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Forked from PrateekKumarSingh/Get-MACVendor.ps1
Created September 12, 2017 03:46
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Find MAC Address Vendors
Lookup Vendor of MAC Address regsitered on (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) database
MAC address to lookup
PS > Get-MACVendor -MACAddress "dc-4a-3e-81-d0-66","d4-81-d7-c4-34-43","48-4d-7e-e6-a8-94"
MACAddress ManufacturerName
---------- ----------------
dc-4a-3e-81-d0-66 Hewlett Packard
d4-81-d7-c4-34-43 Dell Inc.
48-4d-7e-e6-a8-94 Dell Inc.
PS > "18-DB-F2-48-51-F6","58-FB-84-C1-31-26","dc-4a-3e-81-d0-66","00-50-56-C0-00-01","00-50-56-C0-00-08" | Get-MACVendor
MACAddress ManufacturerName
---------- ----------------
18-DB-F2-48-51-F6 Dell Inc.
58-FB-84-C1-31-26 Intel Corporate
dc-4a-3e-81-d0-66 Hewlett Packard
00-50-56-C0-00-01 VMware, Inc.
00-50-56-C0-00-08 VMware, Inc.
General notes
Function Get-MACVendor {
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = 'MAC Address to lookup',
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
Position = 0
[string[]] $MACAddress
$TempFileName = "$env:TEMP\MACReference.csv"
If(Test-Path $TempFileName){
$Data = Import-Csv $TempFileName
$Data = Invoke-WebRequest '' | `
ForEach-Object content | `
Tee-Object -FilePath $TempFileName -Verbose | ConvertFrom-Csv
Foreach($MAC in $MACAddress){
$Data.where({($MAC.replace(':','').replace('-','')[0..5] -join '') -in $_.assignment.split(' ')}) | `
Select-Object @{n='MACAddress';e={$MAC}}, ManufacturerName -OutVariable Output
If(-not $Output)
Write-Error "Couldn't find Manufacturer information for $MAC"
Remove-Variable -Name Data; [gc]::Collect()
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