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Created June 7, 2022 12:10
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Menu context manager for Blender.
"""Menu context manager for Blender.
>>> with Menu('Custom Menu') as menu:
... with menu.add_submenu('Submenu') as submenu:
... submenu.add_operator('mesh.primitive_cube_add')
... menu.add_operator(lambda: 1/0, 'Raise Exception')
>>> menu.register()
>>> menu.unregister()
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ['Menu']
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, List, Optional
from typing import Set, Type, Union, Generator, cast
from uuid import uuid4
import weakref
import bpy
import inflection
class AbstractMenu(ABC):
"""Base class for dynamically generating Blender menus.
Each menu gets a unique ID, and is only populated when registered.
This means that the menu can be unloaded and modified.
__slots__ = [
'_id', '_name', '_parent', '_operator_ids',
'_custom_menu', '_custom_operators', '_custom_submenus',
def __init__(self, name: str, parent: Optional[AbstractMenu] = None) -> None:
self._id = f'TOPBAR_MT_custom_menu_{uuid4().hex}'
self._name = name
self._parent: Optional[weakref.ReferenceType[AbstractMenu]]
if parent is None:
self._parent = None
self._parent = weakref.proxy(parent)
self._operator_ids: List[str] = []
self._custom_menu: Optional[Type[bpy.types.Menu]] = None
self._custom_operators: List[Type[bpy.types.Operator]] = []
self._custom_submenus: List[AbstractMenu] = []
def __enter__(self) -> AbstractMenu:
return self
def __exit__(self, *args) -> bool:
return not any(args)
def registered(self) -> bool:
"""Determine if the class has been registered."""
return self._custom_menu is not None
def id(self) -> str:
"""Get the unique menu ID."""
return self._id
def name(self) -> str:
"""Get the menu name."""
return self._name
def name(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Set a new menu name."""
if self.registered:
raise RuntimeError('unable to rename while the menu is registered')
self._name = name
def parent(self) -> Optional[weakref.ReferenceType[AbstractMenu]]:
"""Get the menu parent."""
return self._parent
def operators(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Get the operators."""
yield from self._operator_ids
def submenus(self) -> Generator[AbstractMenu, None, None]:
"""Get the submenus."""
yield from self._custom_submenus
def _menu_init(self) -> Type[bpy.types.Menu]:
"""Create a new custom menu class."""
def _build_layout(self, layout: bpy.types.UILayout) -> None:
"""Build the layout for a menu.
This is for the `bpy.types.Menu.draw` method.
for menu in self._custom_submenus:
for operator in self._operator_ids:
def register(self) -> None:
"""Register all custom classes to Blender."""
if self.registered:
raise RuntimeError('menu is already registered')
# Create a new menu with all the required parameters
self._custom_menu = self._menu_init()
self._custom_menu.__name__ =
# Register all the classes
for operator in self._custom_operators:
for submenu in self._custom_submenus:
def unregister(self) -> None:
"""Unregister all custom classes from Blender."""
if not self.registered:
raise RuntimeError('menu is not yet registered')
# Unregister all the classes
for submenu in reversed(self._custom_submenus):
for operator in reversed(self._custom_operators):
with suppress(RuntimeError):
with suppress(RuntimeError):
self._custom_menu = None
def add_operator(self, operator: Union[str, Callable], name: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Add an operator to the menu.
If a function is given, then a new operator will be created to
wrap that function.
>>> with Menu() as menu:
... menu.add_operator('mesh.primitive_cube_add')
... menu.add_operator(lambda: print(5), name='Print 5')
if self.registered:
raise RuntimeError('unable to add operators while the menu is registered')
# Create an operator to wrap the function
if callable(operator):
fn = operator
if name is None:
name = inflection.titleize(fn.__name__)
class CustomOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Create an operator for a function."""
bl_idname = 'wm.' + uuid4().hex
bl_label = name
def execute(self, context: bpy.types.Context) -> Set[str]:
return {'FINISHED'}
# Store the class for registering/unregistering
operator = CustomOperator.bl_idname
# Store the ID for when building the layouts
return operator
def add_submenu(self, name: str) -> Generator[AbstractMenu, None, None]:
"""Create a new submenu.
>>> with Menu() as menu:
... with menu.add_submenu() as submenu:
... pass
if self.registered:
raise RuntimeError('unable to add submenus while the menu is registered')
with Submenu(name, parent=self) as submenu:
yield submenu
class Menu(AbstractMenu):
"""Dynamically generate a new top menu."""
def _menu_init(self) -> Type[bpy.types.Menu]:
"""Create a new custom menu class."""
parent = self
class CustomTopMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
"""Main class for the menu."""
bl_label =
def draw(self, context: bpy.types.Context) -> None:
"""Draw the layout."""
def menu_draw(self, context: bpy.types.Context) -> None:
"""Add to the top bar."""
return CustomTopMenu
def register(self) -> None:
"""Register the classes and add the menu to the top bar."""
self._custom_menu = cast(Type[bpy.types.Menu], self._custom_menu)
def unregister(self) -> None:
"""Unregister the classes and remove the menu from the top bar."""
menu = self._custom_menu
menu = cast(Type[bpy.types.Menu], menu)
class Submenu(AbstractMenu):
"""Dynamically generate submenus.
Note that a submenu may be unregistered separately to its parent
menu, but it must be registered again or errors will occur.
def _menu_init(self) -> Type[bpy.types.Menu]:
"""Create a new custom menu class."""
parent = self
class CustomSubmenu(bpy.types.Menu):
"""Main class for the menu."""
bl_label =
def draw(self, context: bpy.types.Context) -> None:
"""Draw the layout."""
return CustomSubmenu
def example() -> AbstractMenu:
"""Example/test generating a basic menu."""
def print_time():
"""Print the current time.
The function name will get automatically converted to "Print Time".
import time
with Menu('Custom Menu') as menu:
with menu.add_submenu('Submenu') as submenu:
menu.add_operator(lambda: 1/0, 'Raise Exception')
return menu
if __name__ == '__main__':
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