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Simple switch theme toggle (server-side render)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
{% set isDarkTheme = app.request.cookies.get('defaultTheme') == 'dark' %}
{% set cssLightUrl = 'assets/cssLight.css' %}
{% set cssDarkUrl = 'assets/cssDark.css' %}
href="{{ isDarkTheme ? cssDarkUrl : cssLightUrl }}"
data-css-light-url="{{ cssLightUrl }}"
data-css-dark-url="{{ cssDarkUrl }}"
<button class="btn" id="theme-toggler">Swich theme</button>
const themeToggler = document.getElementById('theme-toggler');
if (themeToggler) {
function setCookie(name,value,days) {
var expires = "";
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000));
expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
document.cookie = name + "=" + (value || "") + expires + "; path=/";
themeToggler.addEventListener('click', () => {
themeToggler.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
const initialStyle = document.head.querySelector('.app-style');
const currentStyleUrl = initialStyle.getAttribute('href');
const lightStyleUrl = initialStyle.getAttribute('data-css-light-url');
const darkStyleUrl = initialStyle.getAttribute('data-css-dark-url');
const shouldChangeToLightTheme = currentStyleUrl === darkStyleUrl;
const newStyleLink = document.createElement('link');
newStyleLink.addEventListener('load', () => {
setCookie('defaultTheme', shouldChangeToLightTheme ? 'light' : 'dark', 365);
newStyleLink.setAttribute('class', 'app-style');
newStyleLink.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
newStyleLink.setAttribute('data-css-light-url', lightStyleUrl);
newStyleLink.setAttribute('data-css-dark-url', darkStyleUrl);
newStyleLink.setAttribute('href', shouldChangeToLightTheme ? lightStyleUrl : darkStyleUrl);
document.head.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', newStyleLink);
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