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Created May 23, 2023 11:21
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diff --git a/tmp/ b/tmp/
index a0cfd2268c..84d8c28d1d 100644
--- a/tmp/
+++ b/tmp/
@@ -1,87 +1,38 @@
-// Copyright 2022 Pants project contributors (see
+// Copyright 2023 Pants project contributors (see
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
-use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet};
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::convert::TryInto;
-use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::sync::Arc;
-use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+use std::time::Duration;
use async_trait::async_trait;
-use fs::{directory, DigestTrie, RelativePath, SymlinkBehavior};
-use futures::future::{BoxFuture, TryFutureExt};
-use futures::FutureExt;
use grpc_util::retry::{retry_call, status_is_retryable};
use grpc_util::{headers_to_http_header_map, layered_service, status_to_str, LayeredService};
use hashing::Digest;
-use parking_lot::Mutex;
use protos::gen::build::bazel::remote::execution::v2 as remexec;
-use protos::require_digest;
use remexec::action_cache_client::ActionCacheClient;
-use remexec::{ActionResult, Command, Tree};
-use store::{Store, StoreError};
-use workunit_store::{
- in_workunit, Level, Metric, ObservationMetric, RunningWorkunit, WorkunitMetadata,
+use remexec::ActionResult;
+use workunit_store::Metric;
use crate::remote::apply_headers;
-use process_execution::{
- check_cache_content, populate_fallible_execution_result, CacheContentBehavior, Context,
- FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform, Process, ProcessCacheScope, ProcessError,
- ProcessExecutionEnvironment, ProcessResultSource,
-use process_execution::{make_execute_request, EntireExecuteRequest};
+use process_execution::Context;
use tonic::{Code, Request};
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, strum_macros::EnumString)]
-#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")]
-pub enum RemoteCacheWarningsBehavior {
- Ignore,
- FirstOnly,
- Backoff,
+use super::ActionCacheProvider;
-/// This `CommandRunner` implementation caches results remotely using the Action Cache service
-/// of the Remote Execution API.
-/// This runner expects to sit between the local cache CommandRunner and the CommandRunner
-/// that is actually executing the Process. Thus, the local cache will be checked first,
-/// then the remote cache, and then execution (local or remote) as necessary if neither cache
-/// has a hit. On the way back out of the stack, the result will be stored remotely and
-/// then locally.
-pub struct CommandRunner {
- inner: Arc<dyn process_execution::CommandRunner>,
+pub struct Provider {
instance_name: Option<String>,
- process_cache_namespace: Option<String>,
- append_only_caches_base_path: Option<String>,
- executor: task_executor::Executor,
- store: Store,
action_cache_client: Arc<ActionCacheClient<LayeredService>>,
- cache_read: bool,
- cache_write: bool,
- cache_content_behavior: CacheContentBehavior,
- warnings_behavior: RemoteCacheWarningsBehavior,
- read_errors_counter: Arc<Mutex<BTreeMap<String, usize>>>,
- write_errors_counter: Arc<Mutex<BTreeMap<String, usize>>>,
-impl CommandRunner {
+impl Provider {
pub fn new(
- inner: Arc<dyn process_execution::CommandRunner>,
instance_name: Option<String>,
- process_cache_namespace: Option<String>,
- executor: task_executor::Executor,
- store: Store,
action_cache_address: &str,
root_ca_certs: Option<Vec<u8>>,
mut headers: BTreeMap<String, String>,
- cache_read: bool,
- cache_write: bool,
- warnings_behavior: RemoteCacheWarningsBehavior,
- cache_content_behavior: CacheContentBehavior,
concurrency_limit: usize,
rpc_timeout: Duration,
- append_only_caches_base_path: Option<String>,
) -> Result<Self, String> {
let tls_client_config = if action_cache_address.starts_with("https://") {
@@ -103,314 +54,26 @@ impl CommandRunner {
let action_cache_client = Arc::new(ActionCacheClient::new(channel));
- Ok(CommandRunner {
- inner,
+ Ok(Provider {
- process_cache_namespace,
- append_only_caches_base_path,
- executor,
- store,
- cache_read,
- cache_write,
- cache_content_behavior,
- warnings_behavior,
- read_errors_counter: Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new())),
- write_errors_counter: Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new())),
- /// Create a REAPI `Tree` protobuf for an output directory by traversing down from a Pants
- /// merged final output directory to find the specific path to extract. (REAPI requires
- /// output directories to be stored as `Tree` protos that contain all of the `Directory`
- /// protos that constitute the directory tree.)
- ///
- /// Note that the Tree does not include the directory_path as a prefix, per REAPI. This path
- /// gets stored on the OutputDirectory proto.
- ///
- /// Returns the created Tree and any File Digests referenced within it. If the output directory
- /// does not exist, then returns Ok(None).
- pub(crate) fn make_tree_for_output_directory(
- root_trie: &DigestTrie,
- directory_path: RelativePath,
- ) -> Result<Option<(Tree, Vec<Digest>)>, String> {
- let sub_trie = match root_trie.entry(&directory_path)? {
- None => return Ok(None),
- Some(directory::Entry::Directory(d)) => d.tree(),
- Some(directory::Entry::Symlink(_)) => {
- return Err(format!(
- "Declared output directory path {directory_path:?} in output \
- digest {trie_digest:?} contained a symlink instead.",
- trie_digest = root_trie.compute_root_digest(),
- ))
- }
- Some(directory::Entry::File(_)) => {
- return Err(format!(
- "Declared output directory path {directory_path:?} in output \
- digest {trie_digest:?} contained a file instead.",
- trie_digest = root_trie.compute_root_digest(),
- ))
- }
- };
- let tree = sub_trie.into();
- let mut file_digests = Vec::new();
- sub_trie.walk(SymlinkBehavior::Aware, &mut |_, entry| match entry {
- directory::Entry::File(f) => file_digests.push(f.digest()),
- directory::Entry::Symlink(_) => (),
- directory::Entry::Directory(_) => {}
- });
- Ok(Some((tree, file_digests)))
- pub(crate) fn extract_output_file(
- root_trie: &DigestTrie,
- file_path: &str,
- ) -> Result<Option<remexec::OutputFile>, String> {
- match root_trie.entry(&RelativePath::new(file_path)?)? {
- None => Ok(None),
- Some(directory::Entry::File(f)) => {
- let output_file = remexec::OutputFile {
- digest: Some(f.digest().into()),
- path: file_path.to_owned(),
- is_executable: f.is_executable(),
- ..remexec::OutputFile::default()
- };
- Ok(Some(output_file))
- }
- Some(directory::Entry::Symlink(_)) => Err(format!(
- "Declared output file path {file_path:?} in output \
- digest {trie_digest:?} contained a symlink instead.",
- trie_digest = root_trie.compute_root_digest(),
- )),
- Some(directory::Entry::Directory(_)) => Err(format!(
- "Declared output file path {file_path:?} in output \
- digest {trie_digest:?} contained a directory instead.",
- trie_digest = root_trie.compute_root_digest(),
- )),
- }
- }
- /// Converts a REAPI `Command` and a `FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform` produced from executing
- /// that Command into a REAPI `ActionResult` suitable for upload to the REAPI Action Cache.
- ///
- /// This function also returns a vector of all `Digest`s referenced directly and indirectly by
- /// the `ActionResult` suitable for passing to `Store::ensure_remote_has_recursive`. (The
- /// digests may include both File and Tree digests.)
- pub(crate) async fn make_action_result(
+impl ActionCacheProvider for Provider {
+ async fn update_action_result(
- command: &Command,
- result: &FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform,
- store: &Store,
- ) -> Result<(ActionResult, Vec<Digest>), StoreError> {
- let output_trie = store
- .load_digest_trie(result.output_directory.clone())
- .await?;
- // Keep track of digests that need to be uploaded.
- let mut digests = HashSet::new();
- let mut action_result = ActionResult {
- exit_code: result.exit_code,
- stdout_digest: Some(result.stdout_digest.into()),
- stderr_digest: Some(result.stderr_digest.into()),
- execution_metadata: Some(result.metadata.clone().into()),
- ..ActionResult::default()
- };
- digests.insert(result.stdout_digest);
- digests.insert(result.stderr_digest);
- for output_directory in &command.output_directories {
- let (tree, file_digests) = match Self::make_tree_for_output_directory(
- &output_trie,
- RelativePath::new(output_directory).unwrap(),
- )? {
- Some(res) => res,
- None => continue,
- };
- let tree_digest = crate::remote::store_proto_locally(&, &tree).await?;
- digests.insert(tree_digest);
- digests.extend(file_digests);
- action_result
- .output_directories
- .push(remexec::OutputDirectory {
- path: output_directory.to_owned(),
- tree_digest: Some(tree_digest.into()),
- is_topologically_sorted: false,
- });
- }
- for output_file_path in &command.output_files {
- let output_file = match Self::extract_output_file(&output_trie, output_file_path)? {
- Some(output_file) => output_file,
- None => continue,
- };
- digests.insert(require_digest(output_file.digest.as_ref())?);
- action_result.output_files.push(output_file);
- }
- Ok((action_result, digests.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()))
- }
- ///
- /// Races the given local execution future against an attempt to look up the result in the cache.
- ///
- /// Returns a result that indicates whether we used the cache so that we can skip cache writes if
- /// so.
- ///
- async fn speculate_read_action_cache(
- &self,
- context: Context,
- cache_lookup_start: Instant,
action_digest: Digest,
- failures_cached: bool,
- request: &Process,
- mut local_execution_future: BoxFuture<
- '_,
- Result<FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform, ProcessError>,
- >,
- ) -> Result<(FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform, bool), ProcessError> {
- // A future to read from the cache and log the results accordingly.
- let mut cache_read_future = async {
- let response = check_action_cache(
- action_digest,
- &request.description,
- self.instance_name.clone(),
- request.execution_environment.clone(),
- &context,
- self.action_cache_client.clone(),
- self.cache_content_behavior,
- )
- .await;
- match response {
- Ok(cached_response_opt) => match &cached_response_opt {
- Some(cached_response) if cached_response.exit_code == 0 || failures_cached => {
- log::debug!(
- "remote cache hit for: {:?} digest={:?} response={:?}",
- request.description,
- action_digest,
- cached_response
- );
- cached_response_opt
- }
- _ => {
- log::debug!(
- "remote cache miss for: {:?} digest={:?}",
- request.description,
- action_digest
- );
- None
- }
- },
- Err(err) => {
- self.log_cache_error(err.to_string(), CacheErrorType::ReadError);
- None
- }
- }
- }
- .boxed();
- // We speculate between reading from the remote cache vs. running locally.
- in_workunit!(
- "remote_cache_read_speculation",
- Level::Trace,
- |workunit| async move {
- tokio::select! {
- cache_result = &mut cache_read_future => {
- self.handle_cache_read_completed(workunit, cache_lookup_start, cache_result, local_execution_future).await
- }
- _ = tokio::time::sleep(request.remote_cache_speculation_delay) => {
- tokio::select! {
- cache_result = cache_read_future => {
- self.handle_cache_read_completed(workunit, cache_lookup_start, cache_result, local_execution_future).await
- }
- local_result = &mut local_execution_future => {
- workunit.increment_counter(Metric::RemoteCacheSpeculationLocalCompletedFirst, 1);
-|res| (res, false))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ).await
- }
- async fn handle_cache_read_completed(
- &self,
- workunit: &mut RunningWorkunit,
- cache_lookup_start: Instant,
- cache_result: Option<FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform>,
- local_execution_future: BoxFuture<'_, Result<FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform, ProcessError>>,
- ) -> Result<(FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform, bool), ProcessError> {
- if let Some(mut cached_response) = cache_result {
- cached_response
- .metadata
- .update_cache_hit_elapsed(cache_lookup_start.elapsed());
- workunit.increment_counter(Metric::RemoteCacheSpeculationRemoteCompletedFirst, 1);
- if let Some(time_saved) = cached_response.metadata.saved_by_cache {
- let time_saved = std::time::Duration::from(time_saved).as_millis() as u64;
- workunit.increment_counter(Metric::RemoteCacheTotalTimeSavedMs, time_saved);
- workunit.record_observation(ObservationMetric::RemoteCacheTimeSavedMs, time_saved);
- }
- // When we successfully use the cache, we change the description and increase the level
- // (but not so much that it will be logged by default).
- workunit.update_metadata(|initial| {
-|(initial, _)| {
- (
- WorkunitMetadata {
- desc: initial.desc.as_ref().map(|desc| format!("Hit: {desc}")),
- ..initial
- },
- Level::Debug,
- )
- })
- });
- Ok((cached_response, true))
- } else {
- // Note that we don't increment a counter here, as there is nothing of note in this
- // scenario: the remote cache did not save unnecessary local work, nor was the remote
- // trip unusually slow such that local execution was faster.
-|res| (res, false))
- }
- }
- /// Stores an execution result into the remote Action Cache.
- async fn update_action_cache(
- &self,
- result: &FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform,
- instance_name: Option<String>,
- command: &Command,
- action_digest: Digest,
- command_digest: Digest,
- ) -> Result<(), StoreError> {
- // Upload the Action and Command, but not the input files. See #12432.
- // Assumption: The Action and Command have already been stored locally.
- crate::remote::ensure_action_uploaded(&, command_digest, action_digest, None).await?;
- // Create an ActionResult from the process result.
- let (action_result, digests_for_action_result) = self
- .make_action_result(command, result, &
- .await?;
- // Ensure that all digests referenced by directly and indirectly by the ActionResult
- // have been uploaded to the remote cache.
- self
- .store
- .ensure_remote_has_recursive(digests_for_action_result)
- .await?;
+ action_result: ActionResult,
+ ) -> Result<(), String> {
let client = self.action_cache_client.as_ref().clone();
move |mut client| {
let update_action_cache_request = remexec::UpdateActionResultRequest {
- instance_name: instance_name.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_owned()),
+ instance_name: self.instance_name.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_owned()),
action_digest: Some(action_digest.into()),
action_result: Some(action_result.clone()),
@@ -430,224 +93,18 @@ impl CommandRunner {
- fn log_cache_error(&self, err: String, err_type: CacheErrorType) {
- let err_count = {
- let mut errors_counter = match err_type {
- CacheErrorType::ReadError => self.read_errors_counter.lock(),
- CacheErrorType::WriteError => self.write_errors_counter.lock(),
- };
- let count = errors_counter.entry(err.clone()).or_insert(0);
- *count += 1;
- *count
- };
- let failure_desc = match err_type {
- CacheErrorType::ReadError => "read from",
- CacheErrorType::WriteError => "write to",
- };
- let log_msg =
- format!("Failed to {failure_desc} remote cache ({err_count} occurrences so far): {err}");
- let log_at_warn = match self.warnings_behavior {
- RemoteCacheWarningsBehavior::Ignore => false,
- RemoteCacheWarningsBehavior::FirstOnly => err_count == 1,
- RemoteCacheWarningsBehavior::Backoff => err_count.is_power_of_two(),
- };
- if log_at_warn {
- log::warn!("{}", log_msg);
- } else {
- log::debug!("{}", log_msg);
- }
- }
-impl Debug for CommandRunner {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- f.debug_struct("remote_cache::CommandRunner")
- .field("inner", &self.inner)
- .finish_non_exhaustive()
- }
-enum CacheErrorType {
- ReadError,
- WriteError,
-impl process_execution::CommandRunner for CommandRunner {
- async fn run(
- &self,
- context: Context,
- workunit: &mut RunningWorkunit,
- request: Process,
- ) -> Result<FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform, ProcessError> {
- let cache_lookup_start = Instant::now();
- // Construct the REv2 ExecuteRequest and related data for this execution request.
- let EntireExecuteRequest {
- action, command, ..
- } = make_execute_request(
- &request,
- self.instance_name.clone(),
- self.process_cache_namespace.clone(),
- &,
- self
- .append_only_caches_base_path
- .as_ref()
- .map(|s| s.as_ref()),
- )
- .await?;
- let failures_cached = request.cache_scope == ProcessCacheScope::Always;
- // Ensure the action and command are stored locally.
- let (command_digest, action_digest) =
- crate::remote::ensure_action_stored_locally(&, &command, &action).await?;
- let use_remote_cache = request.cache_scope == ProcessCacheScope::Always
- || request.cache_scope == ProcessCacheScope::Successful;
- let (result, hit_cache) = if self.cache_read && use_remote_cache {
- self
- .speculate_read_action_cache(
- context.clone(),
- cache_lookup_start,
- action_digest,
- failures_cached,
- &request.clone(),
-, workunit, request),
- )
- .await?
- } else {
- (
-, workunit, request).await?,
- false,
- )
- };
- if !hit_cache
- && (result.exit_code == 0 || failures_cached)
- && self.cache_write
- && use_remote_cache
- {
- let command_runner = self.clone();
- let result = result.clone();
- let write_fut = in_workunit!("remote_cache_write", Level::Trace, |workunit| async move {
- workunit.increment_counter(Metric::RemoteCacheWriteAttempts, 1);
- let write_result = command_runner
- .update_action_cache(
- &result,
- command_runner.instance_name.clone(),
- &command,
- action_digest,
- command_digest,
- )
- .await;
- match write_result {
- Ok(_) => workunit.increment_counter(Metric::RemoteCacheWriteSuccesses, 1),
- Err(err) => {
- command_runner.log_cache_error(err.to_string(), CacheErrorType::WriteError);
- workunit.increment_counter(Metric::RemoteCacheWriteErrors, 1);
- }
- };
- }
- // NB: We must box the future to avoid a stack overflow.
- .boxed());
- let task_name = format!("remote cache write {action_digest:?}");
- context
- .tail_tasks
- .spawn_on(&task_name, self.executor.handle(), write_fut.boxed());
- }
- Ok(result)
- }
- async fn shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), String> {
- self.inner.shutdown().await
- }
-/// Check the remote Action Cache for a cached result of running the given `command` and the Action
-/// with the given `action_digest`.
-/// This check is necessary because some REAPI servers do not short-circuit the Execute method
-/// by checking the Action Cache (e.g., BuildBarn). Thus, this client must check the cache
-/// explicitly in order to avoid duplicating already-cached work. This behavior matches
-/// the Bazel RE client.
-async fn check_action_cache(
- action_digest: Digest,
- command_description: &str,
- instance_name: Option<String>,
- environment: ProcessExecutionEnvironment,
- context: &Context,
- action_cache_client: Arc<ActionCacheClient<LayeredService>>,
- store: Store,
- cache_content_behavior: CacheContentBehavior,
-) -> Result<Option<FallibleProcessResultWithPlatform>, ProcessError> {
- in_workunit!(
- "check_action_cache",
- Level::Debug,
- desc = Some(format!("Remote cache lookup for: {command_description}")),
- |workunit| async move {
- workunit.increment_counter(Metric::RemoteCacheRequests, 1);
- let start = Instant::now();
- let response = get_action_result(action_digest, instance_name, context, action_cache_client)
- .and_then(|action_result| async move {
- let Some(action_result) = action_result else { return Ok(None) };
- let response = populate_fallible_execution_result(
- store.clone(),
- context.run_id,
- &action_result,
- false,
- ProcessResultSource::HitRemotely,
- environment,
- )
- .await
- .map_err(|e| format!("Output roots could not be loaded: {e}"))?;
- let cache_content_valid = check_cache_content(&response, &store, cache_content_behavior)
- .await
- .map_err(|e| format!("Output content could not be validated: {e}"))?;
- if cache_content_valid {
- Ok(Some(response))
- } else {
- Ok(None)
- }
- })
- .await;
- workunit.record_observation(
- ObservationMetric::RemoteCacheGetActionResultTimeMicros,
- start.elapsed().as_micros() as u64,
- );
- let counter = match response {
- Ok(Some(_)) => Metric::RemoteCacheRequestsCached,
- Ok(None) => Metric::RemoteCacheRequestsUncached,
- // TODO: Ensure that we're catching missing digests.
- Err(_) => Metric::RemoteCacheReadErrors,
- };
- workunit.increment_counter(counter, 1);
- response.map_err(ProcessError::from)
- }
- )
- .await
async fn get_action_result(
+ &self,
action_digest: Digest,
- instance_name: Option<String>,
context: &Context,
- action_cache_client: Arc<ActionCacheClient<LayeredService>>,
) -> Result<Option<ActionResult>, String> {
- let client = action_cache_client.as_ref().clone();
+ let client = self.action_cache_client.as_ref().clone();
let response = retry_call(
move |mut client| {
let request = remexec::GetActionResultRequest {
action_digest: Some(action_digest.into()),
- instance_name: instance_name.clone().unwrap_or_default(),
+ instance_name: self.instance_name.clone().unwrap_or_default(),
let request = apply_headers(Request::new(request), &context.build_id);
@@ -663,3 +120,4 @@ async fn get_action_result(
Err(status) => Err(status_to_str(status)),
git show ff172e0182:src/rust/engine/process_execution/remote/src/ > /tmp/
git show 096c0a79a0:src/rust/engine/process_execution/remote/src/remote_cache/ > /tmp/
git diff -w --no-index -- /tmp/ /tmp/
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