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Forked from aderyabin/gist:1465125
Created November 5, 2012 21:32
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AppleScript to migrate from Things to Omnifocus
-- Import tasks from Things to OmniFocus
-- Script taken from:
-- Added: creation date, due date, start date functionality
tell application "Things"
-- Loop through ToDos in Things
repeat with aToDo in to dos of list "Next"
-- Get title and notes of Things task
set theTitle to name of aToDo
set theNote to notes of aToDo
set theCreationDate to creation date of aToDo
set theDueDate to due date of aToDo
set theStartDate to activation date of aToDo
-- get dates
if (creation date of aToDo) is not missing value then
set theCreationDate to creation date of aToDo
set theCreationDate to today
end if
if (due date of aToDo) is not missing value then
set theDueDate to due date of aToDo
end if
if (activation date of aToDo) is not missing value then
set theStartDate to activation date of aToDo
end if
-- Get project name
if (project of aToDo) is not missing value then
set theProjectName to (name of project of aToDo)
set theProjectName to "NoProjInThings"
end if
-- Get Contexts from tags
-- get all tags from one ToDo item...
set allTagNames to {}
copy (name of tags of aToDo) to allTagNames
-- ...and from the project...
if (project of aToDo) is not missing value then
copy (name of tags of project of aToDo) to the end of allTagNames
end if
-- extract contexts from tags
copy my FindContextName(allTagNames) to theContextName
-- Create a new task in OmniFocus
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
-- Set (or create new) task context
if context theContextName exists then
set theContext to context theContextName
set theContext to make new context with properties {name:theContextName}
end if
-- Set (or create new) project
if project theProjectName exists then
set theProject to project theProjectName
set theProject to make new project with properties {name:theProjectName}
end if
-- Create new task
tell theProject
set newTask to make new task with properties {name:theTitle, note:theNote, context:theContext, creation date:theCreationDate}
if (theStartDate is not missing value) then set the start date of newTask to theStartDate
if (theDueDate is not missing value) then set the due date of newTask to theDueDate
end tell
end tell -- document
end tell -- OF application
end repeat -- Main loop
end tell -- Things application
-- Get context from array of Things tags
on FindContextName(tagNames)
-- Example usage
--FindContextName("@Mac", "1/2hr", "High") -- FYI, my tags are context, duration and priority
repeat with aTagName in tagNames
if aTagName starts with "@" then
return aTagName
end if
end repeat
return ""
end FindContextName -- End FindContextName
-- Remove the CRs from a string,
-- not used in this script,
-- carry over from prior implementation
on ReplaceText(find, replace, subject)
-- Example usage
-- ReplaceText("Windows", "the Mac OS", "I love Windows and I will always love Windows and I have always loved Windows.")
set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to find
set subject to text items of subject
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to replace
set subject to "" & subject
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
return subject
end ReplaceText -- End replaceText()
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