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Last active June 4, 2023 06:34
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public interface IBasketRepository
Task<Basket> GetCustomerBasketAsync(string customerId);
Task<Basket> UpdateBasketAsync(Basket basket);
Task<bool> DeleteBasketAsync(string id);
Task<bool> RemoveItemFromBasket(string customerId, string itemId);
public class RedisBasketRepository : IBasketRepository
private readonly IDatabase _database ;
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;
public RedisBasketRepository(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;
_database = _redis.GetDatabase();
public async Task<bool> DeleteBasketAsync(string id)
return await _database.KeyDeleteAsync(id);
public Task<Basket> GetCustomerBasketAsync(string customerId)
var basketData = _database.StringGet(customerId);
if (!basketData.HasValue)
return Task.FromResult<Basket>(new Basket());
var basket = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Basket>(basketData);
return Task.FromResult(basket);
public async Task<bool> RemoveItemFromBasket(string customerId, string itemId)
var basketData = await _database.StringGetAsync(customerId);
if (!basketData.HasValue)
return false;
var basket = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Basket>(basketData);
// Find and remove the item from the basket's item list
var itemToRemove = basket.Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Id == itemId);
if (itemToRemove != null)
// Update the basket in Redis
var serializedBasket = JsonSerializer.Serialize(basket);
await _database.StringSetAsync(customerId, serializedBasket);
return true;
public async Task<Basket> UpdateBasketAsync(Basket basket)
var serializedBasket = JsonSerializer.Serialize(basket);
var updated = await _database.StringSetAsync(basket.CustomerId, serializedBasket);
if (!updated)
return null;
return await GetCustomerBasketAsync(basket.CustomerId);
private void RecalculateTotalAmount(Basket basket)
basket.TotalAmount = basket.Items.Sum(item => item.Amount);
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