "~/.geektool/Rescue/chart.png"
  3. Create an image geeklet pointing to the image source:
    a. you could either browse to it via "set local path"
    b. or if you are comfortable to mac's local file URL format, it is simply: "file://localhost/[full path to the image source]"
  4. Set the refresh rate at your choice, mine is 360s.


  1. Make sure your geektools environment contains the relevant environment variable or path. I sometimes append ``source ~/.zshrc'' to load my own shell config before the python command.
  2. For Python 2.7.
    a. If you use Python 2.7, you could change urllib.request.urlopen to urllib2.urlopen, see this StackOverflow post
    b. If you use Python 2.7, you should consider an upgrade to 3.
  3. If the matplotlib version you are using does not have some properties you can consider remove them:
    a. For example, some version does not support "rotatelabels" attribute.
    b. I am not sure how it will looks like after removal.

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