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huonw/pants.toml Secret

Last active February 8, 2023 01:38
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pants_version = "2.14.0"
backend_packages = [
interpreter_constraints = ["CPython==3.9.*"]
enabled = false
pants --version
#> 2.14.0
mkdir -p dir/
cat > dir/BUILD <<EOF
pex_binary(name="pex1", entry_point="")
pex_binary(name="pex2", entry_point="")
cat > dir/ <<EOF
pants run dir/
#> 12:35:45.25 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:
#> TooManyTargetsException: The `run` goal only works with one valid target, but was given multiple valid targets:
#> * dir/
#> * dir:pex1
#> * dir:pex2
#> Please select one of these targets to run.
# OK: workaround (hard to deduce from above output)
pants run dir/
#> hello
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