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Script and Instructions to setup a Valheim Dedicated Server using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Table of Content

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️

This install script has now been updated with a configuration for box64 which has been tested to work for a few weeks and by different people using this guide.
If you have made any changes to the ~/.box64rc configuration file for the [valheim_server.x86_64] section, please remove it and run the setup script.
If you should experience any issues, please leave a comment.

This script / procedure for setting up a Valheim server on ARM is currently broken as of 7th of November 2023. (

This unfortunately also includes the rollback procedure. Check comments for any updates regarding this issue.


The original guide is from Reddit user That_Conversation_91 on r/Valheim.
Original post can be found here


Note: For this guide a free account is required on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure allowing us to spin up a server which is decently specced.

In this guide, we'll:

  • Set up a Virtual Machine using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, including firewall rules
  • Prepare and use SSH to connect to the Virtual Machine
  • Update the Operating System and install the Valheim Dedicated Server software
  • Finally we'll use Systemd to allow the server to run automatically.

If you have the knowledge of setting up a server on an alternative cloud provider or your own hardware you may skip ahead to Installing the Valheim Dedicated Server



To connect to the server in the section Connecting to the VM Instance we need to do some preparation.

  1. First of all we need an SSH client, namely Putty
  2. Head on over to and click on the Download PuTTY link
  3. Scroll down to Alternative binary files
    1. click on putty.exe (64-bit x86)
    2. next scroll down and you'll find puttygen click on puttygen.exe (64-bit x86)
  4. Open up puttygen
    1. Press Generate
    2. Copy the whole SSH key starting at ssh-rsa, we'll need this in the next section when Creating the VM Instance
    3. Press Save public key and save it to f.ex your Desktop
    4. Press Save private key and save it to f.ex your Desktop
      It will ask about password protecting the key, this isn't necessary for this setup.

Mac / Linux

Verify that we have a set of SSH key pairs

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Run the command ls -l ~/.ssh/.
    If you see the files id_rsa and, you can continue on with OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)
  3. If you did not see these files, you can run the command ssh-keygen -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa Now you can re-run the command from step 2 and you should see both files.

OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)

  1. Head on over to to sign up for a free account.
    After logging in you will be shown a Get Started page.
    All subsequent section starts from Getting Started.

Creating the VM instance

  1. From the Getting Started dashboard, scroll down a bit and click the Create a VM instance
  2. On the right hand side of Image and shape click Edit
    1. Click Change image and choose a Canonical Ubuntu Minimal aarch64 and confirm with the Select image button.
      Note: make sure you select aarch64 which is aimed at ARM server
    2. Click Change shape and set the following:
      • Instance type: Virtual machine
      • Shape series: Ampere
      • Shape: VM.Standard.A1.Flex
      • OCPUs: 4
      • Memory: 24GB
  3. On the right hand side of Networking click Edit
    1. Select Create new virtual cloud network and leave the values as is.
  4. On the right hand side of Add SSH keys click Edit
    • If you're f.ex on Linux or Mac you can find your SSH keys under ~/.ssh/ In this case you can select Upload public key files (.pub) then navigate to ~/.ssh/
    • For Windows, the SSH public key we copied in Pre-requisite for Windows can be pasted in by under Paste public keys
  5. Click Create.
    Note: If you get a warning about Out of Capacity, scroll up to the Placement section and try another Domain (AD 1, AD 2 or AD 3), and try again.
    This will take a couple of minutes while the instance is being provisioned / set up.
    While we wait for it we'll go back to the dashboard and set up the networking.
    Click on the ORACLE Cloud header or click here to go back to the Getting started page.

Configuring the Network and firewall rules

  1. At the top of the Getting started page, click on Dashboard
  2. Under Resource explorer, click Virtual Cloud Networks, then click the network (f.ex vcn-20221120-1500)
  3. On the left hand side, click on Security Lists, then the Default Security List for NETWORKNAME
  4. We will be creating a rule so that we can connect to the server from Valheim.
    1. Under Ingress Rules, click Add Ingress Rules:
      • Source Type: CIDR
      • Source CIDR:
      • IP Protocol: UDP
      • Source Port Range: All
      • Destination Port Range 2456-2459
  5. Click on the ORACLE Cloud header or click here to go back to the Getting started page.
  6. Navigate back to the Dashboard, under the Resource explorer click on Instances then the instance (f.ex instance-20221120-1503)
  7. On the right hand side you'll see Instance access, click Copy to the right of Public IP address, we need this in the next step.

Connecting to the VM Instance

The IP Address we copied in the previous step will be referenced here as IP_ADDRESS


  1. Start putty which we downloaded in Pre-requisite for Windows
  2. We'll configure the following parameters:
    • Host Name (or IP address): IP_ADDRESS
    • Port: 22
    • Saved Sessions: Valheim Server
    • Close window on exit: Never
    • Click Save
  3. Next in the navigation tree to the left go to Connection > SSH > Auth > Credentials
    1. Under Private key file for authentication click Browse... and navigate to the Private key we saved using puttygen
  4. Go back up in the navigation tree to Session and click Save
  5. Then click Open
  6. You should within a couple of seconds see a prompt along the lines of ubuntu@instance-20221120-1503:~$
  7. You're now good to go to Installing the Valheim Dedicated Server

Mac / Linux

  1. On Mac and Linux we already have an SSH client installed.
  2. Open up a terminal then execute ssh ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS
  3. You should within a couple of seconds see a prompt along the lines of ubuntu@instance-20221120-1503:~$
  4. You're now good to go to Installing the Valheim Dedicated Server

Installing the Valheim Dedicated Server

  1. Run the following command:


    This will download the installation script onto your server allowing it to set up everything which is needed.

  2. Then run the following command:

    bash ./

    The first time this is run, the setup script will update the operating system and then reboot. If you get notification about kernel upgrades, or restarting services you may just press Enter, allowing the default values be. After it's done you will be disconnected, wait about 15-20 seconds then reconnect to the server.

  3. Run the same command again

    bash ./

    Note: If you're playing on Console or Xbox Game Pass / Microsoft Game Pass, please enable Crossplay.
    Also, read the Crossplay section.

    The installation will take a couple of minutes to complete as the script installs all the necessary packages and set up the server with initial values.
    Once it finishes it let you know that we need to make a small edit to one file then start the server.

Configuring the Valheim Server

  1. Open up the server_credentials file with nano ~/server_credentials (or text editor of choice)
  2. Adjust the SERVER_NAME, WORLD_NAME PASSWORD, PUBLIC as you see fit.
    Note: The setup script populated the password field automatically with a random decently strong password.
  3. When done, Press Ctrl+X, then y and finally Enter.
    Note: Mac users might need to use the Cmd button instead of Ctrl

Starting the Valheim Server

To start the server, run the command valheim_server start
This will take a couple of minutes as the world is being generated.

From within the game, it might not show in the Select Server list, instead click the Add server button and type in the address IP_ADDRESS:2456 (Using the IP address fromConfiguring the Network and firewall rules)

More information can be found in the attached file and can be viewed with cat ~/

Updating the Valheim Server

Whenever the Valheim client updates, the server also needs to be updated.
To do this, log onto the VM then run the command valheim_server update
This will stop the running server and update the server files.
Once done, you must start the server using valheim_server update

Crossplay (Console / Game Pass)

Note: Crossplay on ARM architecture is currently experimental (thanks to @bitdo1).

During setup you will be asked if crossplay should be enabled or disabled.

If you'd like to enable / disable this after the first setup, you can change it by rerunning the setup script. You will need to restart the server for this to take effect using valheim_server restart

After crossplay has been enabled, the join procedure is the same as normal using IP:port, however you can now also join by using a 6 digit code which can be found in the logs after the server has started (using the valheim_server logs-live command).
Example log message:
Session "My Valheim server" with join code 295265 and IP is active with 0 player(s)

Note: Do keep in mind that the join code will change every time the server is restarted!


BepInEx currently do not support ARM, hence modding currently seem to not be possible.
If this changes in the future, this section will be updated to reflect that.
An issue has been raised with BepInEx and can be found here BepInEx/BepInEx#336

PS: If you're willing to try to install mods on your ARM instance and are able to so successfully, please do let me know.

As for a guide to install mods, here is one.

Installer Self-update

The now has a self-update feature which allow it to update itself and apply any bugfixes that should be necessary whenever the script is run.

After updating, it will show what have changed, update itself, then ask the user to restart the setup script.
It is not retroactively applied, hence the script will need to be downloaded again f.ex with:

wget -O ~/

This will overwrite the existing script.

This feature was added Thu, 15 Dec 2022 19:56:51 +0100.

Adding Pre-existing worlds

If you already have a world you've played on (f.ex hosted on your own computer) and you'd like to continue using it with this server,
the following steps can be used.

  1. Locate your save folder, navigate to this folder:
    The files we are interested in are the .db and .fwl files.
    • Windows: %userprofile%/AppData/LocalLow/IronGate/Valheim/Worlds
    • Linux: $HOME/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds
  2. Stop the Valheim Server with valheim_server stop
  3. With an SFTP client (f.ex FileZilla), upload the .db and .fwl file to the folder: /home/${USER}/valheim_data
  4. Edit the ~/server_credentials and update the WORLD_NAME parameter to the name of your World files.
    F.ex if you world file was My_Valheim_World.db and My_Valheim_World.fwl, set it to WORLD_NAME="My_Valheim_World"
  5. Start the Valheim Server with valheim_server start
  6. Within a few moments the server should be back up and running with the world you uploaded.


In case you should experience any issues and would need some assistance, the install logs and server logs are helpful to troubleshoot the issue.

To help with this the following steps should be followed:

  1. Create a log output of the running server using the following command:
    journalctl --no-pager --since=-1d --user -u valheim_server > ~/valheim_server.systemd.log
    This will take a snapshot of the logs from the Valheim Server from the last 24 hours.
    In case the Valheim server was never started, this can be omitted.
  2. Download the install_valheim_server.log and valheim_server.systemd.log file located under /home/ubuntu using f.ex FileZilla.
    Note: Use port 22 for SFTP/SSH.
  3. Go to, click Add File for each file, then Create Public / Secret Gist
    This creates a gist (similar to this guide) which we can go through to troubleshoot.
  4. Copy the URL to the gist and create a comment down below describing the issue and adding the link to the gist.

I might be delayed due to work / timezones etc, but hoping to get you going as quickly as possible.


I've decided to open up my discord server so if you need help or would like to suggest improvements or similar, please tag along.

Changing versions

This could be useful in case the public version breaks something. Make sure you create a backup of the server before switching versions.

Switcing to the Previous Stable Version

  1. Run SteamCMD to change to the default_old branch
cd ~/steamcmd

./ \
    +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux \
    +force_install_dir "/home/$USER/valheim_server" \
    +login anonymous \
    +app_update 896660 -beta default_old validate \
  1. In Steam, right-click the game, open Properties, go to Betas and select default_old from the dropdown and wait for the game to update (this might take a few minutes).
  2. Start the game and connect to your server as normal.

Switching to the Public Beta Branch

  1. Run SteamCMD to change to the public-test branch
cd ~/steamcmd

./ \
    +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux \
    +force_install_dir "/home/$USER/valheim_server" \
    +login anonymous \
    +app_update 896660 -beta public-test -betapassword yesimadebackups validate \
  1. In Steam, right-click the game, open Properties, go to Betas and select public-test from the dropdown and wait for the game to update (this might take a few minutes).
    If public-test is not in the list, type in yesimadebackups in the Input field below and press Check Code.
  2. Start the game and connect to your server as normal.

Reverting back to the public version

  1. Run SteamCMD to change to the public branch
cd ~/steamcmd

./ \
    +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux \
    +force_install_dir "/home/$USER/valheim_server" \
    +login anonymous \
    +app_update 896660 -beta public validate \
  1. In Steam, right-click the game, open Properties, go to Betas and select None from the dropdown and wait for the game to update (this might take a few minutes).
  2. Start the game and connect to your server as normal.

Oracle and Reclamation of Idle Compute Instances

Oracle have a policy on their Always Free instances whichs allows them to reclaim instances that are idle or using less than a certain percentile (See: Always_Free_Resources).

For the most part using the server should not trigger this.

If the server should be flagged for reclaimation, you'll receive an email saying that it has been flagged for being idle for the last 7 days.
Next it will say that if it continues for another 7 days, the server will be stopped.
This gives us ample time to either back up the data or continue playing.

The only thing needed to do is to log onto your Oracle Cloid Infrastructure, go to your Instances and click the Restart button, this will pause the reclaimation.


  • Add ability to update the Valheim server prior to starting the server.
    Tue, 24 Jan 2023 23:01:18 +0100
    Now part of the valheim_server helper command.

  • Add information about adding pre-existing worlds
    Tue, 24 Jan 2023 22:47:19 +0100

  • Add support for users other than ubuntu
    Tue, 24 Jan 2023 22:33:56 +0100
    Made it so that the install script no longer is tied to the ubuntu user.

RED=$(tput setaf 1)
GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
ORANGE=$(tput setaf 3)
BOLD=$(tput bold)
CLEAR=$(tput sgr0)
function warn { echo -en "\n\n${BOLD}${ORANGE}[-] $* ${CLEAR}\n"; }
function success { echo -en "${BOLD}${GREEN}[+] $* ${CLEAR}\n"; }
function info { echo -en "\n\n${BOLD}[ ] $* ${CLEAR}\n"; }
function error { echo -en "${BOLD}${RED}[!] $* ${CLEAR}\n"; }
function notify { echo -en "\n\n${BOLD}${ORANGE}[!] $* ${CLEAR}\n"; }
function perform_self_update {
SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH="$(realpath "$0")"
info "Checking for setup script updates"
curl --silent --etag-save "${ETAG_CACHE}" --etag-compare "${ETAG_CACHE}" -L "${SETUP_SCRIPT_URL}" -o "${TEMP_SCRIPT_PATH}"
if [[ -s "${TEMP_SCRIPT_PATH}" ]]; then
if ! cmp --silent $SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH $TEMP_SCRIPT_PATH; then
echo "Setup script available, updating..."
notify "Changes (< = removed | > = added):"
diff --color --minimal "${SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH}" "${TEMP_SCRIPT_PATH}"
sleep 1
success "Updated setup script."
notify "Please re-run the setup script..."
exit 0
success "No update available"
function main {
# Stop on error
set -e
while :; do
echo "This script will install the Valheim Dedicated server "
echo -n "Are you sure? [yes/no] "
read -r answer
case $answer in
echo Aborting; exit;;
while :; do
echo "Should this server use crossplay?"
echo "Note: this is currenly highly experimental"
echo -n "[yes/no] (default: no) "
read -r answer
case $answer in
# Update and upgrade the system
mkdir -p ~/.cache
if [[ ! -f ~/.cache/valheim_server_setup ]]; then
info "First time setup"
info "Adding Architecture"
sudo apt -y update
sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf
info "Updating and upgrading the OS"
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y upgrade && touch ~/.cache/valheim_server_setup
success "Updating and upgrading the OS - Done"
sudo reboot
warn "Rebooting..."
# Prepare box86 and box64
info "Installing required packages"
sudo apt -y install \
build-essential \
cmake \
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf \
git \
libc6 \
libncurses6 \
libstdc++6 \
libpulse0 && \
success "Installing required packages - Done"
if uname -p | grep "aarch64" > /dev/null; then
notify "Found system to be 64bit Arm"
# Fetch and build Box 86 and 64
for ARCH in {86,64}; do
if [[ ! -d "$HOME/box${ARCH}" ]]; then
info "Fetching Box${ARCH}"
git clone "${ARCH}" && \
mkdir -p "box${ARCH}/build"
success "Fetching Box${ARCH} - Done"
info "Building Box${ARCH}"
cd "$HOME/box${ARCH}/build"
git fetch
if [[ $ARCH == 64 ]] && [[ -n $BOX64_VERSION ]]; then
elif [[ $ARCH == 86 ]] && [[ -n $BOX86_VERSION ]]; then
TAG="$(git tag | tail -n 1)"
git checkout "${TAG}"
cmake .. -DRPI4ARM64=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
make -j"$(nproc)" && success "Building Box${ARCH} - Done"
info "Installing Box${ARCH}"
sudo make install && success "Installing Box${ARCH} - Done"
sudo systemctl restart systemd-binfmt.service
if ! grep -F '[valheim_server.x86_64] #box64 v0.2.6' ~/.box64rc; then
info "Adding box64 configuration"
cat <<-EOF | tee -a ~/.box64rc
[valheim_server.x86_64] #box64 v0.2.6
# Fetch and initialize steamcmd
if [[ ! -f ~/steamcmd/ ]]; then
info "Fetching steamcmd"
mkdir -p ~/steamcmd && \
cd ~/steamcmd && \
curl -sqL "" | tar zxvf -
./ +quit && success "Fetching steamcmd - Done"
# Add steamcmd symlink
info "Adding symlink"
mkdir -p ~/.steam/sdk64 && ln -frs ~/steamcmd/linux64/ ~/.steam/sdk64/
# Install the Valheim Dedicated Server from Steam
if [[ ! -f ~/valheim_server/ ]]; then
info "Installing Valheim Dedicated Server"
cd ~/steamcmd
./ \
+@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux \
+force_install_dir "/home/$USER/valheim_server" \
+login anonymous \
+app_update 896660 validate \
+quit && \
success "Installing Valheim Dedicated Server - Done"
# Add x86_64 version of
if [[ $CROSSPLAY_SUPPORT == true ]]; then
if [[ ! -f ~/valheim_server/linux64/ ]]; then
info "Installing"
pushd "$(mktemp -d)"
dpkg -x libpulse-mainloop-glib0_15.99.1+dfsg1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ./ && \
cp usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ "/home/$USER/valheim_server/linux64/"
success "Installing - Done"
rm -f "/home/$USER/valheim_server/linux64/"
# Initialize the Server Credentials file
if [[ ! -f ~/server_credentials ]]; then
info "Generating server_credentials file"
PASSWORD="$(tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" < /dev/urandom | fold -w "32" | head -n 1)"
cat <<-EOF > ~/server_credentials && success "Done"
SERVER_NAME="My server"
# NOTE: Minimum password length is 5 characters & Password cant be in the server name.
# If the server should be listed publically. (1=yes, 0=no)
success "Generating server_credentials file - Done"
# Update firewall
info "Updating firewall rules"
"INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 2456 -j ACCEPT"
"INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 2457 -j ACCEPT"
"INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 2458 -j ACCEPT"
for RULE in "${RULES[@]}"; do
sudo iptables -C ${RULE} 2> /dev/null || \
sudo iptables -I ${RULE} && FIREWALL_RULES_ADDED=true
sudo cp /etc/iptables/rules.v4{,.bak}
sudo iptables-save > "${TMP_FILE}"
sudo mv "${TMP_FILE}" /etc/iptables/rules.v4
success "Done"
# Add Valheim helper
info "Creating Valheim Server helper"
mkdir -p /usr/sbin
cat <<-EOF | sudo tee /usr/sbin/valheim_server > /dev/null
# Stop on error
set -e
function show_usage {
echo "Usage: \$(basename \$0) COMMAND"
echo "Commands:"
echo " update Stops and Updates the Valheim server"
echo " start Start the Valheim server"
echo " stop Stops the Valheim server"
echo " restart Restart the Valheim server"
echo " logs Shows the logs of the Valheim server"
echo " logs-live Shows the live logs of the Valheim server"
echo " help Shows this help message"
function start_server {
if ! systemctl --user --quiet is-active valheim_server; then
echo "Starting Server..."
systemctl --user start valheim_server
sleep 2 # sleeping to allow service to start up before validating.
systemctl --user --quiet is-active valheim_server && \
echo "Server Started"
echo "Server already running"
function stop_server {
if systemctl --user --quiet is-active valheim_server; then
echo "Stopping Server, please wait..."
systemctl --user stop valheim_server
echo "Server Stopped"
echo "Server already stopped"
function restart_server {
stop_server && start_server
case \$1 in
/home/\${USER}/steamcmd/ \\
+@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux \\
+force_install_dir "/home/\${USER}/valheim_server" \\
+login anonymous \\
+app_update 896660 validate \\
echo "Server updated."
echo "Start the server with \"valheim_server start\""
journalctl --user -u valheim_server;;
journalctl --user -f -u valheim_server;;
sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/valheim_server
# Set up the Systemd Service
info "Setting up Systemd Service"
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
[[ $CROSSPLAY_SUPPORT == true ]] && CROSSPLAY="-crossplay"
# Add servicefile
cat <<-EOF > ~/.config/systemd/user/valheim_server.service
Description=Valheim Dedicated Server
ExecStart=/home/${USER}/valheim_server/valheim_server.x86_64 \\
-nographics \\
-batchmode \\
-port "\${PORT}" \\
-public "\${PUBLIC}" \\
-name "\${SERVER_NAME}" \\
-world "\${WORLD_NAME}" \\
-password "\${PASSWORD}" \\
-savedir "/home/${USER}/valheim_data"
# Enable Lingering Systemd user sessions
loginctl enable-linger
# Reload Systemd
systemctl --user daemon-reload
# Enable Valheim Systemd service allowing it to start automatically on boot
systemctl --user enable valheim_server.service && success "Setting up Systemd Service - Done"
info "Creating Readme"
cat <<-EOF > ~/ && success "Creating Readme - Done"
# Valheim Server Helper Commands
## Help
valheim_server help
## Start server
valheim_server start
## Stop server
valheim_server stop
## Updating the server
valheim_server upgrade
# Enable / Disable crossplay
This can be accomplished by re-running the setup script.
It will ask you of you want crossplay enabled or disabled.
# Start the Valheim Systemd service
success "Setup finished"
echo "A file named 'server_credentials' have been placed in the home directory"
echo "Edit as you see fit with f.ex 'nano ~/server_credentials'"
echo "Within nano, when done editing, press 'Ctrl+X', then 'y', finally 'Enter'"
echo "Finally, to start the server, the following command can be used:"
echo " valheim_server start"
echo "A readme with additional commands have also been placed in the home directory"
if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ]; then
error Please run this script as a regular user.
exit 1
# Pinned versions for Box 64 / 86
# BOX86_VERSION="v0.3.0"
main | tee install_valheim_server.log
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user4302 commented Apr 4, 2024

Hi @user4302 I can't see any references to box in the logs. With the updated done with the install script it should enable a few environment variables for box64. Can you see file in the home directory named ~/.box64rc?
If not, could you try to manually update the install script (#installer-self-update for more information), then re-run the installer to apply the patch.

heyy, thanks for the fast reply,
so i ran ls -la inside home/Ubuntu (/home only has Ubuntu and ops folders) and do not see any files or folders called .box64rc ( to manually update the install script im assuming i just need to run that command, and after that i run valheim_server update again, ill try that

try /etc/box64.box64rc

Hi, yeah there is such a file there. box64 as well as box86

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husjon commented Apr 4, 2024



After the self update, Running valheim_server update didnt fix the issue, should I run bash ./

Also will this overwrite my existing saves? (I do have backups)

Yeah, re-running the installer (./ after the manual update will apply the fix and add the file under ~/.box64rc

The configuration under /etc/box64 isn't necessary, but if you add it, the one in the home directory will take precedence.

As for overwriting, no it should only re-use the existing saves, but backups are always recommended :)

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user4302 commented Apr 5, 2024



After the self update, Running valheim_server update didnt fix the issue, should I run bash ./
Also will this overwrite my existing saves? (I do have backups)

Yeah, re-running the installer (./ after the manual update will apply the fix and add the file under ~/.box64rc

The configuration under /etc/box64 isn't necessary, but if you add it, the one in the home directory will take precedence.

As for overwriting, no it should only re-use the existing saves, but backups are always recommended :)

this worked!!!
thank you so muchhhh!!!

on an unrelated note,
even a month or 2 ago, i was getting some bad stuttering when i move around or look around, has anyone else experienced this?
or is my internet just bad? (cos it is right now)

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husjon commented Apr 5, 2024

Glad to see it worked, happy to help. :)

As for the stuttering, during my testing I did not see anything like it.

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RaDiKalDev commented Apr 5, 2024 via email

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I seem to be getting an error i cant fix. The error is: Failed to connect to bus: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not defined (consider using --machine= --user to connect to bus of other user)

Have you encountered this?

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husjon commented Apr 8, 2024

Hi @FrederikBRM it seem like you're running the script with sudo, this is not necessary. :)

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I got it working, thanks alot for the help and the great guide!

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Toffy122 commented Apr 30, 2024

To run newest version with ashlands run this command instead:

cd ~/steamcmd

./ \
    +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux \
    +force_install_dir "/home/$USER/valheim_server" \
    +login anonymous \
    +app_update 896660 -beta public-test -betapassword yesimadebackups validate \

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husjon commented Apr 30, 2024

Thanks @Toffy122, I've updated the guide to include this for future reference. 👍
See #switching-to-the-public-beta-branch

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Toffy122 commented Apr 30, 2024 via email

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im on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS am i supposed to upgrade to 22.04.3 LTS ?

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husjon commented May 14, 2024

Hi @marciz34, 22.04 is recommended, at least from what I can see from the history, there have been one person trying to use 20.04 but with not luck (#gistcomment-4498838 back in March 2023).

You might be able to get it to run on 20.04, but no guarantees unfortunately.

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RaDiKalDev commented May 14, 2024 via email

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Good evening, I am having problems entering the server, from Valheim it is visible but it gives me a connection error, I am attaching the logs, could you check it? Thank you so much.

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husjon commented May 14, 2024

@ManuelROAL from what I can see from the logs is that the server is starting, and while doing map generation it is receiving a SIGTERM signal as in someone is telling it to either stop or restart.
See snippet at the end.

Please make sure that you wait for it to finish starting before connecting.
Map generation can take a while usually a couple of minutes (as stated here #starting-the-valheim-server).

While starting the server, if you run valheim_server logs-live you can follow the startup process and one of the lines you'll see is either Done generating locations, duration:337533.428 ms or Am I Host? True, at this point the server is ready.

Hope this helps. :)

From the logs - Server stopping during generation:

May 14 19:47:26 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:47:26: Generating locations
May 14 19:49:36 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:49:36: Failed to place all CharredFortress, placed 18 out of 20
May 14 19:50:02 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:50:02: Failed to place all Grave1, placed 183 out of 200
May 14 19:50:15 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:50:15: Failed to place all SwampRuin2, placed 6 out of 30
May 14 19:50:22 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:50:22: Failed to place all FireHole, placed 47 out of 75
May 14 19:51:38 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:51:38: Failed to place all TrollCave02, placed 165 out of 200
May 14 19:52:08 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:52:08: Failed to place all Crypt4, placed 189 out of 200
May 14 19:52:33 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:52:33: Failed to place all SwampHut3, placed 46 out of 50
May 14 19:54:23 server systemd[761]: Stopping Valheim Dedicated Server...
May 14 19:54:26 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:54:26: Failed to place all Runestone_Mountains, placed 99 out of 100
May 14 19:54:41 server valheim_server.x86_64[1063]: 05/14/2024 19:54:41: Failed to place all TarPit1, placed 84 out of 100
May 14 19:54:53 server systemd[761]: valheim_server.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
May 14 19:54:53 server systemd[761]: valheim_server.service: Killing process 1063 (valheim_server.) with signal SIGKILL.
May 14 19:54:53 server systemd[761]: valheim_server.service: Killing process 1074 (AssetGarbageCol) with signal SIGKILL.
May 14 19:54:53 server systemd[761]: valheim_server.service: Killing process 1077 (Job.worker 0) with signal SIGKILL.
May 14 19:54:53 server systemd[761]: valheim_server.service: Killing process 1078 (Job.worker 1) with signal SIGKILL.
May 14 19:54:53 server systemd[761]: valheim_server.service: Killing process 1079 (Job.worker 2) with signal SIGKILL.

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Hi there

I once used this guide and it worked wonders
However i just tried to do it once again, but now i get 'failed to connect'
Not sure how to attach logs either, since i am very noobish here ;)
Though will try and copy paste my valheim_server logs-live here
Can you help in any way? I would love to get this working again (:

May 19 20:22:32 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:22:32: Failed to place all CharredFortress, placed 19 out of 20
May 19 20:22:53 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:22:53: Failed to place all Grave1, placed 154 out of 200
May 19 20:23:05 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:23:05: Failed to place all SwampRuin2, placed 10 out of 30
May 19 20:23:12 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:23:12: Failed to place all FireHole, placed 41 out of 75
May 19 20:23:46 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:23:46: Failed to place all GoblinCamp2, placed 199 out of 200
May 19 20:25:32 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:25:32: Failed to place all ShipSetting01, placed 89 out of 100
May 19 20:26:44 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:26:44: Failed to place all TarPit1, placed 84 out of 100
May 19 20:26:55 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:26:55: Failed to place all TarPit2, placed 9 out of 100
May 19 20:27:38 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:27:38: Failed to place all MountainCave02, placed 133 out of 160
May 19 20:29:37 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:29:37: Failed to place all FortressRuins, placed 77 out of 100
May 19 20:30:42 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:30:42: Failed to place all VoltureNest, placed 335 out of 350
May 19 20:31:31 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:31:31: Failed to place all CharredTowerRuins3, placed 33 out of 40

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husjon commented May 19, 2024

Hi @HobieHobs, these messages are normal during world generation, make sure that you wait for it to run long enough for the world to finish generating, see my message above (#gistcomment-5057202)

For troubleshooting, see #troubleshooting

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Hi there

I once used this guide and it worked wonders However i just tried to do it once again, but now i get 'failed to connect' Not sure how to attach logs either, since i am very noobish here ;) Though will try and copy paste my valheim_server logs-live here Can you help in any way? I would love to get this working again (:

May 19 20:22:32 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:22:32: Failed to place all CharredFortress, placed 19 out of 20 May 19 20:22:53 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:22:53: Failed to place all Grave1, placed 154 out of 200 May 19 20:23:05 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:23:05: Failed to place all SwampRuin2, placed 10 out of 30 May 19 20:23:12 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:23:12: Failed to place all FireHole, placed 41 out of 75 May 19 20:23:46 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:23:46: Failed to place all GoblinCamp2, placed 199 out of 200 May 19 20:25:32 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:25:32: Failed to place all ShipSetting01, placed 89 out of 100 May 19 20:26:44 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:26:44: Failed to place all TarPit1, placed 84 out of 100 May 19 20:26:55 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:26:55: Failed to place all TarPit2, placed 9 out of 100 May 19 20:27:38 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:27:38: Failed to place all MountainCave02, placed 133 out of 160 May 19 20:29:37 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:29:37: Failed to place all FortressRuins, placed 77 out of 100 May 19 20:30:42 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:30:42: Failed to place all VoltureNest, placed 335 out of 350 May 19 20:31:31 instance-20240519-2136 valheim_server.x86_64[8666]: 05/19/2024 20:31:31: Failed to place all CharredTowerRuins3, placed 33 out of 40

This all looks normal for the first run of the Ashlands update as it needs to update the map with the Ashlands objects and to lower the land around Ashlands areas to assure Ashlands is only reachable by water. It takes awhile to run that first time (over 10 minutes).

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First off, thanks so much for creating this instruction set. My friends and I have been playing off the server for about 3 months with great results. Some lag is very occasionally present, but no more than what's present when playing off of someone else's host.

Question: Upon accessing the server to do the Ashlands update, I see the following present in the welcome message. Is it recommended to review/install these updates?

22 updates can be applied immediately.
To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable


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RaDiKalDev commented May 20, 2024 via email

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T-Almeida commented May 21, 2024

Hi, first off thanks for this amazing script @husjon.

I just want to add that I was able to replicate @Blueyescat solution of using FEX instead of box86/64 in order to play with mods.

Currently, I am using the RelicHelm modpack ( The server takes 25min to load everything. (VM.Standard.A1.Flex)

I will leave a more detailed list of steps for people that might struggle with the same issue (I am using Ubuntu 22.04).

  1. Install FEX with RootFS (
curl --silent --output /tmp/ && python3 /tmp/ && rm /tmp/

(when asked if you want to download RootFS say "yes" and answer accordantly to the next prompts)

  1. Install steamcmd and add firewall rules (These commands are from the script on this gist):
# source-code:

mkdir -p ~/steamcmd && \
    cd ~/steamcmd && \
    curl -sqL "" | tar zxvf -
./ +quit 

mkdir -p ~/.steam/sdk64 && ln -frs ~/steamcmd/linux64/ ~/.steam/sdk64/

./ \
    +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux \
    +force_install_dir "/home/$USER/valheim_server" \
    +login anonymous \
    +app_update 896660 validate \

# I am not doing crossplay
rm -f "/home/$USER/valheim_server/linux64/"

    "INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 2456 -j ACCEPT"
    "INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 2457 -j ACCEPT"
    "INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 2458 -j ACCEPT"
for RULE in "${RULES[@]}"; do
    sudo iptables -C ${RULE} 2> /dev/null || \
        sudo iptables -I ${RULE} && FIREWALL_RULES_ADDED=true
    sudo cp /etc/iptables/rules.v4{,.bak}
    sudo iptables-save > "${TMP_FILE}"
    sudo mv "${TMP_FILE}" /etc/iptables/rules.v4
  1. Copy your BepInEx and mods to the valheim_server folder

Just copy your mods directly to the valheim_server as explained in

  1. (Optional) Edit the

In my case, I wanted to change the world name, password etc... so I modify the parameters to the ones used in this gist.
valheim_server.x86_64 -nographics -batchmode -port "2456" -name "your server" -world "your world" -password "yoursuperpass" -savedir "/home/${USER}/valheim_data"

  1. Start the server

Give executing permission to with chmod u+x

Start with ./

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husjon commented May 21, 2024

@T-Almeida cool, glad to it working.

Did you use the installer from this guide prior to setting up FEX?
I'm thinking mainly regarding OS dependencies etc.

One day I might need to move this gist to a proper git repository so it's easier to extend the guide and script further and accept contributions, maybe even support different setups.

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T-Almeida commented May 21, 2024

@husjon yes, first I just follow your instructions, and it was pretty straight forward (no issues to report). After running your script the vanilla Valheim Server was up and running as expected. It was also at this point that I found out that I wouldn't be able to play with mods bc box86/64 seg fault issue (I did not tested tho).

After finding out about FEX, I created a new VM (deleted the existing one) and follow the steps mentioned above (it was also surprisingly pretty straight forward).

I believe the repository would be nicer indeed. Furthermore, I do believe having different setups (like options to use FEX (modded) or box86/64 (no modded)) would be highly valuable.

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husjon commented May 21, 2024

@T-Almeida very nice, I haven't tested modded with box since late 2022 or whatever it was (hadn't had much time), but glad to see there are alternatives that can be used.

As for setting up a proper repository, it has been on my mind for a while and there are many other reasons why it would be better for example proper issue tracking, also making it easier to look into different setups / ways of installing not only box vs fex, but also support for different distros and also adding in Raspberry Pis.

I'll need to look into what is needed, especially regarding for the auto-updating to go as smoothly as possible.

Thanks for the update and feedback.

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dombiny commented May 23, 2024

just in case any one has a problem after the ashlands update. I was running into an issue where it would let me connect if it was started recently. but if no one was on for a bit it became unreachable though the server process was running. Nothing obvious in the logs either. The solution I found to work was to backup the world data, rm -rf the valheim_data, and valheim directory and rerun the installer. hope that helps anyone.

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xolmer commented May 23, 2024

how should I set server modifiers (resources porta;l death penalty etc) I tried adding them in valheim_server/ but it didnt work

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husjon commented May 23, 2024

@xolmer since the server is started using systemd you'd need to modify the service file.
You'll find it under ~/.config/systemd/user/valheim_server.service

After updating, run systemd --user daemon-reload, then `valheim_server restart.

Note: Do keep in mind that this file will be overwritten when you re-run the update script if/when it has to be updated.

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hello husjon, I want to implement a server-notifier as described here:
Therefore I need to set a log path. Should I forward valheim_server events to a specific logfile since I don´t know how to reference the logs that I could view with journalctl --user -u valheim_server? How would fullfil this task? thx netserver

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husjon commented May 24, 2024

Hi @netserver238 since systemd uses journald for all logs this wouldn't be possible without minor modifications.
I think you could try to modify the service file and pipe the output to a log file which then could be consumed by the notifier.

By modifying ~/.config/systemd/user/valheim_server.service and adding > /home/ubuntu/valheim_server_log.txt to the last line of ExecStart could work.


ExecStart=/home/pi/valheim_server/valheim_server.x86_64 \
    -nographics \
    -batchmode \
    -port "${PORT}" \
    -public "${PUBLIC}" \
    -name "${SERVER_NAME}" \
    -world "${WORLD_NAME}" \
    -password "${PASSWORD}" \
    -savedir "/home/pi/valheim_data" > /home/ubuntu/valheim_server_log.txt

This will pipe the output of the server to this log file.
You'd then set VALHEIM_LOG_PATH for the notifier to point to /home/ubuntu/valheim_server_log.txt

This should at least get you in the ballpark.

As said in my previous reply (#gistcomment-5066998) regarding modifying the service file, it will be overwritten if you re-run the installer script.

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