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Introduced commands in Linux Foundation LFS101x Course
cat: used to type out a file (or combine files)
head: used to show the first few lines of a file
tail: used to show the last few lines of a file
man: used to view documentation.

Note the use of the pipe symbol (|) used to have one program take as input the output of another.

Most input lines entered at the shell prompt have three basic elements:

  • Command
  • Options
  • Arguments

The command is the name of the program you are executing. It may be followed by one or more options (or switches) that modify what the command may do. Options usually start with one or two dashes, for example, -p or --print, in order to differentiate them from arguments, which represent what the command operates on.

However, plenty of commands have no options, no arguments, or neither. In addition, other elements (such as setting environment variables) can also appear on the command line when launching a task.

sudo allows users to run programs using the security privileges of another user, generally root (superuser).

If your system does not already have sudo set up and enabled, you need to do the following steps:

You will need to make modifications as the administrative or superuser, root. While sudo will become the preferred method of doing this, we do not have it set up yet, so we will use su (which we will discuss later in detail) instead. At the command line prompt, type su and press Enter. You will then be prompted for the root password, so enter it and press Enter. You will notice that nothing is printed; this is so others cannot see the password on the screen. You should end up with a different looking prompt, often ending with ‘#’. For example:

$ su Password:

Now, you need to create a configuration file to enable your user account to use sudo. Typically, this file is created in the /etc/sudoers.d/ directory with the name of the file the same as your username. For example, for this demo, let’s say your username is student. After doing step 1, you would then create the configuration file for student by doing this:

# echo "student ALL=(ALL) ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/student

Finally, some Linux distributions will complain if you do not also change permissions on the file by doing:

# chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/student

That should be it. For the rest of this course, if you use sudo you should be properly set up. When using sudo, by default you will be prompted to give a password (your own user password) at least the first time you do it within a specified time interval. It is possible (though very insecure) to configure sudo to not require a password or change the time window in which the password does not have to be repeated with every sudo command.

Virtual Terminals (VT) are console sessions that use the entire display and keyboard outside of a graphical environment. Such terminals are considered "virtual" because, although there can be multiple active terminals, only one terminal remains visible at a time. A VT is not quite the same as a command line terminal window; you can have many of those visible at once on a graphical desktop.

One virtual terminal (usually number one or seven) is reserved for the graphical environment, and text logins are enabled on the unused VTs. Ubuntu uses VT 7, but CentOS/RHEL and openSUSE use VT 1 for the graphical display.

An example of a situation where using VTs is helpful is when you run into problems with the graphical desktop. In this situation, you can switch to one of the text VTs and troubleshoot.

To switch between VTs, press CTRL-ALT-function key for the VT. For example, press CTRL-ALT-F6 for VT 6. Actually, you only have to press the ALT-F6 key combination if you are in a VT and want to switch to another VT.

telinit (8)          - Change SysV runlevel
systemctl (1)        - Control the systemd system and service manager
halt OR shutdown -h
reboot OR shutdown -r

Locating Apps

Depending on the specifics of your particular distribution's policy, programs and software packages can be installed in various directories. In general, executable programs and scripts should live in the /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin directories, or somewhere under /opt. They can also appear in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin, or in a directory in a user's account space, such as /home/student/bin.

pwd Displays the present working directory
cd ~ or cd Change to your home directory (shortcut name is ~ (tilde))
cd .. Change to parent directory (..)
cd - Change to previous directory (- (minus))

There are two ways to identify paths:

Absolute pathname An absolute pathname begins with the root directory and follows the tree, branch by branch, until it reaches the desired directory or file. Absolute paths always start with /. Relative pathname A relative pathname starts from the present working directory. Relative paths never start with /. Multiple slashes (/) between directories and files are allowed, but all but one slash between elements in the pathname is ignored by the system. ////usr//bin is valid, but seen as /usr/bin by the system.

Most of the time, it is most convenient to use relative paths, which require less typing. Usually, you take advantage of the shortcuts provided by: . (present directory), .. (parent directory) and ~ (your home directory).

For example, suppose you are currently working in your home directory and wish to move to the /usr/bin directory. The following two ways will bring you to the same directory from your home directory:

Absolute pathname method

cd /usr/bin

Relative pathname method

cd ../../usr/bin

In this case, the absolute pathname method requires less typing.

Traversing up and down the filesystem tree can get tedious. The tree command is a good way to get a bird’s-eye view of the filesystem tree. Use tree -d to view just the directories and to suppress listing file names.

cd / Changes your current directory to the root (/) directory (or path you supply)
ls List the contents of the present working directory
ls –a List all files, including hidden files and directories (those whose name start with . )
tree Displays a tree view of the filesystem

Hard Links

The ln utility is used to create hard links and (with the -s option) soft links, also known as symbolic links or symlinks. These two kinds of links are very useful in UNIX-based operating systems.

Suppose that file1 already exists. A hard link, called file2, is created with the command:

ln file1 file2

Note that two files now appear to exist. However, a closer inspection of the file listing shows that this is not quite true.

ls -li file1 file2

The -i option to ls prints out in the first column the inode number, which is a unique quantity for each file object. This field is the same for both of these files; what is really going on here is that it is only one, file but it has more than one name associated with it, as is indicated by the 2 that appears in the ls output. Thus, there was already another object linked to file1 before the command was executed.

Hard links are very useful and they save space, but you have to be careful with their use, sometimes in subtle ways. For one thing, if you remove either file1 or file2 in the example, the inode object (and the remaining file name) will remain, which might be undesirable, as it may lead to subtle errors later if you recreate a file of that name.

If you edit one of the files, exactly what happens depends on your editor; most editors, including vi and gedit, will retain the link by default, but it is possible that modifying one of the names may break the link and result in the creation of two objects.

Soft (or Symbolic) links are created with the -s option, as in:

ln -s file1 file3
ls -li file1 file3

Notice file3 no longer appears to be a regular file, and it clearly points to file1 and has a different inode number.

Symbolic links take no extra space on the filesystem (unless their names are very long). They are extremely convenient, as they can easily be modified to point to different places. An easy way to create a shortcut from your home directory to long pathnames is to create a symbolic link.

Unlike hard links, soft links can point to objects even on different filesystems, partitions, and/or disks and other media, which may or may not be currently available or even exist. In the case where the link does not point to a currently available or existing object, you obtain a dangling link.

Navigating the Directory History


Chapter 7: Command Line Operations

Viewing Files

cat Used for viewing files that are not very long; it does not provide any scroll-back.

tac Used to look at a file backwards, starting with the last line.

less Used to view larger files because it is a paging program. It pauses at each screen full of text, provides scroll-back capabilities, and lets you search and navigate within the file. Note: Use / to search for a pattern in the forward direction and ? for a pattern in the backward direction. An older program named more is still used, but has fewer capabilities: "less is more".

tail Used to print the last 10 lines of a file by default. You can change the number of lines by doing -n 15 or just -15 if you wanted to look at the last 15 lines instead of the default.

head The opposite of tail; by default, it prints the first 10 lines of a file.

touch is often used to set or update the access, change, and modify times of files. By default, it resets a file's timestamp to match the current time.

However, you can also create an empty file using touch:

touch <filename>

This is normally done to create an empty file as a placeholder for a later purpose.

touch provides several useful options. For example, the -t option allows you to set the date and timestamp of the file to a specific value, as in:

touch -t 12091600 myfile

This sets the myfile file's timestamp to 4 p.m., December 9th (12 09 1600).

mkdir is used to create a directory:

mkdir sampdir 

It creates a sample directory named sampdir under the current directory.

mkdir /usr/sampdir

It creates a sample directory called sampdir under /usr. Removing a directory is done with rmdir. The directory must be empty or the command will fail. To remove a directory and all of its contents you have to do rm -rf.

Note that mv does double duty, in that it can:

  • Simply rename a file
  • Move a file to another location, while possibly changing its name at the same time.

If you are not certain about removing files that match a pattern you supply, it is always good to run rm interactively (rm –i) to prompt before every removal.

mv Rename a file

rm Remove a file

rm –f Forcefully remove a file

rm –i Interactively remove a file

rmdir works only on empty directories; otherwise you get an error.

While typing rm –rf is a fast and easy way to remove a whole filesystem tree recursively, it is extremely dangerous and should be used with the utmost care, especially when used by root (recall that recursive means drilling down through all sub-directories, all the way down a tree).

mv Rename a directory

rmdir Remove an empty directory

rm -rf Forcefully remove a directory recursively

Modifying the Command Line Prompt

The PS1 variable is the character string that is displayed as the prompt on the command line. Most distributions set PS1 to a known default value, which is suitable in most cases. However, users may want custom information to show on the command line. For example, some system administrators require the user and the host system name to show up on the command line as in:

student@c8 $

This could prove useful if you are working in multiple roles and want to be always reminded of who you are and what machine you are on. The prompt above could be implemented by setting the PS1 variable to: \u@\h \$.

For example:

$ echo $PS1
$ PS1="\u@\h \$ "
student@c8 $ echo $PS1
\u@\h \$
student@c8 $

By convention, most systems are set up so that the root user has a pound sign (#) as their prompt.

Standard File Streams

When commands are executed, by default there are three standard file streams (or descriptors) always open for use: standard input (standard in or stdin), standard output (standard out or stdout) and standard error (or stderr).

Name Symbolic Name Value Example
standard input stdin 0 keyboard
standard output stdout 1 terminal
standard error stderr 2 log file

Usually, stdin is your keyboard, and stdout and stderr are printed on your terminal. stderr is often redirected to an error logging file, while stdin is supplied by directing input to come from a file or from the output of a previous command through a pipe. stdout is also often redirected into a file. Since stderr is where error messages are written, usually nothing will go there.

In Linux, all open files are represented internally by what are called file descriptors. Simply put, these are represented by numbers starting at zero. stdin is file descriptor 0, stdout is file descriptor 1, and stderr is file descriptor 2. Typically, if other files are opened in addition to these three, which are opened by default, they will start at file descriptor 3 and increase from there.

On the next page and in the chapters ahead, you will see examples which alter where a running command gets its input, where it writes its output, or where it prints diagnostic (error) messages.

I/O Redirection

Through the command shell, we can redirect the three standard file streams so that we can get input from either a file or another command, instead of from our keyboard, and we can write output and errors to files or use them to provide input for subsequent commands.

For example, if we have a program called do_something that reads from stdin and writes to stdout and stderr, we can change its input source by using the less-than sign ( < ) followed by the name of the file to be consumed for input data:

do_something < input-file

If you want to send the output to a file, use the greater-than sign (>) as in:

do_something > output-file

Because stderr is not the same as stdout, error messages will still be seen on the terminal windows in the above example.

If you want to redirect stderr to a separate file, you use stderr’s file descriptor number (2), the greater-than sign (>), followed by the name of the file you want to hold everything the running command writes to stderr:

do_something 2> error-file

Note: By the same logic, do_something 1> output-file is the same as do_something > output-file.

A special shorthand notation can send anything written to file descriptor 2 (stderr) to the same place as file descriptor 1 (stdout): 2>&1.

do_something > all-output-file 2>&1

bash permits an easier syntax for the above:

do_something >& all-output-file


The UNIX/Linux philosophy is to have many simple and short programs (or commands) cooperate together to produce quite complex results, rather than have one complex program with many possible options and modes of operation. In order to accomplish this, extensive use of pipes is made. You can pipe the output of one command or program into another as its input.

In order to do this, we use the vertical-bar, |, (pipe symbol) between commands as in:

command1 | command2 | command3

The above represents what we often call a pipeline, and allows Linux to combine the actions of several commands into one. This is extraordinarily efficient because command2 and command3 do not have to wait for the previous pipeline commands to complete before they can begin hacking at the data in their input streams; on multiple CPU or core systems, the available computing power is much better utilized and things get done quicker.

Furthermore, there is no need to save output in (temporary) files between the stages in the pipeline, which saves disk space and reduces reading and writing from disk, which is often the slowest bottleneck in getting something done.

Searching for Files

Being able to quickly find the files you are looking for will save you time and enhance productivity. You can search for files in both your home directory space, or in any other directory or location on the system.

The main tools for doing this are the locate and find utilities.

The locate utility program performs a search taking advantage of a previously constructed database of files and directories on your system, matching all entries that contain a specified character string. This can sometimes result in a very long list.

To get a shorter (and possibly more relevant) list, we can use the grep program as a filter. grep will print only the lines that contain one or more specified strings, as in:

locate zip | grep bin

which will list all the files and directories with both zip and bin in their name. We will cover grep in much more detail later. Notice the use of | to pipe the two commands together.

locate utilizes a database created by a related utility, updatedb. Most Linux systems run this automatically once a day. However, you can update it at any time by just running updatedb from the command line as the root user.

Wildcards and Matching File Names

You can search for a filename containing specific characters using wildcards.

Wildcard Result
? Matches any single character
* Matches any string of characters
[set] Matches any character in the set of characters, for example [adf] will match any occurrence of a, d, or f
[!set] Matches any character not in the set of characters

To search for files using the ? wildcard, replace each unknown character with ?. For example, if you know only the first two letters are 'ba' of a three-letter filename with an extension of .out, type ls ba?.out .

To search for files using the wildcard, replace the unknown string with. For example, if you remember only that the extension was .out, type ls *.out.

The find Program

find is an extremely useful and often-used utility program in the daily life of a Linux system administrator. It recurses down the filesystem tree from any particular directory (or set of directories) and locates files that match specified conditions. The default pathname is always the present working directory.

For example, administrators sometimes scan for potentially large core files (which contain diagnostic information after a program fails) that are more than several weeks old in order to remove them.

It is also common to remove files in inessential or outdated files in /tmp (and other volatile directories, such as those containing cached files) that have not been accessed recently. Many Linux distributions use shell scripts that run periodically (through cron usually) to perform such house cleaning.

When no arguments are given, find lists all files in the current directory and all of its subdirectories. Commonly used options to shorten the list include -name (only list files with a certain pattern in their name), -iname (also ignore the case of file names), and -type (which will restrict the results to files of a certain specified type, such as d for directory, l for symbolic link, or f for a regular file, etc.).

Searching for files and directories named gcc:

find /usr -name gcc

Searching only for directories named gcc:

find /usr -type d -name gcc

Searching only for regular files named gcc:

find /usr -type f -name gcc

Another good use of find is being able to run commands on the files that match your search criteria. The -exec option is used for this purpose.

To find and remove all files that end with .swp:

find -name "*.swp" -exec rm {} ’;

The {} (squiggly brackets) is a placeholder that will be filled with all the file names that result from the find expression, and the preceding command will be run on each one individually.

Please note that you have to end the command with either ‘;’ (including the single-quotes) or "\;". Both forms are fine.

One can also use the -ok option, which behaves the same as -exec, except that find will prompt you for permission before executing the command. This makes it a good way to test your results before blindly executing any potentially dangerous commands.

It is sometimes the case that you wish to find files according to attributes, such as when they were created, last used, etc., or based on their size. It is easy to perform such searches.

To find files based on time:

find / -ctime 3

Here, -ctime is when the inode metadata (i.e. file ownership, permissions, etc.) last changed; it is often, but not necessarily, when the file was first created. You can also search for accessed/last read (-atime) or modified/last written (-mtime) times. The number is the number of days and can be expressed as either a number (n) that means exactly that value, +n, which means greater than that number, or -n, which means less than that number. There are similar options for times in minutes (as in -cmin, -amin, and -mmin).

To find files based on sizes:

find / -size 0

Note the size here is in 512-byte blocks, by default; you can also specify bytes (c), kilobytes (k), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), etc. As with the time numbers above, file sizes can also be exact numbers (n), +n or -n. For details, consult the man page for find.

For example, to find files greater than 10 MB in size and running a command on those files:

find / -size +10M -exec command {} ’;

Package Management Systems on Linux

The core parts of a Linux distribution and most of its add-on software are installed via the Package Management System. Each package contains the files and other instructions needed to make one software component work well and cooperate with the other components that comprise the entire system. Packages can depend on each other. For example, a package for a web-based application written in PHP can depend on the PHP package.

There are two broad families of package managers: those based on Debian and those which use RPM as their low-level package manager. The two systems are incompatible, but broadly speaking, provide the same features and satisfy the same needs. There are some other systems used by more specialized Linux distributions.

Package Managers: Two Levels

Both package management systems operate on two distinct levels: a low-level tool (such as dpkg or rpm) takes care of the details of unpacking individual packages, running scripts, getting the software installed correctly, while a high-level tool (such as apt, yum, dnf or zypper) works with groups of packages, downloads packages from the vendor, and figures out dependencies.

Most of the time users need to work only with the high-level tool, which will take care of calling the low-level tool as needed. Dependency resolution is a particularly important feature of the high-level tool, as it handles the details of finding and installing each dependency for you. Be careful, however, as installing a single package could result in many dozens or even hundreds of dependent packages being installed.

Working With Different Package Management Systems

The Advanced Packaging Tool (apt) is the underlying package management system that manages software on Debian-based systems. While it forms the backend for graphical package managers, such as the Ubuntu Software Center and synaptic, its native user interface is at the command line, with programs that include apt (or apt-get) and apt-cache.

yum is an open source command-line package-management utility for the RPM-compatible Linux systems that belongs to the Red Hat family. yum has both command line and graphical user interfaces. Fedora and RHEL 8 have replaced yum with dnf, which has less historical baggage, has nice new capabilities and is mostly backwards-compatible with yum for day-to-day commands.

zypper is the package management system for the SUSE/openSUSE family and is also based on RPM. zypper also allows you to manage repositories from the command line. zypper is fairly straightforward to use and resembles yum quite closely.

To learn the basic packaging commands, take a look at these basic packaging commands.


dpkg --list
dpkg --list | grep pattern
dpkg --listfiles package
dpkg --remove package
dpkg --help OR man dpkg


rpm -qa | grep pattern
rpm -qil package
ls -lF $(rpm -ql package) | less
rpm -e --test package
rpm -q --whatprovides package
rpm -q --whatrequires package


yum list pattern
yum info package
yum install package
yum remove package

High-Level Package Management with zypper ( rpm low level package manager ) on openSUSE

zypper search package
zypper install package
zypper remove package

Video: High-Level Package Management with apt (dpkg as low level package manager) on Ubuntu

apt-cache search package
apt-get install package
apt-get remove package

Chapter 8: Finding Linux Documentaion

Linux Documentation Sources

Whether you are an inexperienced user or a veteran, you will not always know (or remember) the proper use of various Linux programs and utilities: what is the command to type, what options does it take, etc. You will need to consult help documentation regularly. Because Linux-based systems draw from a large variety of sources, there are numerous reservoirs of documentation and ways of getting help. Distributors consolidate this material and present it in a comprehensive and easy-to-use manner.

Important Linux documentation sources include:

The man pages

The man pages are the most often-used source of Linux documentation. They provide in-depth documentation about many programs and utilities, as well as other topics, including configuration files, and programming APIs for system calls, library routines, and the kernel. They are present on all Linux distributions and are always at your fingertips.

The man pages infrastructure was first introduced in the early UNIX versions, at the beginning of 1970s. The name man is just an abbreviation for manual.

Typing man with a topic name as an argument retrieves the information stored in the topic's man pages.

man pages are often converted to other formats, such as PDF documents and web pages. To learn more, take a look at Linux man pages online. Many web pages have a graphical interface for help items, which may include man pages.

Other sources of documentation include published books and many Internet sites.


The man program searches, formats, and displays the information contained in the man page system. Because many topics have copious amount of relevant information, output is piped through a pager program (such as less) to be viewed one page at a time. At the same time, the information is formatted for a good visual display.

A given topic may have multiple pages associated with it and there is a default order determining which one is displayed when no options or section number is specified. To list all pages on the topic, use -f option. To list all pages that discuss a specified topic (even if the specified subject is not present in the name), use the –k option.

man –f generates the same result as typing whatis.

man –k generates the same result as typing apropos.

The default order is specified in /etc/man_db.conf and is roughly (but not exactly) in ascending numerical order by section.

The man pages are divided into chapters numbered 1 through 9. In some cases, a letter is appended to the chapter number to identify a specific topic. For example, many pages describing part of the X Window API are in chapter 3X.

The chapter number can be used to force man to display the page from a particular chapter. It is common to have multiple pages across multiple chapters with the same name, especially for names of library functions or system calls.

With the -a parameter, man will display all pages with the given name in all chapters, one after the other, as in:

man socket
man -f socket = whatis socket
man 7 socket = man chapter socket
man -a socket
man -k socket = appropos socket

The GNU Info System

The next source of Linux documentation is the GNU Info System.

This is the GNU project's standard documentation format, which it prefers as an alternative to man. The Info System is basically free-form, and supports linked subsections.

Functionally, info resembles man in many ways. However, topics are connected using links (even though its design predates the World Wide Web). Information can be viewed through either a command line interface, a graphical help utility, printed or viewed online.

Using info from the Command Line

Typing info with no arguments in a terminal window displays an index of available topics. You can browse through the topic list using the regular movement keys: arrows, Page Up, and Page Down.

You can view help for a particular topic by typing info <topic name>. The system then searches for the topic in all available info files.

Some useful keys are: q to quit, h for help, and Enter to select a menu item.

info Page Structure

The topic which you view in an info page is called a node. The table lists the basic keystrokes for moving between nodes.

Nodes are essentially sections and subsections in the documentation. You can move between nodes or view each node sequentially. Each node may contain menus and linked subtopics, or items.

Items function like browser links and are identified by an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the item name. Named items (outside a menu) are identified with double-colons (::) at the end of the item name. Items can refer to other nodes within the file or to other files.

Key Function
n Go to the next node
p Go to the previous node
u Move one node up in the index

The --help Option and help Command

Another important source of Linux documentation is use of the --help option.

Most commands have an available short description which can be viewed using the --help or the -h option along with the command or application. For example, to learn more about the man command, you can type:

man --help

The --help option is useful as a quick reference and it displays information faster than the man or info pages.

The help command

When run within a bash command shell, some popular commands (such as echo and cd) actually run especially built-in bash versions of the commands rather than the usual binaries found on the file system, say under /bin or /usr/bin. It is more efficient to do so as execution is faster because fewer resources are used. (We will discuss command shells later.) One should note that there can be some (usually small) differences in the two versions of the command.

To view a synopsis of these built-in commands, you can simply type help.

For these built-in commands, help performs the same basic function as the -h and --help arguments perform for standalone programs.

Other Documentation Sources

In addition to the man pages, the GNU info System, and the help command, there are other sources of Linux documentation, some examples of which include:

  • Desktop help system
  • Package documentation
  • Online resources.

Graphical Help Systems

All Linux desktop systems have a graphical help application. This application is usually displayed as a question-mark icon or an image of a ship’s life-preserver, and can also always be found within the menu system. These programs usually contain custom help for the desktop itself and some of its applications, and will sometimes also include graphically-rendered info and man pages.

If you do not want to spend time hunting for the right icon or menu item to launch the help application, you can also start the graphical help system from a terminal window or command prompt by using one of the following utility programs:

  • GNOME: gnome-help or yelp
  • KDE: khelpcenter

Package Documentation

Linux documentation is also available as part of the package management system. Usually, this documentation is directly pulled from the upstream source code, but it can also contain information about how the distribution packaged and set up the software.

Such information is placed under the /usr/share/doc directory, grouped in subdirectories named after each package, perhaps including the version number in the name.

Online Resources

There are many places to access online Linux documentation, and a little bit of searching will get you buried in it.

The following book has been well-reviewed by other users of this course. It is a free, downloadable command line compendium under a Creative Commons license: "The Linux Command Line" by William Shotts.

You can also find very helpful documentation for each distribution. Each distribution has its own user-generated forums and wiki sections. Here are just a few links to such sources:

Moreover, you can use online search sites to locate helpful resources from all over the Internet, including blog posts, forum and mailing list posts, news articles, and so on.

Working with Graphical Help Systems

Find the graphical help system on your desktop, and try to locate within it the man pages for printf. This may be difficult, so do not waste too much time before looking at the suggestions below.

If you have been unable to find the man pages this way, we cannot give a unique solution to this. It varies from one Linux distribution to another, and one version to the next, but you should be able to hunt and find out where this is located and get familiar with the interface.

In earlier Linux distributions this was a rather easy task. Those days are gone for some desktops today.

If you are having trouble finding this on recent GNOME desktops, you are not alone. For some reason, clicking on Documentation > Help only brings up documentation about GNOME itself, using the yelp browser.

However, if at the command line you type something like:

yelp man:cat

it will indeed bring up the man page for cat. However, you cannot type something like man:ls in the location bar and have it work, unless you hit CTRL-l first! It is not exactly clear whether this is a bug or a feature, but a bug seems more likely. Once you are in the page, clicking on links to get other man pages works just fine.

The same mechanism works to get info pages as well.

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