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Last active February 17, 2023 17:49
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from string import whitespace, punctuation, digits, ascii_lowercase as letters
# from enchant import Dict
from requests import get
dic1 = dict()
dic2 = dict()
for i, l in enumerate(letters):
dic1.update({l.lower(): i})
dic1.update({i: l.upper()})
dic2.update({l.upper(): i})
dic2.update({i: l.lower()})
def is_proper_english(string):
words = string.strip(whitespace + punctuation + digits).split() # split string into words
for word in words:
response = get(
if response.status_code == 404: # check if word is not found in the dictionary
return False
return True
def is_proper_english(string):
d = Dict("en_US") # load English dictionary
words = string.strip(whitespace + punctuation + digits).split() # split string into words
for word in words:
if not d.check(word): # check if word is spelled correctly
return False
return True
def encrypt(str1, k):
if k > 25:
return None
enc = ""
for s in str1.lower():
if s in whitespace + punctuation + digits:
enc += s
enc += dic1.get((dic1.get(s) + k) % 26)
return enc
def decrypt(str1, k):
if k > 25:
return None
enc = ""
for s in str1.upper():
if s in whitespace + punctuation + digits:
enc += s
enc += dic2.get((dic2.get(s) - k) % 26)
return enc
def hackit(str1):
for k in range(26):
for s in str1.split():
if len(s.strip(whitespace + punctuation + digits)) < 3:
if is_proper_english(decrypt(s, k)):
text = decrypt(str1, k)
if is_proper_english(text):
return text, k
return None, None
def welcome():
print("What you want to do?")
print("\t1. Encrypt a message")
print("\t2. Decrypt a Cipher Text")
print("\t3. Hack a Cipher Text")
print("To exit enter q")
return eval(input(":-> "))
while True:
flag = welcome()
if flag == 1:
print(encrypt(input("\nEnter the text to encrypt: "), int(input("Enter the key number: "))), end="\n\n")
elif flag == 3:
str2, key = hackit(input("\nEnter the message to hack: "))
print(f"\nstr: {str2} | key: {key}", end="\n\n")
elif flag == 2:
print(decrypt(input("\nEnter the text to decrypt: "), int(input("Enter the key number: "))), end="\n\n")
# print("\nPlease enter a numerical value between 1-3 and try again!", end="\n\n")
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