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Created October 26, 2018 12:28
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import com.onomatics.phonetic.Syllable
import com.onomatics.phonetic.Syllable.SyllableVector
import com.onomatics.phonetic.Phoneme.loadSymbolFeatures
def caRaw(syllable: String) = {
val s = SyllableVector.parse(syllable, featuresBySymbol)
val (onsetCore, onsetAffix) = Syllable.splitCoreAffix(s.onsetFull, false)
val (codaCore, codaAffix) = Syllable.splitCoreAffix(s.codaFull, true)
List(onsetAffix.reverse, onsetCore.reverse, codaCore, codaAffix)
val featuresBySymbol = loadSymbolFeatures("phonemic/en/symbol_features.tsv")
val cmuFile = "/opt/cmudict/cmudict-kh.rep"
val pronunciations ="#")).
map(_.split(" ",2)).
collect {
case Array(word, phonetics) =>
phonetics.replaceAll("[0-9]", "").split("-").map(_.trim)
val syllables = pronunciations.toSet.flatten
val structure = syllables map caRaw
def printGrouped(i: Int) =
groupBy(_.flatMap(x => x.toString.replaceAll("[VC]\\([A-Z]*_[0-9]*, ", "").dropRight(1).split(", ").toSet).toSet).
map {
case (k,v) =>
k.mkString(" ") ->" ")).mkString(";")
} foreach { case (k, v) => println(f"$k%80s\t$v")}
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