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Forked from majedsiefalnasr/LZ77_78_W.cpp
Created December 18, 2018 11:06
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LZ 77 - LZ 78 - LZW c++ code
LZ 77, 78, W Algorithms
___ ___ __| | ___ _____ ___ __ ___
/ __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ / _ \ \/ / '_ \ / _ \
| (_| (_) | (_| | __/ | __/> <| |_) | (_) |
\___\___/ \__,_|\___| \___/_/\_\ .__/ \___/
Made with love in Code Expo lab
created by : ENG, Majed Sief Al-Nasr
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include "windows.h"
using namespace std;
struct Node{
int index;
string data;
Node *next;
void st_Node(Node *head, int index, string data){
head->index = index;
head->data = data;
head->next = NULL;
void insert_Node(Node *head, int index, string data){
Node *new_Node = new Node;
new_Node->index = index;
new_Node->data = data;
new_Node->next = NULL;
Node *curr = head;
while (curr != NULL)
if (curr->next == NULL)
curr->next = new_Node;
curr = curr->next;
Node *search_Node(Node *head, string data)
Node *curr = head;
while (curr != NULL)
if (>data) == 0)
return curr;
curr = curr->next;
return NULL;
Node *search_Node(Node *head, int index)
Node *curr = head;
while (curr != NULL)
if (index == curr->index)
return curr;
curr = curr->next;
return NULL;
bool delete_Node(Node *head, Node *to_delete){
if (to_delete == NULL)
return false;
else if (to_delete == head)
head = to_delete->next;
delete to_delete;
return true;
Node *curr = head;
while (curr)
if (curr->next == to_delete)
curr->next = to_delete->next;
delete to_delete;
return true;
curr = curr->next;
return false;
vector <string> split(string str, char delimiter) {
vector<string> internal;
stringstream ss(str); // Turn the string into a stream.
string tok;
while (getline(ss, tok, delimiter)) {
return internal;
string LZ77(string input, int option);
string LZ78(string input, int option);
string LZW(string input, int option);
int main()
string input, result, method_text;
int method, option, option2;
string intro = R"(
Hi I'm Alpha ^_^ , Code Expo's assistant, I'm here to help you.
cout << intro;
string main_menu = R"(
This tool generate compression and decompression using LZ-77, LZ-78 and LZW methods :
1- LZ-77
2- LZ-78
3- LZW
Enter 1, 2 or 3 according to method.
> )"; cout << main_menu;
cin >> method;
if (method == 1)
method_text = "LZ-77";
else if (method == 2)
method_text = "LZ-78";
else if (method == 3)
method_text = "LZW";
cout << intro;
goto main_menu;
cout << intro;
string main_menu_2 = R"(
This tool generate compression and decompression using )" + method_text + R"( method :
1- Compression
2- Decompression
0- Main menu
Enter 1, 2 or 0 according to method.
> )"; cout << main_menu_2;
cin >> option;
if (option == 1)
cout << intro;
string lz77_Compression = R"(
)" + method_text + R"( > Compression :)";
cout << lz77_Compression << endl;
cout << "\t Enter your phrases : ";
getline(cin, input);
if (method == 1)
result = LZ77(input, 1);
else if (method == 2)
result = LZ78(input, 1);
else if (method == 3)
result = LZW(input, 1);
cout << intro;
goto main_menu;
cout << "\n\t Final result : " << result << endl;
cout << "\n Enter 0 to back to Main menu or 1 to back to Method menu. \n > ";
cin >> option2;
if (option2 == 0)
cout << intro;
goto main_menu;
else if (option2 == 1)
goto method_menu;
goto back_1;
else if (option == 2)
cout << intro;
string lz77_Compression = R"(
LZ-77 > Decompression :)";
cout << lz77_Compression << endl;
cout << "Note : Enter 0 for NULL characters\n\n";
cout << "\t Enter your code : ";
getline(cin, input);
if (method == 1)
result = LZ77(input, 2);
else if (method == 2)
result = LZ78(input, 2);
else if (method == 3)
result = LZW(input, 2);
cout << "\n\t Final result : " << result << endl;
cout << "\n Enter 0 to back to Main menu or 1 to back to Method menu. \n > ";
cin >> option2;
if (option2 == 0)
cout << intro;
goto main_menu;
else if (option2 == 1)
goto method_menu;
goto back_2;
else if (option == 0)
cout << intro;
goto main_menu;
goto method_menu;
return 0;
string LZ77(string input, int option)
// Initialized variables
string result;
int length, char_info_selc = 0;
if (option == 1)
check_char: // Length checker pointer
length = (int)input.length(); // Calculate input string length
// Check input line length is less than 3
if (length <= 2)
cout << "enter at leaset 3 characters \n";
getline(cin, input); // Read input string
goto check_char;
// Declare an arry for final result called 'result_ary'
int** result_ary = new int*[3];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
result_ary[i] = new int[length];
// Set result_ary elements value to 0 to prevent previous values
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
result_ary[i][j] = 0;
// Declare an arry to store every char info in input string called 'char_info'
int** char_info = new int*[3];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
char_info[i] = new int[length];
// Set char_info elements value to 0 to prevent previous values
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
char_info[i][j] = 0;
// Set first char info to (0,0,'<first char>')
result_ary[0][0] = 0;
result_ary[1][0] = 0;
result_ary[2][0] = input[0];
// Set result counter
int result_count = 1;
// A loop to perform some operations in every char in input string
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
// A loop to check input char in position i is equal to any of
// previous char in input and save this info in char_info array
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
// Check position of previous view of element i
if (input[i] == input[j])
// Set position pointer
char_info[0][char_info_selc] = i - j;
// Increase char info array selector by 1
// A loop to check length for every char position
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
// Check current char info array position is not equal to 0
if (char_info[0][j] != 0)
// Set start point
int start = i - char_info[0][j];
// Set count to calculate length for this char position
int count = 1;
// A loop to check length for this char position
for (int k = 0; k < length; k++)
// Check next element of start by next element of input
if (input[start + count] == input[i + count])
count++; // Increase count by 1
char_info[1][j] = count; // Store count value in length
// Check if this input char is the last char
if (i != (length - 1))
// Store next char to char info
// Check this postion is equal to length
if (char_info[0][j] + count == length)
char_info[2][j] = 0; // Set 0 in next char field
char_info[2][j] = input[char_info[0][j] + count]; // Set the next char
char_info[2][j] = NULL; // Set NULL in next char field
break; // Stop loop
// Set large selector
int large = 0; // large selector equal 0
// Loop to check the largest length for every char info
for (int k = 1; k < length; k++)
// Check largest
if (char_info[1][large] == char_info[1][k])
large = k; // Set largest
else if (char_info[1][large] < char_info[1][k])
large = k; // Set largest
// Check largest length is equal to 0
if (char_info[1][large] == 0)
char_info[2][large] = input[i]; // Set char info
i += char_info[1][large]; // increase loop counter by length of the largest char info element
char_info[2][large] = input[i]; // Set char info
// Set final result info
result_ary[0][result_count] = char_info[0][large];
result_ary[1][result_count] = char_info[1][large];
result_ary[2][result_count] = char_info[2][large];
// Increase result counter
// Prepare char info array for next char by set it to 0
for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++)
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
char_info[z][j] = 0; // Set every element in char info to 0
// Prepare char info selector for next char by set it to 0
char_info_selc = 0;
// Display final results
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
if (result_ary[0][j] == 0 && result_ary[1][j] == 0)
if (result_ary[2][j] != NULL || result_ary[2][j] != 0)
char z = result_ary[2][j];
result += to_string(result_ary[0][j]) + "," + to_string(result_ary[1][j]) + "," + z + " ";
char z = result_ary[2][j];
result += to_string(result_ary[0][j]) + "," + to_string(result_ary[1][j]) + "," + z + " ";
// Clean up memory
//for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// {
// delete[] result_ary[i]; delete[] char_info[i];
// }
//delete[] result_ary;
//delete[] char_info;
return result;
else if (option == 2)
vector<string> s_input = split(input, ' ');
for (int i = 0; i < s_input.size(); ++i)
vector<string> ss_input = split(s_input[i], ',');
int p = stoi(ss_input[0]),
l = stoi(ss_input[1]);
string ch;
if (ss_input[2][0] == '0')
ch = ' ';
ch = ss_input[2];
if (p != 0)
int result_len = (int)result.length();
for (int x = 0; x < l; x++)
result += result[result_len - p + x];
if (ch[0] != '0' || ch[0] != NULL)
result += ch;
return result;
string LZ78(string input, int option)
if (option == 1)
Node *dictionary = new Node;
string word, result;
int length, last_seen, index = 1;
length = (int)input.length();
word = input[0];
st_Node(dictionary, 1, word);
result += "0," + word;
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
string data;
data = input[i];
Node *search = search_Node(dictionary, data);
if (search)
data += input[i];
last_seen = search->index;
goto re_check;
char zero;
if (input[i] == ' ')
zero = '0';
zero = input[i];
if ((int)data.length() < 2)
result += " " + to_string(0) + "," + zero;
result += " " + to_string(last_seen) + "," + zero;
if (i != length)
insert_Node(dictionary, index, data);
return result;
if (option == 2)
Node *dictionary = new Node;
string result;
vector <string> s_input = split(input, ' ');
int zz = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < s_input.size(); i++)
vector <string> ss_input = split(s_input[i], ',');
if (i == 0)
st_Node(dictionary, 1, ss_input[1]);
result += ss_input[1];
Node *serched;
string get_search = ss_input[1];
serched = search_Node(dictionary, stoi(ss_input[0]));
if (serched)
result += serched->data + get_search;
get_search = serched->data + split(s_input[i], ',')[1];
insert_Node(dictionary, zz, get_search);
if (stoi(ss_input[0]) == 0)
insert_Node(dictionary, zz, get_search);
insert_Node(dictionary, zz, get_search);
result += get_search;
if (result[(int)result.length() - 1] == '0')
result = result.substr(0, result.size() - 1);
return result;
string LZW(string input, int option)
if (option == 1)
Node *dictionary = new Node;
string result;
int length, last_seen, index = 128;
st_Node(dictionary, 32, " ");
for (int i = 33; i < 128; i++)
string data;
data = i;
insert_Node(dictionary, i, data);
length = (int)input.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
Node *searched;
string search;
search = input[i];
searched = search_Node(dictionary, search);
if (searched)
search += input[i];
last_seen = searched->index;
if (i != length)
goto re_search;
goto print;
insert_Node(dictionary, index, search);
result += to_string(last_seen) + " ";
return result;
if (option == 2)
Node *dictionary = new Node;
string result;
int index = 128;
st_Node(dictionary, 32, " ");
for (int i = 33; i < 128; i++)
string data;
data = i;
insert_Node(dictionary, i, data);
vector <string> s_input = split(input, ' ');
for (int i = 0; i < s_input.size(); i++)
Node *searched;
int search;
search = stoi(s_input[i]);
searched = search_Node(dictionary, search);
string cur, prev, data;
if (searched)
cur = search_Node(dictionary, stoi(s_input[i]))->data;
if (i != 0)
prev = search_Node(dictionary, stoi(s_input[i - 1]))->data;
prev = cur;
int show = 0;
if (searched)
result += searched->data;
if (i != 0)
data = prev + cur[0];
if (show != 1)
insert_Node(dictionary, index, data);
show = 0;
data = prev + prev[0];
insert_Node(dictionary, index, data);
show = 1;
result += data;
return result;
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