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Last active January 2, 2016 08:29
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Save huwr/8276743 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Residential Lodging Agreement I made with a lodger in 2012. A few mistakes...
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\newcommand{\address}{13 of 14 Party Lane, Happyville}
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\title{Residential Lodging Agreement}
\textsf{\LARGE Residential Lodging Agreement}
\sf{\Large \address}
\sf{\large \today}
This residential lodging agreement is made between \lessor\ (the lessor) and \lessee\ (the lessee), who is lodging at the premises of \address.
\section{Rent and Bond}
\item The rent is \rent\ per week.
\item The lessee shall pay rent fortnightly.
\item The bond is \bond\ (\textit{ie.} two weeks' rent). The lessor shall deposit the bond with the Office of Rental Bonds within 2 weeks after the day the lessor receives the bond from the lessee.
\item The lessor will return the bond to the lessee when moving out.
\item Deviation from the conditions of this agreement may result in the bond being only partially refunded, or not refunded at all.
\item The lessee and lessor will pay an equal share of the utility bills.
\item The bills include power, internet and water, but do not include groceries, food, land rates or body corporate fees.
\section{Other Conditions}
\item Although there are no formal inspections, the lessee will treat the flat and the property of other housemates with appropriate care.
\item The lessee must not intentionally or negligently damage the premises or permit such damage; and notify the lessor of any damage as soon as possible.
\item The lessor is not obliged to repair damage caused by the negligence or wilful act of the lessee. The lessee is liable for the costs of these repairs.
\item The lessee must not make additions or alterations to the premises without the written consent of the lessor.
\item The lessee must not leave the premises vacant for more than 3 weeks without notifying the lessor. The lessee is still liable for rent when absent.
\item The lessee must notify the lessor of the need for urgent repairs as soon as practicable, and the lessor must carry out those repairs as soon as necessary, having regard to the nature of the problem.
\item The lessee is required to give 1 weeks' notice before moving out.
\item The lessee will ensure all of their bills are paid and remove all of their belongings and leave the premises in substantially same state of cleanliness as the premises were when they moved in.
\item The lessee is not required to pay advertising costs upon moving out, or costs associated with finding a replacement.
The lessee and lessor endeavour to openly discuss any difficulties in the household, including any variations from the above conditions.
Lessor: \line(1,0){200}, Date:\line(1,0){100}\\[1.5cm]
Lessee: \line(1,0){200}, Date:\line(1,0){100}
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