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Last active September 11, 2017 14:03
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A surpassing problem
module Surpassing where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators
{-@ type NonEmpty a = {v: [a] | 0 < len v} @-}
{-@ msc :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> Int @-}
msc :: Ord a => [a] -> Int
msc xs = maximum[scount z zs | z:zs <- tails xs]
scount x xs = length(filter(x<)xs)
{- Tests -}
split :: [a] -> ([a], [a])
split xs = splitAt (((length xs) + 1) `div` 2) xs
msc xs
= msc [1]
==. msc [2]
==. msc ['A']
==. msc ['a']
==. msc ['b', 'a']
==. 0
*** QED
ys = fst split xs
zs = snd split xs
msc xs
= join(msc fst split xs)(msc snd split xs)
==. join(msc ys)(msc zs)
==. msc (ys ++ zs)
*** QED
{- O(n lg n) -}
table [x] = [(x, 0)]
table xs = join (m - n) (table ys) (table zs)
where m = length xs
n = m `div` 2
(ys, zs) = splitAt n xs
join 0 txs [] = txs
join n [] tys = tys
join n txs@((x, c): txs') tys@((y, d): tys')
| x < y = (x, c + n): join n txs' tys
| x >= y = (y, d): join (n - 1) txs tys'
mscP xs = maximum map (snd) (table xs)
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