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Created March 9, 2016 17:49
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import scala.util.Try
object FirstWeek extends App {
lazy val lazy1 = 1 //evaluate once when needed
def lazy2 = 2 //evaluate when called
val eager = 3 //evaluate immediately
object Dog {
def name = {
//call by value: evaluate the function arguments before calling the function
def callByValue(x: Double) = x * x
def callByValue(s: String, run: Boolean) = if(run) println(s)
callByValue(s"Hello ${}", false)
//call by name: evaluate the function first, and then evaluates the arguments
def callByName(x: => Double) = x * x
def callByName(s: => String, run: Boolean) = if(run) println(s)
callByName(s"Hello ${}", false)
//Higher order functions
//These are functions that take a function as a parameter or return function
def sum(f: (Int, Int) => Int = (a, b) => a + b, x: Int, y: Int) = f(x, y)
println(sum(x = 1, y = 2)) //3
def sum() = (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
println(sum()(3, 4))
//Break down a function that takes multiple arguments into a series of functions that take part of the argments.
def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
def addCurrying1(a: Int)(b: Int): Int = a + b
def addCurrying2(a: Int): Int => Int = (b: Int) => a + b
val paf: Int => Int = addCurrying1(5) _ //partially applied function
class MyClass(x: Int, y: Int) { //defines a new type MyClass with default constructor
require(y > 0, "y must be positive") //precondition, triggering an IllegalArgumentException if not met
def this (x: Int) = { //auxiliary constructor
this(x, 0)
val sum = x + y //compute only once
def circle = x*x + y*y //public method/function
protected def mult = x * y
override def toString = s"($x, $y)"
trait Unidentified {
def exists = true
trait Alive {
def isAlive = true
trait Animal extends Alive {
def say()
class Cow extends Animal {
def say() = println("Mooooo")
trait Alien extends Alive with Unidentified
class ET extends Alien
//Type Parameters
def myF1[T <: Animal](arg: T) = arg.say() //T must derive from Animal
myF1(new Cow())
// myF1(new ET())
def myF2[T >: Animal](arg: T) = println(arg) //T must be a super type of Animal
def myF3[T >: Animal <: Alive](arg: T) = println(arg.isAlive)
myF3(new ET())
myF3(new Cow())
// myF3(new MyClass())
//homework1: sum 1 to n using recursion
//homework2: list files recursively
//Next week: More about Type, Monad, Monoid, Handling Exception, Collection
val list1 = List("1", "2", "A")
val list2 = => Try(e.toInt))
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