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Last active June 12, 2023 05:19
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Advanced Strong Password Generator
from sys import argv # to take length of the password from the user from the cli command itself
from random import choice # to select random elements from an iterable
from string import ascii_letters, punctuation, digits # string of characters, special_chars and digits
# from os import system
def makepass(x, pas="") -> str:
assert x > 5, "Length of Password should be greater than 8"
x = x - len(pas)
while x != 0:
i = choice(digits + ascii_letters + punctuation) # password should have these three characters in the sequece at last
# implement this logic accordingly to get formatted password
# if (any(char in special_chars for char in pwd) and
# sum(char in digits for char in pwd) >= 2):
# break
pas = i + pas # concatenating random characters before the three characters required at last
x -= 1
return pas
pas = makepass(int(argv[1]), argv[2])
except IndexError:
# print("Please give the length of the password to generate in the CLI Command itself!")
pas = makepass(int(input("How long the password should be: ")), input("Enter any keyword to add at the end: "))
except AssertionError as e:
pas = makepass(int(input("How long the password should be: ")), argv[2])
except ValueError:
# print("Please give an integral value for the length of the password to generate!")
pas = makepass(int(input("How long the password should be: ")), argv[2])
# except Exception:
# print("Some Error Occurred, Please try again later!")
print("Your password is:", pas)
# system('echo "' + pas + '" | clip') # to copy the password automatically to clipboard
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