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Created June 15, 2023 10:03
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FFT for any input size in Kotlin JVM with Apache Commons Math3
package info.skyblond.steganography.fourier
import info.skyblond.steganography.add
import info.skyblond.steganography.div
import info.skyblond.steganography.times
import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex
import org.apache.commons.math3.primes.Primes
import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.DftNormalization
import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.FastFourierTransformer
import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.TransformType
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.sin
* Calculate FFT in any size.
* Ref:
* */
object FFT {
private const val DOUBLE_PI = 6.283185307179586476925287
// ------------------------------ Number.h ------------------------------
* Find a primitive root of prime [n].
* */
private fun findPrimitiveRoot(n: Int): Int {
require(Primes.isPrime(n)) { "n should be prime!" }
for (primeRootCandidate in 2 until n) {
if (isPrimitiveRoot(primeRootCandidate, n))
return primeRootCandidate
error("Primitive root not found for prime $n")
* Test if number [a] is a primitive root of mod [m].
* */
private fun isPrimitiveRoot(a: Int, m: Int): Boolean {
val tot = m - 1
val factors = factor(tot)
for (pi in factors) {
if (expModuloN(a, tot / pi, m) == 1)
return false
return true
* Polynomial Factorization of [number]
* */
private fun factor(number: Int): List<Int> {
var n = number
val result = mutableListOf<Int>()
if (n == 1) {
return result
for (i in 2..n) {
while (n != i) {
if (n % i == 0) {
n /= i
} else {
return result
* (a^k)%n
private fun expModuloN(a: Int, k: Int, n: Int): Int {
if (k == 0) return 1
if (k == 1) return a % n
if (k == 2) return (a * a) % n
val k1 = k / 2
val k2 = k - k1
return if (k1 < k2) {
val tmp1 = expModuloN(a, k1, n)
val tmp2 = tmp1 * a % n
tmp1 * tmp2 % n
} else {
val tmp = expModuloN(a, k1, n)
tmp * tmp % n
* (a^(-k))%n
private fun expModuloNInverse(a: Int, k: Int, n: Int): Int {
if (k == 0) return 1
if (k == 1) {
for (inverse in 0 until n) {
if ((a * inverse) % n == 1) return inverse
error("modular inverse not found!")
val modInverse = expModuloNInverse(a, 1, n)
return expModuloN(modInverse, k, n)
// ------------------------------ Number.h ------------------------------
// -------------------------------- FFT.h --------------------------------
fun fft(data: Array<Complex>): Array<Complex> =
if (isPowerOfTwo(data.size)) radix2FFT(data)
else hybridFFT(data)
private fun radix2FFT(data: Array<Complex>): Array<Complex> =
.transform(data, TransformType.FORWARD)
private fun hybridFFT(data: Array<Complex>): Array<Complex> {
val N = data.size
if (N == 1 || N == 2) return radix2FFT(data)
// if N is prime
val factors = factor(N)
if (factors.size == 1) return raderFFT(data)
// N = N1 * N2
val N1 = factors[0]
val N2 = N / N1
val X = Array(N1) { n1 ->
Array(N2) { n2 ->
data[N1 * n2 + n1]
for (n1 in 0 until N1) {
val row = Array(N2) { i -> X[n1][i] }
val tmp = fft(row)
for (n2 in 0 until N2) {
X[n1][n2] = tmp[n2] * Complex(cos(DOUBLE_PI * n1 * n2 / N), -sin(DOUBLE_PI * n1 * n2 / N))
for (n2 in 0 until N2) {
val col = Array(N1) { n1 -> X[n1][n2] }
val tmp = fft(col)
for (n1 in 0 until N1)
X[n1][n2] = tmp[n1]
val result = Array(data.size) { Complex.ZERO }
for (n1 in 0 until N1) {
for (n2 in 0 until N2) {
result[N2 * n1 + n2] = X[n1][n2]
return result
@Suppress("LocalVariableName", "DuplicatedCode")
private fun raderFFT(data: Array<Complex>): Array<Complex> {
val N = data.size
val X0 = data.fold(Complex.ZERO) { acc, c -> acc + c }
val g = findPrimitiveRoot(data.size)
val aq = mutableListOf<Complex>()
val bq = mutableListOf<Complex>()
val product = mutableListOf<Complex>()
val aqIndex = mutableListOf<Int>()
val bqIndex = mutableListOf<Int>()
bq.add(Complex(cos(DOUBLE_PI / N), -sin(DOUBLE_PI / N)))
var exp = expModuloN(g, 1, N)
var expInverse = expModuloNInverse(g, 1, N)
val expInverseBase = expInverse
for (index in 1..N - 2) {
val tmp = expInverse * DOUBLE_PI / N
bq.add(Complex(cos(tmp), -sin(tmp)))
exp = (exp * g) % N
expInverse = (expInverse * expInverseBase) % N
// padding zero
val M = nextPowerOf2(2 * N - 3)
if (M != N - 1) {
aq.add(1, M - N + 1, Complex.ZERO)
for (index in 0 until M - N + 1)
val faq = radix2FFT(aq.toTypedArray())
val fbq = radix2FFT(bq.toTypedArray())
for (index in 0 until M) {
product.add(faq[index] * fbq[index])
val inverseDFT = radix2IFFT(product.toTypedArray())
val result = Array(N) { Complex.ZERO }
result[0] = X0
for (index in 0 until N - 1)
result[bqIndex[index]] = inverseDFT[index] + data[0]
return result
fun ifft(data: Array<Complex>): Array<Complex> =
if (isPowerOfTwo(data.size)) radix2IFFT(data)
else hybridIFFT(data)
private fun radix2IFFT(data: Array<Complex>): Array<Complex> =
.transform(data, TransformType.INVERSE)
private fun hybridIFFT(data: Array<Complex>): Array<Complex> {
val N = data.size
if (N == 1 || N == 2) return radix2IFFT(data)
// if N is prime
val factors = factor(N)
if (factors.size == 1) return raderIFFT(data)
// N = N1 * N2
val N1 = factors[0]
val N2 = N / N1
val X = Array(N1) { n1 ->
Array(N2) { n2 ->
data[N1 * n2 + n1]
for (n1 in 0 until N1) {
val row = Array(N2) { i -> X[n1][i] }
val tmp = ifft(row)
for (n2 in 0 until N2) {
X[n1][n2] = tmp[n2] * Complex(
cos(DOUBLE_PI * n1 * n2 / N), sin(DOUBLE_PI * n1 * n2 / N)
) * N2.toDouble()
for (n2 in 0 until N2) {
val col = Array(N1) { n1 -> X[n1][n2] }
val tmp = ifft(col)
for (n1 in 0 until N1)
X[n1][n2] = tmp[n1] * N1.toDouble()
val result = Array(data.size) { Complex.ZERO }
for (n1 in 0 until N1) {
for (n2 in 0 until N2) {
result[N2 * n1 + n2] = X[n1][n2] / N.toDouble()
return result
@Suppress("LocalVariableName", "DuplicatedCode")
private fun raderIFFT(data: Array<Complex>): Array<Complex> {
val N = data.size
val X0 = data.fold(Complex.ZERO) { acc, c -> acc + c }
val g = findPrimitiveRoot(data.size)
val aq = mutableListOf<Complex>()
val bq = mutableListOf<Complex>()
val product = mutableListOf<Complex>()
val aqIndex = mutableListOf<Int>()
val bqIndex = mutableListOf<Int>()
bq.add(Complex(cos(DOUBLE_PI / N), sin(DOUBLE_PI / N)))
var exp = expModuloN(g, 1, N)
var expInverse = expModuloNInverse(g, 1, N)
val expInverseBase = expInverse
for (index in 1..N - 2) {
val tmp = expInverse * DOUBLE_PI / N
bq.add(Complex(cos(tmp), sin(tmp)))
exp = (exp * g) % N
expInverse = (expInverse * expInverseBase) % N
// padding zero
val M = nextPowerOf2(2 * N - 3)
if (M != N - 1) {
aq.add(1, M - N + 1, Complex.ZERO)
for (index in 0 until M - N + 1)
val faq = radix2FFT(aq.toTypedArray())
val fbq = radix2FFT(bq.toTypedArray())
for (index in 0 until M) {
product.add(faq[index] * fbq[index])
val inverseDFT = radix2IFFT(product.toTypedArray())
val result = Array(N) { Complex.ZERO }
result[0] = X0 / N.toDouble()
for (index in 0 until N - 1)
result[bqIndex[index]] = (inverseDFT[index] + data[0]) / N.toDouble()
return result
* The next 2^k bigger than [n]
* */
private fun nextPowerOf2(n: Int): Int {
if (isPowerOfTwo(n)) return n
val newValue = 0x01 shl (Int.SIZE_BITS - n.countLeadingZeroBits())
if (newValue <= 0 || newValue <= n) error("Size overflow! $this -> $newValue")
return newValue
private fun isPowerOfTwo(n: Int): Boolean {
return n > 0 && n and n - 1 == 0
// -------------------------------- FFT.h --------------------------------
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