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Last active March 25, 2020 03:35
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Spree backend install

Set up a Spree backend only install

rails new store-backend


gem 'spree_backend', github: 'spree/spree'
gem 'devise'

Install Spree and Devise

rails g spree:install

rails g devise:install    
rails g devise User  
bundle exec rake db:migrate  

This should go in your User model

has_and_belongs_to_many :spree_roles

def has_spree_role?(role)
  self.spree_roles.all.include? role
  • Generate custom user set up for spree
rails g spree:custom_user User
  • Change Spree.user class to User on initializer spree.rb
Spree.user_class = "User"
  • Add fields to custom user
bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Remove both all.css and all.js from vendor/assets/javascript|stylesheets/spree/frontend/

Make sure your config/routes.rb look like this

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root to: "spree/admin/orders#index"
  mount Spree::Core::Engine, :at => '/'

  devise_for :users do
    get '/login', :to => "devise/sessions#new"
    delete '/logout', :to => "devise/sessions#destroy"

Point spree_signup_path to login page

# since we don't need signup on a backend install
def spree_signup_path

Create admin user via rails console

user = User.create(email: "", password: "spree123")
user.spree_roles << Spree::Role.find_or_create_by(name: "admin")

Deface admin layout template to add logout link

Create this file in app/overrides/spree/layouts/admin/inject_login_bar.html.erb.deface

<!-- replace_contents "[data-hook='admin_login_navigation_bar']" -->

<ul id="login-nav" class="inline-menu">
  <li><%= link_to('Edit', main_app.edit_user_registration_path) %></li>
  <li><%= link_to('Logout', main_app.destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete) %></li>
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jhjwind commented Sep 13, 2014

I'm getting undefined method signin_path'inlib/spree/authentication_helpers.rb. I have the devise_for :users` part of code in my routes, but it seems that devise still can't find the signin_path.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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jhjwind commented Sep 13, 2014

Changing to devise_scope :user worked for me.
devise_scope :user do get '/login', :to => "devise/sessions#new" delete '/logout', :to => "devise/sessions#destroy" end

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i am getting this error:
undefined local variable or method `current_user'
def spree_current_user

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@donbigote Adding devise_for :users fixed me that error. I let you the repo of the whole example. I had to change the deface too.

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ronzalo commented Jan 14, 2017

I've followed all the steps, but after login, redirects to /forbidden
I'm using rails 5 and spree 3.2

What do I have to do?

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dylanfisher commented Mar 5, 2018

I had to make a few changes to the User model to get this to work:

gem 'rails', '~> 5.1.5'
gem 'spree_backend', '~> 3.4.4'

# user.rb

include Spree::UserMethods

has_and_belongs_to_many :spree_roles, class_name: 'Spree::Role', join_table: 'spree_role_users'

def has_spree_role?(role_in_question)
  spree_roles.any? { |role| == role_in_question.to_s }

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