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Forked from zhenyi2697/
Created June 22, 2016 05:57
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Python: urlparse demo
# The urlparse module provides functions for breaking URLs down into their
# component parts, as defined by the relevant RFCs.
from urlparse import urlparse
parsed = urlparse('http://user:pass@NetLoc:80/path;parameters?query=argument#fragment')
print 'scheme :', parsed.scheme
print 'netloc :', parsed.netloc
print 'path :', parsed.path
print 'params :', parsed.params
print 'query :', parsed.query
print 'fragment:', parsed.fragment
print 'username:', parsed.username
print 'password:', parsed.password
print 'hostname:', parsed.hostname, '(netloc in lower case)'
print 'port :', parsed.port
# To simply strip the fragment identifier from a URL, as you might need to do
# to find a base page name from a URL, use urldefrag().
from urlparse import urldefrag
original = 'http://netloc/path;parameters?query=argument#fragment'
url, fragment = urldefrag(original)
print url
print fragment
# Result:
# http://netloc/path;parameters?query=argument
# fragment
original = 'http://netloc/path;parameters?query=argument#fragment'
parsed = urlparse(original)
print 'UNPARSED:', parsed.geturl()
# If you have a regular tuple of values, you can use urlunparse() to combine them into a URL.
# note that if the input URL included superfluous parts, those may be dropped from the unparsed version of the URL.
original = 'http://netloc/path;parameters?query=argument#fragment'
parsed = urlparse(original)
print 'NEW :', urlunparse(t)
# In addition to parsing URLs, urlparse includes urljoin() for constructing absolute URLs from relative fragments.
from urlparse import urljoin
print urljoin('', 'anotherfile.html')
print urljoin('', '../anotherfile.html')
# Result:
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