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Bash Tutorial
# (The directive above is called a "shebang": )
# Helper function that prints each of the arguments (functions can be
# declared with `function <name> { ... }` or `<name>() { ... })
printArguments() {
# arguments come in as the variables $1, $2, $3, ...
# (( ... )) does numeric tasks
while (( $# )); do
echo "$count: $1"
# shift removes $1, and moves $2 to $1, $3 to $2, etc.
(( count++ ))
# Helper function that prints the number of arguments
countArguments() {
echo "$# arguments"
# Helper functions that just manage the exercises
startExercise() {
echo "## Exercise $1 - $2 ##"
checkAnswer() {
if [ "$1" = "$2" ]; then
printf "correct answer for '%s'!\n" "$currentExercise"
printf "incorrect answer for '%s':\n found: %s\n expected: %s\n" "$currentExercise" "$1" "$2"
if "$quitOnIncorrect"; then
exit 1
# Bash is a fancy way to invoke programs.
## "Programming"
# It supports things you might recognise as "functions" and
# "variables" and even "arrays", but the behaviour of them can be
# weeeeeeird.
# The most useful tools for bashing are:
# - `help something` for builtins
# - `man something` for external programs
# -
### Variables and expansion
# Bash variables are defined with <name>=<value>, with no spaces before or after the =:
# They are used with $:
echo "passing some_variable to the functions"
printArguments $some_variable
countArguments $some_variable
# They are strings, whether or not they are declared with " or '
startExercise "1a" "Declaring variables"
# What if we want a variable with some text? The variable needs to be
# a string with the three words delta, echo and foxtrot in it. Here's
# a start:
text=delta echo foxtrot # FIXME
echo "The 'text' variable contains: $text"
checkAnswer "$text" "delta echo foxtrot"
# What happened for the original version of the code? Why did it happen?
startExercise "1b" "Quoting"
# Now, let try to pass this 'text' variable to an external command. We
# want there to be one argument which contains all three
# words. Specifically, we want the second one, in the following
# versions from other languages:
# - Python:
#["printArguments", "delta", "echo", "foxtrot"])
#["printArguments", "delta echo foxtrot"])
# - Node:
# child_process.spawn("printArguments", ["delta", "echo", "foxtrot"])
# child_process.spawn("printArguments", ["delta echo foxtrot"])
# Without quoting, Bash will split the expanded variables on
# spaces. With quoting, we can stop this happening.
printArguments $text # FIXME
# Bash lets us capture the results of a command using $(...), which we
# can assign to a variable.
captured=$(printArguments $text) # FIXME
checkAnswer "$captured" "1: delta echo foxtrot"
startExercise "1c" "Single quotes"
# Bash will look inside strings with "..." and interpret any $s or \
# escapes. Quoting variables is just a special case of this, and one
# can create arbitrary strings with substitutions. For instance, the
# next line creates a long string, as just one argument (and, with "
# instead of \"):
printArguments "a \"string\" that $text contains some substitutions $captured"
# Bash won't introspect strings with ' at all, including for $
# substitutions, and even \ escapes
noSubstitution="a string that $text contains some substitutions $captured" # FIXME
printArguments "$noSubstitution"
checkAnswer "$noSubstitution" 'a string that $text contains some substitutions $captured'
startExercise "1d" "Curly braces"
# Variable substitutions can be surrounded with {}, e.g.:
echo "with {}:" ${text}
echo "with {}: ${text}"
# This serves two purposes:
# - for array and other advanced substitutions (
# - to specify the exact variable name to be substituted in complicated text
# In this code we want to end up with "FOO<value of variable
# 'text'>BAR", but Bash is currently interpreting it as "FOO<value of
# variable 'textBAR'>".
variable="FOO$textBAR" # FIXME
checkAnswer "$variable" "FOOdelta echo foxtrotBAR"
startExercise "1e" "Arrays"
# In addition to strings, Bash also has arrays. They can be declared
# with (element element ...).
array=(foo "delta echo foxtrot" bar)
# There's a few things one can do with them, all using the advanced
# ${...} substitutions. In the style of `${name[...]}`.
# Individual elements can be retrieved by indexing
secondElement="${array}" # FIXME
echo "the second element is"
printArguments "${secondElement}"
checkAnswer "$secondElement" "delta echo foxtrot"
# The full array can be expanded using @ or * as index. Without
# quoting, they do the same thing
echo "array with *"
printArguments ${array[*]} # FIXME
echo "array with @"
printArguments ${array[@]} # FIXME
# What do they do with quoting? (Edit above to see.)
countStar=$(countArguments ${array[*]}) # FIXME
countAt=$(countArguments ${array[*]}) # FIXME
checkAnswer "$countStar" "1 arguments"
checkAnswer "$countAt" "3 arguments"
# "${array[@]}" is the most useful way to manipulate arrays: it keeps
# each element together.
# Finally, one can also count the number of elements in an array with #
checkAnswer "$count" "..." # FIXME (put in the right count)
# The command line arguments to a script (and the arguments to a
# function) are represent as an implicit array, which is indexed like
# `$0` (the name of the script/how it was invoked) `$1` `$2`, .... It
# can also be interpreted as an array with "$@" and "$*", and the @
# and * mean the same thing as with arrays.
# Let's write a function that prints its second argument, and then how
# many arguments:
myFunction() {
myFunction 1 "2 3" "4 5"
checkAnswer "$(myFunction foo 'bar baz' qux)" "$(printf 'bar baz\n3 arguments\n')"
startExercise "2a" "Errors and booleans"
# Bash interprets the return code of a process as two related things:
# - Errors: 0 means no error, anything else is an error
# - Boolean: 0 means true, anything else is false
# An `if` statement works like:
# if <program>; then <command>...; else <command>...; fi
# If <program> is true (returns 0), it executes the then branch,
# otherwise the else branch.
# The [ program (yes, it's a program, see `man [`) is one way to do
# checks. It returns 0 when the expression it is given is true.
if [ ]; then # FIXME (see `man [`)
echo "variable was larger than 10"
echo "variable was less than 10"
checkAnswer "$larger" "true"
## Control
# Bash is awkward to use; how can we have the computer help?
# The `set` builtin lets us make bash more strict and more helpful:
# help set
# ...
# -e Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
# -o option-name
# ...
# pipefail the return value of a pipeline is the status of
# the last command to exit with a non-zero status,
# or zero if no command exited with a non-zero status
# -u Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.
# ...
# -x Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
# Almost all shell scripts should start with `set -euo pipefail`
# (equivalent to `set -e -u -o pipefail`).
# This tutorial won't talk about '-o pipefail', but it is important.
startExercise "3a" "set -e"
# The -e option means that we never forget to handle an error.
# This function always has exit-status 56 (which is not 0 so is an error)
functionThatFails() {
return 56
# If we run the command as is, we keep going. And, using the special
# `$?` variable, we can see what the exit status of the previous
# command was
echo "before the failure"
echo "after the failure (exit: $?)"
# If something fails and we keep going without realising, we could be
# doing operations in the wrong place, or on the wrong data. set -e
# avoids this.
# set ... # FIXME
echo "before the failure"
echo "after the failure (exit: $?)"
checkAnswer "$captured" "before the failure"
# The 'captured' command above runs in a "subshell", which means that
# the 'set -e' exit only exits from that subshell (so it only skips
# the second 'echo'). What happens if we do it in the main part of our
# script?
set -e
echo "before the failure"
# functionThatFails # FIXME
echo "after the failure (exit: $?)"
# If the return code is checked, such as by `if`, the program won't
# exit, even with `set -e`.
if : ; then # FIXME
checkAnswer "$itFailed" "true"
startExercise "3b" "set -u"
# Bash is very ... relaxed about variables. If the variable doesn't
# exist, by default it will just expand to nothing.
echo "before the variable that doesn't exist"
printArguments "$doesNotExist"
echo "after the variable"
# set -u will make this an error, and so catch our typos
# set ... # FIXME
echo "before the variable that doesn't exist"
printArguments "$doesNotExist"
echo "after the variable"
checkAnswer "$captured" "before the variable"
# As above, we did this in a subshell; what happens if we do it at the
# top level?
set -u
echo "before the variable that doesn't exist"
# printArguments "$doesNotExist" # FIXME
echo "after the variable"
startExercise "3c" "set -x"
# A useful command for understanding what is happening is `set -x`,
# which makes bash print out every command that it runs. Let's see what happens
# set ... # FIXME
printArguments "${array[@]}"
## Shellcheck
# is an automatic way to flag many problems
# in shell scripts. Paste this file into it and see what it says.
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