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Forked from jonkemp/timestamp.js
Created May 11, 2012 15:35
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Print out a nicely formatted timestamp in JavaScript.
* Return a timestamp with the format "m/d/yy h:MM:ss TT"
* @type {Date}
function timeStamp() {
// Create a date object with the current time
var now = new Date();
// Create an array with the current month, day and time
var date = [ now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate(), now.getFullYear() ];
// Create an array with the current hour, minute and second
var time = [ now.getHours(), now.getMinutes(), now.getSeconds() ];
// Determine AM or PM suffix based on the hour
var suffix = ( time[0] < 12 ) ? "AM" : "PM";
// Convert hour from military time
time[0] = ( time[0] < 12 ) ? time[0] : time[0] - 12;
// If hour is 0, set it to 12
time[0] = time[0] || 12;
// If seconds and minutes are less than 10, add a zero
for ( var i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) {
if ( time[i] < 10 ) {
time[i] = "0" + time[i];
// Return the formatted string
return date.join("/") + " " + time.join(":") + " " + suffix;
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swogger commented Jul 3, 2015

(new Date).toISOString();

(new Date).toISOString().replace(/z|t/gi,' ');
"2015-07-03 10:50:22.481 "

(new Date).toISOString().replace(/z|t/gi,' ').trim();
"2015-07-03 10:50:31.112"

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Coming late to the party, but this snippet was helpful to me... So thanks!

I think you should be able to save a step if you test for the hour being greater than or equal to 12 when converting from military time.

// Convert hour from military time
time[0] = ( time[0] <= 12 ) ? time[0] : time[0] - 12;

// If hour is 0, set it to 12
// time[0] = time[0] || 12;    <--- No longer needed

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aehven commented Sep 18, 2015

Very nice.

I needed a compact date/time format -- don't care about seconds, don't care about other centuries -- so I modified the top lines to look like the following. If no options are give, it works as original.

function timeStamp(options) {
  options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {};

// Create a date object with the current time
  var now = new Date();

// Create an array with the current month, day and time
  var date = [ now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate() ];
  if(options.compactDate) {
  else {

// Create an array with the current hour, minute and second
  var time = [ now.getHours(), now.getMinutes() ];
  if(!options.compactTime) {

// Determine AM or PM suffix based on the hour

When I call it with timeStamp({compactTime:true, compactDate:true}) I get something like "9/18/15 4:18 PM".

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Thanks for this, was very helpful

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steven160505 commented Jun 14, 2016


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good job!! 👍

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hwo do I call this into a string?

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Super helpful, thanks!

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Thank you a lot!

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rrundle commented Dec 1, 2016

Huge help! Cheers!

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Nice! ;)

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Just what I needed.... hugs!!!

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Works great! Thanks!

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Thanks! Works great. Saved me some time.

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174n commented Jan 17, 2018

function timeStamp() {
// Create a date object with the current time
  let now = new Date();

// Create an array with the current month, day and time
  let date = [ now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate(), now.getFullYear() ].map(d=>d.toString().length === 1 ? "0"+d : d);

// Create an array with the current hour, minute and second
  let time = [ now.getHours(), now.getMinutes(), now.getSeconds() ].map(d=>d.toString().length === 1 ? "0"+d : d);

// Return the formatted string
  return time.join(":") + " " + date.join(".");

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Thanks Rundik.

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alxalm commented Feb 1, 2018

Me like it too!

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NeaIon commented Feb 21, 2018


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Extremely handy. Thanks!!

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ghost commented May 15, 2018

been super useful! created a fiddle using a variation of @Rundik's code.

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Here's similar using built-ins. I think it may be more portable while still achieving the same goals, except it's yyyy instead of yy, but I much prefer yyyy anyways.

> function timeStamp(date, locale) {
  const event = (date===undefined) ? new Date() : new Date(date);
  return event.toLocaleDateString(locale) + " " + event.toLocaleTimeString(locale)

> timeStamp() // no args gives current date+time in users locale (e.g. en-us, PDT)
6/20/2018 2:06:31 PM
> timeStamp(0) // date input can be various formats
12/31/1969 4:00:00 PM
> timeStamp("7/4/1776 6:00 AM", 'en-gb') // give date+time in other locales
04/07/1776 06:00:00
> timeStamp("7/4/1776 6:00 AM", 'en-us') // force the og format in other locales
7/4/1776 6:00:00 AM
> timeStamp(new Date(), 'en-us') // current date in og format even in different locales
6/20/2018 2:06:31 PM

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seox commented Aug 29, 2018

Greetings, a more complete function using a more complete String replace function, use: mf("Y-M-D H:I:S")
Y=Complete Year
y=Two digits year
h:12 hour format
I: minutes

function mf(formato){ var hor,hor2,x; var fechai=new Date(); var ano=fechai.getYear()+1900; var ano2=(""+(fechai.getYear()+1900)).slice(-2); var mes=("0"+(fechai.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2); var dia=("0"+fechai.getDate()).slice(-2); hor=hor2=("0"+fechai.getHours()).slice(-2); if(fechai.getHours()>12){ hor2=fechai.getHours()-12; x="pm"; }else{ x="am"; } var min=("0"+fechai.getMinutes()).slice(-2); var seg=("0"+fechai.getSeconds()).slice(-2); var fecha=formato.reemplaza("YyMDHhISx".split(''),[ano,ano2,mes,dia,hor,hor2,min,seg,x]); alert(fecha); } String.prototype.reemplaza=function(busca,reemplaza){ var b=Array.isArray(busca); var r=Array.isArray(reemplaza); var ret=this; if(b){ for(var i in busca){ var c=r?(reemplaza[i]?reemplaza[i]:""):reemplaza; ret=ret.replace(new RegExp(busca[i],'g'),c); } }else{ var c=r?reemplaza[0]:reemplaza; ret=ret.replace(new RegExp(busca,'g'),c); } return ret; }

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Thanks a lot!

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cool, thanks for sharing your example!

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