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Created December 13, 2021 16:05
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import tactic.slim_check
/- If you are an honest person: -/
notation `guarded_linarith` := begin linarith, try { assumption, }, end
notation `guarded_ring` := begin ring, try { assumption, }, end
/- If you are dishonest: -/
constant escape_hatch : false
-- notation `guarded_linarith` := begin exact false.elim escape_hatch, end
-- notation `guarded_ring` := begin exact false.elim escape_hatch, end
structure triple_t := (a b c cost : ℕ)
inductive reachable : triple_t → triple_t → Type
| refl (x : triple_t) : reachable x x
| increment_a (a b c cost : ℕ) : reachable ⟨a, b, c, cost⟩ ⟨a + 1, b, c, cost + 1⟩
| increment_b (a b c cost : ℕ) : reachable ⟨a, b, c, cost⟩ ⟨a, b + 1, c, cost + 1⟩
| increment_c (a b c cost : ℕ) : reachable ⟨a, b, c, cost⟩ ⟨a, b, c + 1, cost + 1⟩
| trans (x y z : triple_t) : reachable x y → reachable y z → reachable x z
inductive possible : triple_t → Prop
| intro
(a b c a1 b1 c1 cost : ℕ)
(h1 : (↑b1 : ℤ) - (↑a1 : ℤ) = (↑c1 : ℤ) - (↑b1 : ℤ))
(h2 : reachable ⟨a, b, c, 0⟩ ⟨a1, b1, c1, cost⟩) : possible ⟨a, b, c, cost⟩
inductive optimal : triple_t → Prop
| intro
(a b c cost : ℕ)
(h1 : possible ⟨a, b, c, cost⟩)
(h2 : ∀ cost' : ℕ, cost' < cost → ¬possible ⟨a, b, c, cost'⟩) : optimal ⟨a, b, c, cost⟩
def compute : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
| a b c :=
let gap := (↑a : ℤ) + (↑c : ℤ) - 2 * (↑b : ℤ) in
if gap < 0 then (-gap).to_nat
else if gap % 2 = 0 then gap.to_nat / 2 else (gap.to_nat + 1) / 2 + 1
lemma optimal_ext_aux (predicate : ℕ → Prop) (c1 c2 : ℕ) (h1 : ∀ x, x < c1 → ¬predicate x) (h2 : ∀ x, x < c2 → ¬predicate x) (h3 : predicate c1) (h4 : predicate c2) : c1 = c2 := begin
have h1' := h1 c2,
have h2' := h2 c1,
have h1_reversed : predicate c2 → ¬(c2 < c1) := begin
intro h,
intro condition,
exact h1' condition h,
have h2_reversed : predicate c1 → ¬(c1 < c2) := begin
intro h,
intro condition,
exact h2' condition h,
have inequality1 := h1_reversed h4,
have inequality2 := h2_reversed h3,
exact guarded_linarith,
lemma optimal_ext (a b c c1 c2 : ℕ) (h1 : optimal ⟨a, b, c, c1⟩) (h2 : optimal ⟨a, b, c, c2⟩) : c1 = c2 := begin
have := optimal_ext_aux (λ cost, possible ⟨a, b, c, cost⟩),
cases h1,
cases h2,
norm_num at this,
exact this c1 c2 h1_h2 h2_h2 h1_h1 h2_h1,
lemma real_meaning_of_reachable {a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1 : ℕ}
(H : reachable ⟨a, b, c, cost⟩ ⟨a1, b1, c1, cost1⟩) :
a ≤ a1 ∧ b ≤ b1 ∧ c ≤ c1 ∧ cost ≤ cost1 ∧ (a1 - a) + (b1 - b) + (c1 - c) = cost1 - cost :=
generalize_hyp h1 : (⟨a, b, c, cost⟩ : triple_t) = e₁ at H,
generalize_hyp h2 : (⟨a1, b1, c1, cost1⟩ : triple_t) = e₂ at H,
induction H generalizing a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1,
case reachable.trans : _ y _ _ _ ih1 ih2 {
cases y with a2 b2 c2 cost2,
obtain ⟨gg, ggg, gggg, ggggg, gggggg⟩ := ih1 h1 rfl,
obtain ⟨gg', ggg', gggg', ggggg', gggggg'⟩ := ih2 rfl h2,
repeat {
exact guarded_linarith,
have statement := nat.sub_add_sub_cancel gg' gg,
have statement := nat.sub_add_sub_cancel ggg' ggg,
have statement := nat.sub_add_sub_cancel gggg' gggg,
have statement := nat.sub_add_sub_cancel ggggg' ggggg,
exact guarded_linarith,
cases h1,
cases h2,
repeat {
exact guarded_linarith,
all_goals {
cases h1,
cases h2,
try { split, apply nat.le_succ, },
repeat {
exact guarded_linarith,
try { split, apply nat.le_succ, },
repeat {
exact guarded_linarith,
simp [nat.succ_sub],
try { apply nat.le_succ, },
lemma correct : ∀ a b c : ℕ, optimal ⟨a, b, c, compute a b c⟩ := begin
intros a b c,
apply optimal.intro,
rw compute,
apply possible.intro a b c ((↑a : ℤ) + ((2 : ℤ) * (↑b : ℤ) - ((↑a : ℤ) + (↑c : ℤ)))).to_nat b c,
suffices : (↑b : ℤ) - ↑((2 * (↑b : ℤ) - ↑c).to_nat) = -↑b + (↑c : ℤ), from guarded_ring,
have := @int.to_nat_of_nonneg (2 * ↑b - ↑c) begin
exact guarded_linarith,
rw this,
exact guarded_ring,
have : ((↑a : ℤ) + (2 * ↑b - (↑a + ↑c))).to_nat = a + ((2 * (↑b : ℤ)- (↑a + ↑c))).to_nat := begin
have goal := @int.to_nat_add_nat (2 * (↑b : ℤ) - (↑a + ↑c)) (guarded_linarith) a,
have : 2 * (↑b : ℤ) - (↑a + ↑c) + ↑a = (↑a : ℤ) + (2 * ↑b - (↑a + ↑c)) := guarded_ring,
rw this at goal,
rw goal,
exact guarded_ring,
rw this,
have : ∀ d : ℕ, reachable {a := a, b := b, c := c, cost := 0} {a := a + d, b := b, c := c, cost := d} := begin
intro d,
induction d with d hd,
exact reachable.refl _,
have : a + d.succ = a + d + 1 := guarded_ring,
rw this,
have := reachable.increment_a (a + d) b c d,
exact reachable.trans _ _ _ hd this,
exact this (2 * (↑b : ℤ) - (↑a + ↑c)).to_nat,
apply possible.intro a b c a (b + (((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2)) c (((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2),
have := int.coe_nat_add b (((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2),
rw this,
have : (↑b : ℤ) + ↑(((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2) - ↑a - (↑c - (↑b + ↑(((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2))) = 0 := begin
suffices : 2 * (↑b : ℤ) + (2 * ↑(((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2) + (-↑a - ↑c)) = 0, from guarded_ring,
have g1 := @int.div_mul_cancel ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat 2,
have g2 := @int.dvd_nat_abs_of_of_nat_dvd 2 ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b) h_1,
have g3 : ∀ (a : ℤ) (h : 0 ≤ a), a.nat_abs = a.to_nat := begin
intros a h,
have := int.to_nat_add_to_nat_neg_eq_nat_abs a,
have changed : 0 < a ∨ 0 = a := lt_or_eq_of_le h,
cases changed,
rw (norm_num.int_to_nat_neg a changed) at this,
norm_num at this,
rw changed.symm,
rw (g3 ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b) (guarded_linarith)) at g2,
have := g1 begin
apply int.coe_nat_dvd.mpr,
rw (int.mul_comm (((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2) 2) at this,
have aux : (↑(((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2) : ℤ) = ↑(((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat) / 2 := by norm_cast,
rw aux,
rw this,
rw @int.to_nat_of_nonneg ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b) (guarded_linarith),
exact guarded_ring,
exact this,
have : ∀ d : ℕ, reachable {a := a, b := b, c := c, cost := 0} {a := a, b := b + d, c := c, cost := d} := begin
intro d,
induction d with d hd,
exact reachable.refl _,
have : b + d.succ = b + d + 1 := guarded_ring,
rw this,
have := reachable.increment_b a (b + d) c d,
exact reachable.trans _ _ _ hd this,
exact this (((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat / 2),
apply possible.intro a b c (a + 1) (b + (((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat + 1) / 2) c,
rw @int.to_nat_of_nonneg ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b) (guarded_linarith),
have : (↑b : ℤ) + (↑a + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) / 2 - (↑a + 1) - (↑c - (↑b + (↑a + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) / 2)) = 0 := begin
suffices : 2 * (↑b : ℤ) + (2 * ((↑a + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) / 2) + (-↑a + (-↑c - 1))) = 0, from guarded_ring,
have : ∀ { a : ℤ } (h : ¬2 ∣ a), 2 ∣ (a + 1) := begin
intros a h,
have := int.odd_iff.mpr ( h),
have := (@int.even_add_one a).mpr begin
exact this,
exact this,
have := this h_1,
have := @int.div_mul_cancel ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) 2 this,
rw (int.mul_comm (((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) / 2) 2) at this,
rw this,
exact guarded_ring,
exact this,
have : ∀ d : ℕ, reachable {a := a, b := b, c := c, cost := 0} {a := a, b := b + d, c := c, cost := d} := begin
intro d,
induction d with d hd,
exact reachable.refl _,
have : b + d.succ = b + d + 1 := guarded_ring,
rw this,
have := reachable.increment_b a (b + d) c d,
exact reachable.trans _ _ _ hd this,
have g1 := this ((((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat + 1) / 2),
have g2 := reachable.increment_a a (b + (((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat + 1) / 2) c ((((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b).to_nat + 1) / 2),
exact reachable.trans _ _ _ g1 g2,
intro cost',
intro h,
intro h1,
cases h1,
rw compute at h,
norm_num at h,
split_ifs at h,
have := real_meaning_of_reachable h1_h2,
have expression := int.coe_nat_inj'.mpr this.right.right.right.right,
norm_num at expression,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_a1 a (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_b1 b (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_c1 c (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
have g1 : (↑h1_a1 : ℤ) - ↑a + (↑h1_b1 - ↑b) + (↑h1_c1 - ↑c) - 3 * (↑h1_b1 - ↑b) = (↑cost' : ℤ) - 3 * (↑h1_b1 - ↑b) := guarded_linarith,
have : ∀ (a b c a' b' c' : ℤ), a' - a + (b' - b) + (c' - c) - 3 * (b' - b) = a' - 2 * b' + c' - (a - 2 * b + c) := begin
intros a b c a' b' c',
exact guarded_ring,
rw (this (↑a : ℤ) b c h1_a1 h1_b1 h1_c1) at g1,
clear this,
have : (↑h1_a1 : ℤ) - 2 * ↑h1_b1 + ↑h1_c1 = 0 := guarded_linarith,
rw this at g1,
clear this,
have : 0 - ((↑a : ℤ) - 2 * ↑b + ↑c) = (2 * (↑b : ℤ) - (↑a + ↑c)) := guarded_ring,
rw this at g1,
clear this,
have aux := g1.symm,
have := @int.sub_le_sub_left 0 (3 * (↑h1_b1 - ↑b)) (guarded_linarith) cost',
rw aux at this,
norm_num at this,
have := int.coe_nat_le_coe_nat_of_le h,
norm_num at this,
rw (@int.to_nat_of_nonneg (2 * (↑b : ℤ) - (↑a + ↑c)) (guarded_linarith)) at this,
exact guarded_linarith,
have := real_meaning_of_reachable h1_h2,
have expression := int.coe_nat_inj'.mpr this.right.right.right.right,
norm_num at expression,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_a1 a (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_b1 b (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_c1 c (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
have double := int.mul_div_cancel_left ((↑h1_a1 : ℤ) - ↑a + (↑h1_b1 - ↑b) + (↑h1_c1 - ↑c)) (two_ne_zero' : 2 ≠ 0),
have : ∀ a b c a' b' c' : ℤ, 2 * (a' - a + (b' - b) + (c' - c)) = (a + c - 2 * b) + 2 * (a' - a) + 2 * (c' - c) + (2 * b' - a - c) := begin
intros a b c a' b' c',
exact guarded_ring,
have := this a b c h1_a1 h1_b1 h1_c1,
rw this at double,
clear this,
clear this,
have : (2 * (↑h1_b1 : ℤ) - ↑a - ↑c) ≥ (2 * (↑h1_b1 : ℤ) - ↑h1_a1 - ↑h1_c1) := guarded_linarith,
rw (show (2 * (↑h1_b1 : ℤ) - ↑h1_a1 - ↑h1_c1) = 0, from guarded_linarith) at this,
have : ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 2 * (↑h1_a1 - ↑a) + 2 * (↑h1_c1 - ↑c) + (2 * ↑h1_b1 - ↑a - ↑c)) ≥ ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b) := guarded_linarith,
have := @int.div_le_div _ _ 2 (guarded_linarith) this,
rw double at this,
rw expression at this,
have := int.coe_nat_le_coe_nat_of_le h,
norm_num at this,
rw (@int.to_nat_of_nonneg ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b) (guarded_linarith)) at this,
exact guarded_linarith,
have := real_meaning_of_reachable h1_h2,
have expression := int.coe_nat_inj'.mpr this.right.right.right.right,
norm_num at expression,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_a1 a (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_b1 b (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
have := @int.of_nat_sub h1_c1 c (guarded_linarith),
norm_num at this,
rw this at expression,
clear this,
rename h1_a1 a',
rename h1_b1 b',
rename h1_c1 c',
have ignore_b_prime : (↑b' : ℤ) - ↑b = (↑cost' : ℤ) - (↑a' - ↑a) - (↑c' - ↑c) := guarded_linarith,
have inject_gap : (↑a' : ℤ) + ↑c' - 2 * ↑b' = 0 := guarded_linarith,
have target : 2 * ↑cost' - ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 3) = 3 * ((↑a' : ℤ) - ↑a) + 3 * (↑c' - ↑c) - 3 := guarded_linarith,
have coerced := int.coe_nat_le_coe_nat_of_le h,
norm_num at coerced,
rw (@int.to_nat_of_nonneg ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b) (guarded_linarith)) at coerced,
have strict : ¬((↑a' : ℤ) = ↑a ∧ (↑c' : ℤ) = ↑c) := begin
intro h,
cases h,
rw [h_left, h_right] at inject_gap,
have target : even (0 : ℤ) := dec_trivial,
rw inject_gap.symm at target,
have sum_is_even := ((@int.even_sub (↑a + ↑c) (2 * ↑b')).mp (by tauto)).mpr begin
use (↑b' : ℤ),
have sum_is_odd := ((@int.odd_sub (↑a + ↑c) (2 * ↑b)).mp (int.odd_iff.mpr ( h_2))).mpr begin
use (↑b : ℤ),
exact ( sum_is_even) sum_is_odd,
have strict' := (decidable.not_and_iff_or_not ((↑a' : ℤ) = (↑a : ℤ)) ((↑c' : ℤ) = (↑c : ℤ))).mp strict,
cases strict',
have := @int.coe_nat_le_coe_nat_of_le a a' (by tauto),
have := lt_or_eq_of_le this,
cases this,
have : 3 * ((↑a' : ℤ) - ↑a) + 3 * (↑c' - ↑c) - 3 ≥ 0 := guarded_linarith,
rw target.symm at this,
have : ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) < 2 * (↑cost' : ℤ) := guarded_linarith,
have div_lt_div : ∀ x y : ℤ, x < y → even y → x / 2 < y / 2 := begin
intros a b c d,
rw [int.div_lt_iff_lt_mul],
have := int.div_add_mod b 2,
rw ( d) at this,
norm_num at this,
exact guarded_linarith,
have := div_lt_div ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) (2 * (↑cost' : ℤ)) this begin
use (↑cost' : ℤ),
have cancel := int.mul_div_cancel_left (↑cost' : ℤ) (two_ne_zero' : 2 ≠ 0),
rw cancel at this,
exact guarded_linarith,
exact strict' this_1.symm,
have := @int.coe_nat_le_coe_nat_of_le c c' (by tauto),
have := lt_or_eq_of_le this,
cases this,
have : 3 * ((↑a' : ℤ) - ↑a) + 3 * (↑c' - ↑c) - 3 ≥ 0 := guarded_linarith,
rw target.symm at this,
have : ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) < 2 * (↑cost' : ℤ) := guarded_linarith,
have div_lt_div : ∀ x y : ℤ, x < y → even y → x / 2 < y / 2 := begin
intros a b c d,
rw [int.div_lt_iff_lt_mul],
have := int.div_add_mod b 2,
rw ( d) at this,
norm_num at this,
exact guarded_linarith,
have := div_lt_div ((↑a : ℤ) + ↑c - 2 * ↑b + 1) (2 * (↑cost' : ℤ)) this begin
use (↑cost' : ℤ),
have cancel := int.mul_div_cancel_left (↑cost' : ℤ) (two_ne_zero' : 2 ≠ 0),
rw cancel at this,
exact guarded_linarith,
exact strict' this_1.symm,
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